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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1673
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy by Inked Snow Chapter 1673

Luna and Jim immediately frowned upon hearing this as they exchanged glances.

Joshua…was going to be attending the wedding as well?

Seeing that Luna did not reply, Cheryl grew even more delighted. She glanced at Luna with a smirk on her face and

said, “Now you finally know the truth, huh? I’ve already told you: President Lynch likes adorable, considerate

women like me. As for a sI”t like you…”

She rolled her eyes. “He’s just toying around with you.”

As soon as she finished her sentence, Cheryl’s lackeys added, fanning, “That’s right; no woman is a match for our

precious Cheryl!”

“No one can surpass her…”

“Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

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Jim curled his lips into a small smile when he heard this.

He crossed his arms at his chest and stared at Cheryl with a mischievous look. “I didn’t know Joshua Lynch’s type

was women like you.”

Cheryl puffed her chest out haughtily. “Of course!”

Jim gave her a once-over and turned to point at the most expensive dress in the store. “Shall we buy this dress,


“If you wear this dress, you’ll definitely steal the limelight tonight, and no amount of adorable, considerate women

can compete with you.”

Luna furrowed her brows and glanced at the dress. “Never mind.

“If I were to attend the wedding with Joshua tonight, then I might consider buying it, but…”

Jim curled his lips into a smirk. “Why don’t you try it on?” Luna glanced at Cheryl with a helpless look. “Nevermind.”

Cheryl overheard every single word of this conversation. She bit her lip and glanced at the price tag of the dress.

It was way above her budget.

Just as she was about to leave, however, her lackeys started to chant, “Come on, Cheryl, buy this dress.”

“Some people are jealous because they can’t attend the wedding as President Lynch’s plus-one in this dress, but

you can!”

“This dress will look so much better on you than on her!”

Cheryl had no reason to reject them anymore.

Even if the dress were out of her budget, she would have to live with it anyway.

None of this mattered, as long as she became Joshua Lynch’s most dazzling plus-one tonight!

She turned to summon a salesperson, feeling somewhat confused. “I want to try on this dress.”

The salesperson smiled at her. “The fitting room is this way, Miss.”

After Cheryl and her lackeys disappeared into the fitting room, Luna and Jim exchanged a knowing smile and left

the store together.

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This mall was actually owned by Jim, so naturally, all of the stores inside it were part of his own as well.

The dress that they had pointed to had been hanging inside the store for two years, having never been bought

because of its absurd price point.

“You’re such a bad person.” Luna could not help laughing a s soon as she came out of the store.

Jim raised his brows. “It takes one to know one.” The two of them sat down in a café.

After laughing about their encounter with Cheryl, Jim suddenly grew puzzled. “Why would Joshua be interested in

Heather and Malcolm’s wedding?”

Luna furrowed her brows.

Suddenly, she recalled the conversation she had heard when she called Joshua last night when the senior

management of his company had been reporting their plans to him.

She bit her lip and took a sip of her coffee.

Maybe Joshua wanted to be there at Malcolm’s wedding and watch with his own eyes as the Quinn family went

broke before him…