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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1689
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1689

The police had arrived.

The coroner was the first to storm onto the balcony, and after giving her a thorough examination, he declared

Cheryl dead.

They did not even have to resuscitate her.

The coroner summoned a few policemen who were bolder than the rest and instructed them to take care of

Cheryl’s dead body.

Just as they were about to take her body away, Joshua furrowed his brows and stopped them.

He gently hugged the corpse through the white cloth that had been draped over it and said, “Don’t worry, Cheryl.

I’ll find the person who killed you.”

He let out a small sigh and took off his jacket to drape over Cheryl’s body. Then, he turned to instruct the coroner, ”

Please take care of her after performing the autopsy. The dress she’s wearing is too revealing, so I’ll use my jacket

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to keep her covered for now.

“In the morning, I’ll send someone over with a set of new clothes for her.”

The coroner nodded, then left with the body.

A twinge of sadness shot through Joshua’s heart as he watched them leave.

Cheryl was a young, beautiful woman. Even though she had only recently joined his company, she was a highly

efficient worker.

Apart from being overly self-assured about herself and getting jealous of Luna over him, she had never done

anything to hurt anyone at all.

Because of this, Joshua could confirm that Cheryl’s death had something to do with him.

Cheryl would never make enemies, but he would.

If it were not for the fact that rumors of him and Luna had been flying all over the place since the morning, he

would not have brought Cheryl as his plus-one to mitigate the stories.

Who would have thought Cheryl would die on such an occasion?

When he found out who the murderer was…he would make them pay for this!

When Joshua turned around after watching Cheryl go, he saw that the police were putting handcuffs on Luna.

Her entire face was still as pale as a ghost, and no matter what the police asked her, she would only shake her head

but did not reply.

Even when the cold, hard metal handcuffs snapped shut around her wrists, Luna did not say anything at all and

instead just stared blankly at the light reflected from the metal.

Alas, the police still took her away.

She was the prime suspect of Cheryl’s murder.

Joshua, Charles, Jim, and even the security guards that had shown up at the scene were all taken to the police

station for interrogation.

During this time, Joshua instructed Lucas to contact Cheryl’s family.

After investigating, Lucas found out that Cheryl was an only child, and both her parents were already old and sick.

However, it was already 11p.m., so after discussing with the police, they decided it would be better to contact

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Cheryl’s parents in the morning instead.

It was already past midnight by the time they were all released from the police station.

Lucas and the Landry family’s butler were both waiting outside the police station with their respective drivers.

Jim and Charles were the first to emerge.

After announcing the news of Luna’s appointment as the new CEO of Landry Group, both Jim and Charles were

beaming from ear to ear, but at this very hour, both their faces were as pale as ghosts.

After coming out of the police station, they did not get into the car and instead stood next to it, waiting.

Soon, Joshua came out.

After exchanging a glance, Jim and Charles strode over to Joshua. “I want to talk to you about what happened with


Joshua stuck his hand into his pocket and already knew what they wanted to talk about. “There’s nothing to say.”

Jim furrowed his brows. “This has everything to do with Luna’s innocence!”

Joshua curled his lips into a knowing smirk. “Do you truly care about Luna’s innocence, or do you only care about

the innocence of the CEO of Landry Group?”

The color drained from Charles’ face as soon as he heard this.