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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1691
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1691

Joshua’s car peeled off into the distance.

Charles was so angry that he could not stop patting his chest in frustration as he watched the black Masevati

disappear into the distance.

It turned out that Joshua Lynch was just as cruel as his late grandmother.

Luna was the woman that had loved him for many years and had borne four child ren for him, even though one

had died at birth.

Truth be told, even as Luna’s family, they had to admit that they did not know Luna as well as Joshua did, but at this

point, not only was he unwilling to help clear Luna’s name, he had even threatened to let her stay in jail because of

her recent appointment as CEO!

“Father.” Jim immediately rushed over to gently pat Charles ‘ back. “Don’t be so upset; we can think of another


Charles gazed up at the sky and replied, “It’s now midnight, and there are only a few hours left until morning

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“The person who died was Joshua’s employee, so how can we get Luna out of jail before daylight comes without his


What would happen at the shareholders’ meeting the next day if Luna was still in jail?

She was the CEO and chairman of the board of Landry Group!

If the news of her being imprisoned were to get out…the consequences would be dire!

“We have to take this a step at a time.” Jim let out an exhale. “I will go by myself to the shareholders’ meeting


“I’m familiar with all the members of the board, and truth be told, as vice president, I’m far more experienced than

the new president of Landry Group.

“At the meeting tomorrow, I’ll announce that Luna is sick and try to hide this from them.

“After the meeting ends, I’ll come to find Luna and get her to sign the papers to transfer the rights of the money to

me so that I can utilize it.

“After Landry Group’s financial situation improves, none of the shareholders will care about why Luna didn’t show

up to the meeting anymore.”

Charles let out a sigh upon hearing this. This was the best plan they had.

He let out a bitter smile and said, “I never thought that after so long, Landry Group would still end up in your


Jim let out a sigh and said in a low voice as he helped Charles back to the car, “After Luna comes out of jail, I’ll still

have to help her run the company.

“My identity and relation to Joshua are too peculiar that I can’t become the person to rise to his attacks.”

Charles leaned against the leather backseat and let out another bitter chuckle. “Even though you have the Lynch

family’s blood coursing through your veins, you never met any one of them apart from Joshua…so why are you so

unwilling to confront them?”

Jim, who was about to close the door, froze when he heard this.

He suddenly recalled what had happened when he had first met Granny Lynch.

“You must be a good person, just like your mother.

“I don’t have much time left, and even though I’m your maternal grandmother, this might be the last time we ever

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see each other.

“The most terrible mistake I have ever committed in my life was when I meddled with your Uncle Colin’s car just to

teach him a lesson, and inadvertently caused his accident.

“If the Landry and Lynch families continue to be mortal enemies for the remainder of time, then I hope you can get

away from all this vengeance…”

He still remembered every word that Granny Lynch had told him.

Jim let out a sigh and said, “Why are you so unwilling to let Luna go, even though she has only been with you for

such a short time?”

With that, he closed the door behind him, and after instructing the butler to take good care of Charles, he turned

and left.

The car engine started.

Inside the car, Charles could not help lamenting as he watched Jim leave.

This boy was growing to become more and more like Lucy.

Inside Quinn Mansion.

Malcolm and Heather kneeled in front of Granny Quinn. “Granny, we messed up everything.”