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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 83 - Atlas And Leona
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My only thoughts on having a pet before is for mounts and if possible, a companion monster to slay monsters only. However, what I got is the combination of both requirements I wanted to have from a pet and what is more, it exceeded to what is actually necessary. That means having a pet with overpowered stats even in level 0 will only get stronger and stronger in the future.

If Leona got stronger, doesn't that mean Leona can pass as a boss? Speaking of bosses, Atlas would be already summonable now after he became part of my main force. I just wanted to see if Atlas is still strong even though his stats was nerfed due to how things would be broken if he remained to have those stats even though I am controlling him now.

"Come out Atlas."

Atlas appeared after calling and he is still the same black armored guy that I have defeated back then but this time, he is no longer exuding a very murderous aura that players feel after facing him in a dungeon. I guess it is one of the affected things on his nerf.

"Master, you called?" Atlas' deep voice is enough to give me impression on him.

"Yeah, since I managed to forge a contract with you the other day, I want to see what you are capable of in this form. A mock batlle I must say," and pointed on Leona who tilted her head as she looked on Atlas.

"I see. Then I will show you what I am worth with, master. If I can take revenge against the rules in this world and even "that god", then I won't hesitate to obey your orders."

Opening the interface, I checked Atlas' panel to check his stats. With Leona's stats being so overpowered despite being a level 0 is what makes me worried that the battle will be a one-sided one with the other not able to retaliate.Atlas might be one level higher than Leona but if the stats is not enough to topple the other, the level is nothing but numbers. That being said, Atlas is a boss before and if his stats are nerfed, it might have affected his stats and might be considered as a mediocre one if he is nerfed a lot.

Name: Atlas

Species: Abyssmal Warrior of Purgatory

Level: 1

Tier: Legendary

Status: Content

HP: 10,000/10,000

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STR: 250

AGI: 126

DEX: 132

END: 400

INT: 75


Racial Skill: Damage Absorber: The more damage the skill user gets, the more powerful the attacks gets. All the damage can be stored and released for a strong attack that can deal AOE damage. Damage values depends on how much damage was received.

Level 1: Warmonger(Active): The power to inspire allies and increase their output power available. Within the next 2 minutes, all surrounding friendly units will get additional damage against enemies.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Level 1: United we Stand, Divided I will still Stand(Passive): Increases the power of the user the more he/she was in a disadvantage. The more allies he has, the more powerful this skill gets and if was used while being alone will also increase it further.

Level 1: Undying Will(Passive): the lower the HP of the user, the higher the defense and attack will be. Healing effects will be reduced to 50% but HP self regeneration will increase to 10%.

Level 1: Sword of the Abyss: Swings the sword of purgatory to enemies and deal a massive amount of damage that has a 50% chance of inflicting poison, paralysis, confusion, burn and freeze debuff. Damage depends on how high the HP of the enemy is currently.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Skills: Locked until level 10

Info: A proud warrior that hailed on the purgatory. Was previously a strong warrior that died after war and accumulated all sorts of power while his body is rotting. He might be a bit of a musclehead but he is a loyal companion and will never betray someone's trust just to fulfill their own desires.

Master: Bladeheart

I never expected that his skills would be also quite high enough especially his END or endurance which exceeds the values even for Leona with 200 stat values on all stats. His only downside is that most of his stats are below 200 aside from the STR. His INT stat is the worst though due to how low it was with a whooping 75. But then, I can tell that his stat build is similar to warriors. INT stat is close to useless for a warrior.

As for the lack of MP for him, his skills aren't mana reliant and does not need to be one since they are all physical and only two of them are active while the two are passives. Still, reading all of his skills, I can tell that Atlas works well with more companions so the more friendly units with him, the more powerful he gets and even if he is alone, he can still be very dangerous. Even with his stats focusing more on damage and endurance, that doens't mean he cannot contend against Leona.

When everything was sorted out, I let the two face each other. Since Leona is an intelligent creature, it didn't take a lot of explaining to her what they will be doing right now. As for Atlas, I have to keep him under control. If he will be stronger the more disadvantageous he was, then he will have be more dangerous the lower his HP will be so I decided to let them stop fighting once one of their HP values fall below 50%.

"Alright, begin the battle."


The two didn't waste any time and clashed immediately. Atlas was the first to strike but Leona immediately blocked using her talons and also clashed with Atlas using her claws that can easily rip off flesh. The sword of Atlas is also acting strong and did not even fell behind in terms of rawpower. But in case of disadvantage, it was clear that Atlas is in disadvantage. His speed is lower than Leona and even though he is tough in terms of defense, Leona's speed allows herself to attack Atlas relentlessly without Atlas the chance to strike back. Leona is clearly good in using the hit and run tactics.

Still, I did not forget that Atlas works best in a disadvantage. The more he was in disadvantage, the better his situation will be in battles. I clearly monitored their HP values so that they won't fall beyond the 50% and to make sure that if one of them fall that far, then I will immediately stop their battle. Atlas' HP has been chipped away but only a slight amount than Leona and even though Leona was able to chip HP for quite a while, it is not really that much. It might be due to the defense values of Atlas that her attacks might be connecting but only deals a little bit of damage.

"That hurts a bit huh," Atlas muttered before swinging his huge sword to Leona.


It's just a single slash but it chip off 10% of Leona's Hp.


Leona cried and all of a sudden, countless of Gryphons appeared beside Leona and started to dash down to Atlas without even caring if they are going to hit the sword or not.

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The gryphons fly like arrows towards Atlas and his HP slowly fell dramatically making Atlas fall back and defend tp avoid being attacked repeatedly. But he didn't fall back and surrendered, instead, he braced himself and started to parry all the incoming gryphons by attacking them using the blunt part of his sword and using the gryphons that unfortunately got attacked. They became projectiles and was used against Leona.

I was surprised by their actions. There are no commands issued to both of them yet they exhibit quite a good amount of fight. I continue to monitor them and saw that their HP are both 50% and now they will be reducing it further.


The two halted their attacks and I sighed in relief. Luckily, Atlas didn't attack Leona using his Sword of Abyss skill and he also didn't fire out the damage he received. If he did, it would be so destructive and Leona might die causing for her to recover for 3 days to replenish her health back.

"What is the verdict, master? Did I do well?" Atlas asked.

Even Leona is looking at me expectantly.

I nodded at them and said, "Yeah, the two of you are great. If the two of you leveled up more and gained more skills, the two of you will become more powerful."

"Master, can I suggest something?" Atlas asked.

"Huh? Yeah, sure."

"Can I ride your Gryphon and fight as one? As a knight, having a steed to use is one of our dreams. I lack a horse to ride but a gryphon will be a better one. Since your gryphon is quite strong, we can vanquish monsters faster if we combined our strength."

The idea that Atlas gave me didn't fall to my mind until he suggested it to me. I didn't know of two NPC characters combining together would produce a new unit unless its from a different game since they do exist. But this one seems rather like equipping a new mount like a player would. Still, the idea is noty bad and nothing will go wrong if it didn't make any kind of changes.

"Are you okay with this Leona?"

Leona was intelligent enough to understand me and just nodded when I asked her about it. Since Leona didn't make any objections to what I asked, I allowed the two to do so. Atlas bowed down in gratitude to me.

"Thank you for allowing me to do so."

As soon as he said that, a prompt in my interface appeared and what was displayed is not something that I have expected.

[Two of your Followers are about to form a pact. This will result to a new battle style to them and if together in battle, will be able to create pact attacks. Will you allow to do so?]
