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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 231 - The Power Of Healing
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The loot is very abundant for every one of us. Since the boss is a level 100 enemy plus with the status of being a raid boss, the drops are meant for a big group of people. The experience I gained is also quite big despite being a monster with the same level as me which means I have a bigger chance to gain tons of experience when fighting against raid bosses with a limited number of people.

Even though I am usually not interested in picking up the drops of monsters right now after getting the ex-job Blacksmith, the items dropped by the boss are pretty good and most of them are in the Very Rare quality but there are also some drops that are branded Unique. I counted at least 10 of them while there are 25 Very Rare items. Most of the items that were labeled Unique are suitable for Paladins, Mages, Brawler, and Magic Knight. As for the Very Rare items, most of them are armors and are all equippable for all classes. There are also 3 accessories dropped one is a Unique ring and the two are labeled Very Rare, an earring, and a bangle.

"Bladeheart, do you want to pick up some of this equipment that was dropped by the boss? They were too much for us and the only one who is not picking up any loot is you. Why don't you give them to your followers? They might be able to benefit on them," Dolly suggested.

Honestly, I wanted to just make them my own equipment but since I lack materials to get some end-game equipment, I am not going to decline it. Even if they can't use it, I can just sell them on the auction house and many players would try to bid for these items.. None of the items here are pushovers and they are all pretty good.

In the end, I decided to get 8 pieces of items. 3 armor, the bangle, and the remaining ones are weapons that have no use to the others but have a unique skill set with them. They are not much but if I am lucky, the Versatile Weapon might be able to extract them out of the weapon. They also gave me all of the scrap weapons that were dropped and honestly, I am more than happy with it so I didn't hesitate.

As for the materials that were dropped, they were all marked as useless by the others. Naturally, they all went to my inventory. I don't see any particular usage of them but maybe I can use them in something in the future.

Since the first part is completed and the real-time outside the game is almost 2 in the morning, we decided to end the game and go to sleep. With Leona, we escaped the forest using the wreck we made out of the forest, that way, we don't need to return to the place where the skeletons and zombies spawned. After that, everyone logged out of the game. As for me, I didn't log out just yet. I check out the situation of my followers first before I go.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Lina has grown a lot and her level already hit level 90 after the battle against the First Commandment. But since she didn't always come with us in most battles, she is lagging behind compared to Atlas who joined after Lina joined. Atlas is already ready to reach level 100. A little bit more push and he will reach the threshold of level 100.

Goro reached level 67 today. He was happy that he managed to grow this fast compared to when he was in the Demon's army. It was also a good choice for him to become a magic knight as he is also getting the hang of fighting as a magic knight. It won't be long before he will act as the first goblin to wield both sword and magic. Leona barely did much today so she is still at level 74. She has eaten a lot of stuff lately from the killed enemies and I think her stats are getting stronger too.

The last one is Lucia. She became level 60 after the battle. The amount of experience she gained was a lot after the defeat of the First Commandment is a lot that her previous level which is level 50, shot up to level 60 in one go. Also, her awakening brought some skills that were greyed out before. The [Arena of Suffering] and [Hellfire].

"Good work everyone. Let's keep this up and we will be capable of destroying stronger enemies even without the help of everyone."

"THANK YOU MASTER!" everyone said together.

After bidding goodbye to everyone, I logged out of the game and quickly stabilize the mana in my body. The huge amount of combat we did inside the game caused some of my abilities to fluctuate. It's not bad and it allowed me to fully stabilize my ability to heal in the real world.

With the stabilization of my ability to heal, it is time to heal my mother from all of her injuries. But that can wait until later. Time to sleep. And closing my eyes, I slowly drifted to sleep.


Around 9 in the morning, I wake up from my deep slumber. I felt a lot more refreshed after a good sleep. Although I am still lacking sleep, at least, I managed to get a 7-hour sleep.

I went to the kitchen and saw that the teddy bear that is being housed by the unique entity is already cooking food. I wasn't expecting it to also go to the kitchen since it was a soul but I didn't expect it to do things in the kitchen with ease. With all the tools and ingredients I bought after moving into the mansion, the teddy bear already made a good breakfast.

Omellete, egg toast, coffee with a smoothie, some pancakes with whipped cream on the top, and yogurt prepared.

"Damn, I didn't know you could cook like this!" I went to the omellete and tried a scoop on it but before I can even take a single scoop, the teddy bear flick my arm with the spatula that he was using for flipping the pancakes from the pan.

He gestured for me to wait and bless for the food later. Not to go and eat by myself. I quickly apologized and the teddy bear just shrug it off. When he was done cooking, he also sat down on the opposite chair and gestured that I may begin after.

"Alright, thanks for the food!" I eat the omellete and my eyes went wide.


I was surprised that the the guy using the life-sized teddy bear was capable of doing this. Due to that, my breakfast became a very healthy and fulfilling one.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After he did the kitchen work, he left and returned to start his daily workout routine. As for me, I left early and decided to go to my mother. I am excited to use the Healing Magic to mother. Once I am done visiting and healing my mother, I will try my luck with my father and see if he is already stabilized and fine. If proven that he is already good enough, he might be released much earlier.

The nurses that were in charge of my mother already recognized me and they said their greetings to me before I went inside the room. I made sure that no one is around, only me and my unconscious mother inside. Once it was confirmed, I locked the door and went to the side of my mother. I still have no idea what Mother's condition is but with the Healing Magic, I am betting everything for my mother to recover.


I poured all of my mana into this magic spell and aimed it at my unconscious mother. Her body glow a light green color and I noticed that the obvious scars she got from the crash are slowly turning into a scab then peels off. Her complexion started to get better and her lips that were lacking in color before started to show some color.

Not only those obvious changes but I also noticed her eyebrows raising a bit, her eyes moving a bit under her eyelids, and even her fingers are twitching. I continue healing her until her body stopped receiving the healing ability. Her body also stopped the green glow it was emitting.

I check her wounds that were all not that fully healed yet and I confirmed that all of them are fully healed without leaving a single scar. I didn't expect the healing ability, [Recovery] to be this potent. However, it seems like she is still not waking up. The healing magic is still not enough. But I am not yet done. Aside from healing magic, there is also the energy recovery that is meant to cure the exhaustion debuff in the game. If my assumption is correct...


As soon as I used the ability to my mother, in just a split second, she opened her eyes and stood up from her bed like a corpse that was brought back to life.

"Huh? What is going on?!" the very first words my mother asked after she woke up from her coma.