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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 237 - PVP Deathmatch
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The normal PVP in the arena is defeating the enemy and drain their health to zero. Since it was held in an arena, this is not counted as PK and the death of the player who lost the PVP will not receive any kind of penalty to the loser, just a reduced amount of Arena Coins that they can earn after a battle.

But PVP Deathmatch mode is different. Like many FPS games in PC platforms, these mode works similarly. There is no time limit in this battle compared to the normal PVP where the limit is 5 minutes. In PVP Deathmatch, the two players will fight to the death, however, once someone dies, 10 seconds later, the player who died will be restored back to health with full MP and HP while the enemy will stay the same health. The battle will end once one side managed to rack up at least 15 wins.

'And this bastard purposely chooses this mode. Is he that confident to fight against me?'

Currently, we are waiting for the last battle to end. The enemy is on the other side of the arena's waiting room, while I am waiting on the other side. It is the rule of the arena to prevent foul play on both fighters.


"Master, good luck! We are cheering for you in here! Beat up that guy real good!" Lucia's voice echoed from the Summon's area with an excited tone.

"Don't worry master, if you need some pointers, I can give you some on how to defeat an enemy instantly with 101 ways to do so. I am reading that one and it is pretty useful indeed that I got some enlightenment!" Atlas said.

I can only shake my head, what the heck are you even reading, Atlas? Also, where the hell did you get that book?

Then, one of the workers involved in the arena appeared from the weapon's room.

"Mr. Bladeheart, please prepare since your next fight is going to commence in a minute, the worker said.

"Alright. Thank you."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I stood up from my seat and headed to the entrance of the holding area. I can see the guy I was facing is currently. From the looks of it, he was a Swordsman. And based on his gear, some of them are definitely part of the armor that you can buy on the Premium Shop. It has a good defense stat and some random stats but it was far from being a gear dedicated to fulfilling a final endgame content like raid bosses. It was also freaking expensive that the armor you can see in the auction house that is a bit expensive is a much better alternative compared to what he was wearing.

Yes, his armors and some of his equipment all look awesome and majestic but that doesn't mean it will remain majestic in a battle. After all, the purpose of the armor is to protect you against the damage dealt by enemies, not be used for modeling purposes. So buying it is a big waste. Still, I will not condemn him for doing so. If he has the money to spend, it was his decision to use it on the equipment so I don't care about it.

[Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a special fight today! Instead of the traditional PVP combat, you have been seeing previously, we will now be witnessing a Deathmatch between two players!]

It looks like the chaos that occurred earlier caused the arena manager to choose this chance to promote the arena. I don't mind doing this, but I am worried about that guy. Did he know what he just sign up for? Does he know the rules of the Deathmatch or did he just choose it because there is a word "Death" on it?

[Fighters! Please enter the arena!]

The metal gate opened and we entered the arena. I already changed my weapon into a Magic Sword. The feel of using the class you are very familiar with is very good though I am tempted to choose Katana since I wanted to at least make him my practice dummy and get my bearings with it much faster.

[On the right, is a confident young man, a strong character that anyone can depend on in times of danger! Would you look at that arms of his! Don't you feel secured if you hold it? Oh my goodness, I can't believe someone like him appears here! Meet Odaka!]

The guy quickly sent flying kisses to the crowd and the girls who are watching the audience seem to be affected by the infatuation on his baby-looking face. That face of his is what you call the "ideal looks" that many girls wanted, which is in short, their ideal prince charming. Also, am I the only one embarrassed by what he just submitted to the Announcer? Just from the words alone, he is a playboy of some sort.

[On the other hand! We have a player who didn't even bother to give out an introduction! However, since he didn't give any, I will give him one as my impression! His wolf mask seems to be looking alive and menacing to look at! He also exuded a very dangerous aura that I only see whenever I watch anime with a cool protagonist! Here comes, Bladeheart!]

I didn't give any introduction at all since I don't plan on giving one. Knowing the announcer, they can just create one on the spot to introduce me and I was right, there is no need for any self-introduction anyway. As I stated earlier, this is a battlefield, this is not a fashion show or a play to impress the people.

A 30-second timer appeared above us that will count down before the battle begins. This allows the two players to relax their tense muscles and make their battle stance before the battle officially begins.

The other guy did not even care and continue to wave around the audience like he was a certain character in M*rt*l Com*at. I just stare at the timer and waited for the timer to hit zero.

The audience is pretty hype but from the looks of it, they are hyped on the other guy, not on me. He must have a reputation or something that allows him to be like this.




The Horn of the Arena buzz in the air and the moment he turned around to face me in the fight, a swift slash passed through him.


Before he realize what happened, his head detached itself from his body and fell on the ground, following his lifeless body.


The number beside my name changed from 0 to 1. That was very pathetic and I didn't even use any skill. It was just a swift movement from my sword and swing it on his neck which is a fatal part. In a split second after the battle started, it was also his first death and was a painless one too.

The audience who were cheering at first was stunned by what happened. After all, it was the fastest kill they have seen so far.

[Did my eyes deceive me? Odaka who looked like a mighty superhero just got decapitated in a split second before he can react?! Is this the fastest defeat in the Arena?!]

I stood on the side and watched his body's respawn timer. 10 seconds later, his body glows and he returned back to life. He stood back up and he realized that he was back to life. He touched his neck and his face was filled with confusion.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Draw your weapon."

"Huh?!" he looks confused.

"You proposed a deathmatch on me, then draw your weapon and fight! You are looking for someone to fight you right? Then go! Draw your weapon!"

His face changed from confusion to anger. "Don't get so cocky! That was a fluke earlier!"

He draw his weapon and he activated [Berserk] immediately.

"Now, go and die!"

I draw my weapon again and when his body is near, I made a slice upwards. After doing that, I move forward and his body fall to the ground and his head went rolling a bit far from his body.

[OMG! WE ARE NOT JUST DREAMING! GUYS! IT'S A ONE-SLASH KILL! Odaka died immediately without even getting the chance to retaliate! Isn't this just a pure one-sided battle?!]

10 seconds passed by and he stood up again with a look of confusion on his face.

"What is going on? I already lost right? How come I am still in PVP mode and am currently being revived? Hey?! Isn't this a bug? How come I keep respawning and still in the arena!? I lost already right?"

I shook my head. This guy indeed just choose the Deathbattle when he was sending me the [Challenger's Gloves] because he thought it would be a battle to the death.

"It seems like you still have no idea what mess you just entered right now. This is a Deathmatch. A winner will be determined once a player gains 15 kills. Before the 15 kills get tallied, every time you die, you will be revived for 10 seconds. In short, you will need to die 15 times before everything in here ends."


And his head once again came off from his body.