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Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Chapter 711 - 711: The True Form of the Fire Dragon!(l)
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Chapter 711: The True Form of the Fire Dragon!(l)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo StuEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Crimson Emperor Dragon Breathing Technique: Level 13 (1/400,000), Special Effect: True Form of the Fire Dragon (Level 1).

“After this grand fusion, is there only one special effect?” Levi looked at the empty panel, feeling a bit uneasy for a moment.

True Form of the Fire Dragon: Crimson Emperor Dragon, FlDragon of World Annihilation, the Incarnation of Strength. You have initially awakened the true form of the FlDragon during the Crimson Emperor Dragon’s juvenile years.

Having a normalized FlDragon true form grants you an extraordinary affinity for flames, unparalleled strength, strong resistance to fire-element spells, and a Dragon Flattack capable of incinerating everything.

Having burned the blood of the Crimson Emperor, depending on the degree of combustion, you unlocked the special forms of the FlDragon’s true form.

At that time, it could be divided into two major special forms: the Giant Dragon Warrior and the Furious Dragon Lord.

By burning 30% of the Crimson Emperor’s blood, and consuming a massive amount of energy, you could enter the Giant Dragon Warrior form. In that form, your body rapidly burned and expanded, granting you an ultimate boost in strength. A single punch possessed overwhelming force, capable of moving mountains and crossing seas, but it reduced attributes such as speed.

Burning 50% of the Crimson Emperor’s blood ignited the fire within your heart, allowing you to enter the Furious Dragon Lord form. In that form, all your attributes experienced a substantial increase. The higher your rage points, the stronger the Furious Dragon Lord’s attribute amplification. Simultaneously, your sanity steadily decreased with rising rage. Please exercised caution when using this form, either returning to normal before completely losing your sanity or using corresponding techniques and elixirs to temper it.

The true form of the FlDragon was only the first level of the Crimson Emperor Dragon’s path. With the increase in the Crimson Emperor Dragon’s blood purity, more powerful true form states were unlocked.

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The FlDragon’s true form possessed powerful inclusivity. Through the method of fusion, it could enhance the special forms of the FlDragon’s true form.

Levi looked at the introduction of the special effects of the FlDragon’s true form, feeling that the proficiency panel seemed to have becmore user-friendly, even providing him with sminor suggestions.

In general, the various special effects of the previous four strength systems’ breathing techniques, all led by the Red Lotus Breathing Technique, had formed a completely new unified special effect.

The fire attribute of the Red Lotus had completely suppressed the breathing techniques of other Earth and Frost attributes, leading to the disappearance and degeneration of many useless special effects and legendary organs. In their place, a thorough FlDragon’s true form had emerged.

The most regrettable thing was that Levi’s Frost Heart special effect was gone too. Was it impossible for ice and fire to coexist?

“Forget it. It’s gone. It just means that my practice of frost spells would be a bit slower. With so many affinities, it wasn’t a big problem.”

Moreover, he could still obtain the Frost Element talent through other methods in the future.

He guessed that the Crimson Emperor Dragon was the epitof fire and strength, incompatible with other attributes.

After the revision, the Crimson Emperor Dragon’s breathing technique becsimple and straightforward, embodying the principle of simplicity. A simnle “the true form of FlDragon” could encompass most of the

previous special effects.

And the two important special effects for Levi, “Sea-Swallowing Whale” and “King Kong’s Wrath,” had turned into two special forms of the FlDragon’s true form.

“Dragon Warrior, sacrifice sother attributes and pursue the ultimate strength.”

“Furious Dragon Lord, expend a portion of sanity and burn rage points to comprehensively enhance physical qualities.”

“With these two special effects, basically, activating one can deal with the enemy.”

Levi’s previously problematic “Red Lotus Blood,” which had significant side effects, was now integrated into the normalized FlDragon’s true form. The side effects were eliminated, and the normalized FlDragon’s true form, compared to the previous “Hellfire Burning Body” special effect, doubled in strength.

“Now, I have preliminary mastery of the five major dimensional breathing techniques: Golden Snake’s defense, Crimson’s speed, Crimson Emperor’s strength, Sky’s endurance, and Death Ember’s physique! I truly look forward to the day when the sixth major dimensional perception breathing technique takes shape. Well, let’s go outside and secretly experiment with the power of my FlDragon’s true form.”

Levi’s heart stirred, and he quietly left the Black Pearl Wizard Market during the night.

The training room in his wizard tower was not spacious enough for Levi to unleash his FlDragon’s true form. Moreover, within the market, there were many strong individuals, making it inconvenient for Levi to display his skills.

After leaving Black Pearl Island, Levi chose a direction and flew towards an uninhabited sea area.

Half a day later, he arrived at a desolate island with a volcano in the center.

“This place will do.”

Levi reached the volcano, and array flags of “Lightless Shield” flew out, temporarily concealing the area.

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Entering the array, Levi summoned Mountain Giant Bo Gang, Tyrant Il, and Wind Thunder Winged Dragon.

“Come, the three of you attack together.”

Levi said.

Bo Gang and the others were accustomed to being Levi’s sparring partners. Immediately, each using their brute strength or spell abilities, they rushed towards him.

Levi activated the Crimson Emperor Dragon’s breathing technique, and the normalized FlDragon’s true form appeared.

Under the crimson flames, the dark golden scales had turned into a bright red color.

In its normalized form, the FlDragon’s true form was only about two yards tall. The overall appearance was somewhat similar to the demon dragon, a red version, from the Jackie Chan Adventures.

Full of muscles and powerful, complemented by the crimson flames all around, Levi looked extraordinarily imposing, and his appearance was undoubtedly commendable.

“I, Levi, am not ugly!”

Levi leaped like a fiery meteor, charging recklessly within the volcano’s surroundings.

With a sudden palm strike, the Mountain Giant, known for its strength, was directly forced to retreat continuously. Following that, another strike sent

Tyrant Il flying..