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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1700
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1700

With that, Joshua leaned against the back of his seat elegantly and said, “Don’t worry, your time in prison won’t be

that awful.

“I’ll never let what happened in that mental asylum in Banyan City happen again; I’ve already asked Luke to find

you a few female security guards. Today and tomorrow, they’ll be sent into prison under different charges and

protect you every single second of the day.”

Luna could not help feeling suffocated when she heard this.

Firstly, this man had sent her into prison under charges of first-degree murder.

SecondIy, he had arranged for a few female inmates to be sent into prison and look after her.

What difference was this from imprisoning her himself?

The only difference was that what he was doing was legal.

As soon as she thought of this, Luna sneered and stared at Joshua’s face coldIy. “I’m starting to think that you sent

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someone to kill Cheryl yourself so that you could send me into jail.”

The entire room fell silent.

Amid the dead silence, Joshua curled his lips into a smirk and said, “Well, if that’s what you’d like to think, I won’t

stop you.”

With that, he stood up. “Luna, no matter what happens, I’ll never let you become my opponent.”

If she truly stepped up as CEO of Landry Group…

Winning against her in battle would mean losing her, and losing her would mean losing his entire world.

Joshua did not want to disappoint Aunt Lucy and Granny Lynch, nor was he willing to lose the company that his

ancestors had left for him.

At the same time, he did not want to lose Luna.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Joshua stood up and strode out of the room.

Luna sat in the visitation room as she held the Rubik’s cube, staring at Joshua intently as he left.

“Sir.” As soon as he came out of the police station, Lucas approached him and handed him the reports of Landry

and Quinn Group as he followed Joshua into the car. “Just a few moments ago, Landry Group infused a large sum of

money in their funding, and the amount is far more than all their money in the past.

“Jim has successfully revived Landry Group, and as of now, he’s hiring people to replenish the supply chain we had

cut off.

“The Quinn Group has also…announced that they had made it past this hurdle with the Landry family’s help.

“All of our efforts yesterday…had been reduced to nothing, and it seems that both Landry and Quinn Groups would

be able to turn the situation around…”

Lucas could not help frowning as he reported this. “Where o n earth did this money even come from? We’ve been

investigating Landry Group’s money flow for the past two years and never found traces of this money at all…”

Joshua was far calmer as compared to Lucas’

nervousness. “No wonder Charles wanted to appoint Luna as CEO last night.”

Lucas froze, unable to understand how this was related to the situation at hand. “What do you mean, Sir?”

Joshua glanced at him and replied, “It’s only natural that the person with the most powerful monetary influence

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gets to become CEO.”

He had known for a long time that Charles and Rosalyn had left a sum of money for their long-lost daughter many

years ago, but he never expected that they would have left so much money for Luna.

He had always thought this couple did not value their daughter at all, but he was wrong.

As soon as he thought of this, Joshua let out a sigh and leaned against the backseat helplessly. “I guess I can’t keep

her by my side after all.”

If Charles and Rosalyn mistreated Luna, he would still be confident that Luna would one day want to return to his


However, it seemed that the two of them were quite generous to their daughter after all…

Lucas grew even more puzzled when he heard this. “Sir, didn’t you say that as long as Cheryl’s parents insist that

Ma’am was the one who killed their daughter, Ma’am won’t be able to be bailed out of jail, and she would have to

be imprisoned until the true culprit is found?

“In that case, how is it possible for you not to keep her by your side?”

Joshua shot him a cold glance. “Do you honestly think I’ll let her be stuck in jail indefinitely just for my benefit?”