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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1603
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1603

Soon, the surveillance footage was retrieved. Jim played through the footage at the fastest possible speed.

It was exactly like Luna said.

Because Heather and Charles came to visit that morning, Luna, who usually liked to visit Rosalyn after breakfast,

did not step into the side wing.

Besides the usual servants that cared for Rosalyn, only Heather had entered her room.

Jim played the footage back twice. Then, he sneered and looked at Heather.

“What else do you have to say for yourself?”

Heather panicked a little. She subconsciously looked at Malcolm with panic written in her eyes. She was told that

Joshua would appear in the footage, and all she had to do was insist that Joshua was the one who did it, that it had

nothing to do with her.

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Why did Joshua not appear in the surveillance footage?

Malcolm squinted a little looking at the playback of the footage. He never would have thought that Joshua would be

so meticulous to delete himself from the surveillance footage!

Malcolm clenched one of his fists tightly while hugging Heather around her shoulders with his other arm. He

narrowed his eyes fiercely.

He knew that Joshua appeared an hour after Heather and Luna left. If he were to scroll the footage to that specific

time, he would definitely find the clues he needed.

Although Joshua was careful, the quickest possible way to change the surveillance footage was to delete the

footage where he was present.

There would be a break in the time-lapse of the footage. As long as he could find the break in the time-lapse, he

could easily point out that someone had secretly edited the surveillance footage and snuck into Rosalyn’s room.

However, this would create more trouble if he were to do that. Luna and Jim would press fun her as to why he

would suddenly think of this. They would also question him on why he could accurately find out about the break in

the time-lapse on the footage.

However, if he did not do that, finding the break in the footage by playing through the entire footage from the

beginning was too much a waste of time. Luna and Jim would get impatient, too.

At that thought, Malcolm could not help but furrowed his brows. He never thought that even if he secretly set

Joshua up, Joshua would still pose such a huge challenge to him because of the surveillance issue!

“Since I’m already here, I should get to work.” At that moment, D r. Greg, by the side, got up and slowly walked to

Rosalyn with his suitcase. He slowly approached the doctor who was checking up on Rosalyn, standing next to him

and staned assessing Rosalyn’s back.

After discussing among themselves in hushed tones, Dr. Greg combed through his beard and said, “Since Ms.

Landry denies that it was her that did it, I have a better solution.”

Then, he pointed at Ro salyn’s back and said calmly, “We estimate that the time that someone applied the

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medication on Ro salyn’s back was between nine to ten in the morning.”

Then, he looked at the time when Heather left Rosalyn’s room on the surveillance footage.

“Ms. Land ry left here around eight something. There is an hour in between.”

Luna furrowed her brows a little at Dr. Greg’s words.

“Doctor, are you sure that the time someone applied the medication on my mother’s back is between nine to ten in

the morning?”

Dr. Greg nodded. “The patient’s body never lies, and the medication is very strong. If the medication was applied

one hour later, the decay wouldn’t be like this. If it was applied an hour earlier, it would have been much worse.”

Luna furrowed her brows and subconsciously looked at Jim upon hearing what Dr. Greg said.

“But, between nine and ten, from the surveillance footage, only the usual servants entered mom’s room.”

Malcolm took the chance to scroll the footage to between nine and ten in the morning. He pretended to be

confused and asked, “Could one of the servants resented Heather, so after Heather left, they deliberately applied

the medication on Rosalyn to frame Heather?”

Heather immediately helped Malcolm.

“How is it possible? This was the first time I visited Luna. How could I have any feud with her servants?”