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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1629
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1629

Luna and Caleb talked about everything, from jewelry design to Theo’s drawings.

Caleb mentioned that he was very fond of Theo and hoped that Luna would be able to introduce them someday.

“Don’t worry; I know that he’s straight. I just admire his work very much and would like to buy some of his drawings


Knowing how well-off Caleb was, Luna naturally could not miss out on the opportunity to help her friend close a

business deal.

Therefore, as she continued chatting with Caleb, she contacted Theo and finally managed to help them finalize a


When the two of them left Lucky Den after their meal, the sky had begun to pour with heavy rain.

Caleb offered to send Luna home, and after rejecting his offer multiple times, Luna still got into his car in the end.

Standing at the third-floor window, Joshua narrowed his eyes as he watched Luna get into Caleb’s car.

He could not imagine that this same woman who had called him the night before because she had a bad dream

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was getting into the car of her blind date that she seemed to have hit it off with!

“Sir, shall we send someone to follow Ma’am and make sure she gets home safe? It’s raining heavily tonight, and

Ma’am is alone with that strange man. I’m worried that…”

“What are you worried about? She doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything!” Joshua scoffed and gripped his wine

glass tightly. “Let her be.”

This woman knew fully well that Charles and Heather’s intentions for setting up a blind date with a man from

Lincoln City for her was to get her to leave Merchant C ity, yet she still accepted their invitation.

Joshua knew that Luna did not want to participate in the Landry, Quinn, and Lynch families’ power struggle, but…

They had yet to get to the bottom of their child’s whereabouts, so how could she be so impatient to leave this


Joshua let out an exhale and closed his eyes.

“Master Crawford, someone is tailing us.”

Caleb’s car had been driving for a while now when suddenly, the driver glanced into the rearview mirror and said

timidIy, “And according to the license plates on the cars…they’re from Lincoln City… Could it possibly be…”

Caleb, who was sitting in the passenger seat, frowned. Just as he was about to glance into the rearview mirror, the

black car following behind them suddenly slammed into the back of their car!

The car was knocked against the barrier with a loud slam!

The driver gripped the steering wheel tightly, but he could not seem to realign the car on the road.

Slam! With another thud, the car’s engine gave out.

Luna, who was sitting in the backseat, slammed her forehead against the headrest of the seat before her due to

the impact. At this moment, her forehead began to bleed, and there were multiple wounds on her body.

She bit her lip and lifted her head to glance at Caleb. “

Master Crawford, what’s going on?”

“It might be my nemesis from Lincoln City.” Caleb narrowed his eyes. “I never expected that they’d be able to track

me down and follow me all the way here.”

With that, he turned to glance at Luna. “Don’t worry: Their target is me, and this has nothing to do with you, so they

won’t hurt you.”

Luna pursed her lips and glanced at the men dressed in black who had gotten out of the car and were storming

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toward them. “Are you sure…they won’t hurt me?”

As she said this, she took out her phone, cautiously extended her arm out of the broken window, and took a photo

of her surroundings. Then, she sent the photo to Jim.

As soon as the message was sent, she and Caleb were

dragged out of the car before she could even say a word. Her phone was left behind in the car.

Outside the car, the rain was pouring heavily.

The men dragged Luna and Caleb into a van and headed straight to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of

Merchant City.

When both of them were tossed out of the van, both Luna and Caleb had already been tied up.

The abandoned warehouse was filled with the smell of damp mold and rusted metal. There was only a dim light in

the middle of the warehouse, and every time lightning struck, the entire room would be lit up in blinding white light.

The two of them were tossed onto the mossy ground.

“Master Crawford, I have gotten my hands on you in the end.”

A bald, buff man dressed in a leather jacket sat on a nearby sofa, sipping on his wine as he glanced coldly at Luna

and Caleb. “No wonder you were so willing to leave Lincoln City and come all the way here; it was all for this

beautiful woman.”