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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1690
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1690

Jim did not have much of a reaction at all. Instead, he just frowned, staring at Joshua. “What on earth are you

talking about? She’s my sister, so of course I care about her innocence!”

With that, he let out an exhale. “Even though neither Luna nor I was fond of your secretary, I know that Luna would

never kill someone. I’m sure you know this better than I do.

“Besides, I heard from the police just now that they found a fingerprint on the murder weapon, but it didn’t belong

to Luna.

“There was no security camera on the balcony, and the only evidence they have is the witness statement from the

security guards.”

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Jim let out another exhale before continuing, “Luna has just been appointed as the new CEO of Landry Group

tonight, and she is now at the height of attention here in Merchant City, so we cannot let her go to jail.

“Those security guards’ witness statements cannot prove that Luna was indeed the murderer.

“When Cheryl’s parents arrive tomorrow, I hope that you, as Cheryl’s boss, can communicate this clearly to them

and let them deny that Luna was the murderer and not hold Luna responsible for this. Instead, they should request

the police investigate the fingerprints of the murder weapon.

“As long as they make this request, we can bail Luna out even when the police are investigating this.”

Joshua curled his lips into a smirk when he heard this. He lifted his head to stare coldIy at Jim and said, “Does this

mean that I have to let Cheryl die in vain?”

Jim rolled his eyes and said solemnly, “What do you mean, let her die in vain? The police, you, and we will all

investigate this. The most important thing to do right now is to bail Luna out of jail!”

“As long as Luna is bailed out, Landry Group will not be as demotivated as they are right now, isn’t it?” Joshua

interrupted curtly.

He leaned against a pillar and lit himself a cigarette.

As the smoke rose to shroud his face, he shot Jim a cold glance, then Charles. “I can help you talk to Cheryl’s

parents, but on one condition.”

Charles immediately lit up when he heard this.

Since Joshua was willing to list his conditions, this meant he would help them!

He was a little excited to hear this. “What condition?”

Joshua took a puff of his cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring. “I want Luna to resign as CEO of Land ry Group, leave

the Landry family, and return with me to Banyan City.”

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Everyone fell silent upon hearing this.

Charles glared at Joshua in frustration. “In your dreams! Luna has just been appointed as the new CEO and has just

given her acceptance speech tonight, so how can she resign tomorrow?

“As for asking her to leave the Landry family, that’s impossible! She’s my biological daughter, and I won’t let her

leave with you!”

“Alright, then I guess there’s no deal.” Joshua sneered, tossed his cigarette onto the ground, and put it out with his

leather shoe. Then, he adjusted the cuff of his white shirt and added, “Truth be told, I’d rather you let Luna stay in

jail instead of bailing her out to compete with me as CEO of Landry Group.

“At least this way, I won’t have to watch her being forced to stand in opposition against me.”

With that, he strode toward Lucas. “It seems that after Cheryl’s parents arrive tomorrow, I’ll have to talk to them.

” I’ll have to tell them not to give up so easily and instead insist on prosecuting Luna at all costs.”