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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 230 - Lucia’s Awakening
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The flame of Lucia is currently raging around the place that even us who are not even the target of those flames are feeling the heat it emits. She held her left palm in the air and a red ball of flame appeared. Unlike the usual [Fireball] and [Basic Fireball] that magicians usually wield, her fireball is closely similar to a meteorite entering the atmosphere of the Earth. She waves her hand that is holding the fireball, sending it to the First Commandment.


The First Commandment blocked it using its bony hands. But after the smoke dissipated from the attack, one of the bony fingers on the First Commandment's hands has melted like plastic.

"Tch, it is still not the optimal damage output I am expecting but this is just a sign some of my abilities are returning."


"Shut up, retard. I don't want to see a world like that, I rather die than live in that world!" Lucia conjured another fireball and throws it again to the First Commandment in which the latter decided to counter with his own fireball from its mouth.


Lucia turned to look at me and the others while she is in the air. "Master, everyone, my powers might have returned but they are still not in the optimal condition and they are still not on their full potential. I will be doing a support job this time while you guys deal the damage to the enemy."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Since I am still trying to stabilize my ability, I will be using [Corroding Flame] and set the area on fire. This will make everything in the vicinity have their defensive values drop 50%. And when I say everything, I mean it that everyone including the boss and everyone else including me will be affected by the debuff."

"It's a powerful debuff skill against the enemies but the downside is that we are also affected huh," Topaz said.

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"Yes. However, with the enemy having high defense, our only way to quickly defeat him is to reduce his defense values and quickly attack him. And while the skill is active, I can't move away from my spot so I also need someone to protect me while I do it since I will not be able to attack, defend, or even move while the skill is active so I am in the vulnerable side."

"Don't worry, Princess Lucia. I will be the one who will defend you from any of the attacks of the First Commandment," Atlas immediately presented himself.

"Thank you. Well, Master. I will now begin the spell, so please, defeat that bastard. Dolly? Don't die next time, make sure that skeleton is fully cremated after this, alright?" Lucia winked at Dolly.

Dolly didn't expect that from Lucia but due to her tendency to meet friends as crazy as her, I think she just found her "long lost sister" from another mother."

"Heh, noted! I will make sure that skeleton is toasted to the crips, that there will be nothing left for him to return to!"

Dolly have already died from the attack of the First Commandment but that doesn't she is weak and will easily die. She just died saving Lucia and if she didn't save Lucia, she wouldn't have died.


Lucia joined her palms together and her wings dyed in red blood color appeared behind her back and seven balls of fire appeared, revolving around her.

"[Arena of Suffering!]"

One by one, flames started rising around the whole place and soon enough, the whole area where we are fighting is now covered in flames, no way to get in, no way to get out. We can't retreat, and we can't surrender. The only way to win is either our side or the First Commandment falls down.


The First Commandment slams down his fist to the ground, trying to flatten us. But no one was caught from his attacks. Goro quickly made his way around the First Commandment and send some slash containing flame sparks. From the looks of it, he is now getting the hang of utilizing his abilities as a Magic Knight. Lina also avoided the attacks gracefully before throwing the morning star around the hands of the First Commandment. With the help of the defense reduction debuff of Lucia's [Arena of Suffering], the pure, crack less, and white surface of the First Commandment's bony hands finally show some cracks.

Topaz is also dealing the main magic dps alongside with Dolly while Iron is protecting them from attacks. For me, I used my Blueprint creation of the Saboteur class, pulled up the preexisting bombs I created last time where they are used for the demon hearts on the village of the Elf Folks. After creating a bunch of them, I started running and attaching them to the arm of the First Commandment and quickly avoided the next fist slam of the enemy.


The ground shook but no one was still caught and it seems the expression of the burning eyes of the First Commandment is burning more brightly. When the First Commandment raise his hands again, I didn't waste my time and click the trigger.



The right arm where I attached all of the bombs immediately crumble to pieces. Due to the defense reduction debuff, it seems like not only the defense of the enemy is reduced, even the durability of the body is also getting deteriorated as a side effect. As a result, the whole right arm that was caught by the explosion collapsed and the First Commandment was left with only the left hand in which is also starting to show some cracks.


The First Commandment started to roar and the fragments of his broken arms started float and started to morph. It didn't take a few seconds and the shards converted themselves as skeletons.

As expected of a necromancer, however, I am not just going to shift my eyes from the target. After all, a few skeletons will keep appearing everytime it was killed, once you are fighting against a necromancer boss, expect to never fight a one one one battle against them.

I changed my Versatile Weapon's form and changed it to Hook and Chain. Using it, I grapple into the body of the First Commandment. Since the body of the First Commandment is big but hollow, it is much easier to use it as a support beam for the Hook to attach into, allowing myself to reach the body without any problems.

Using it again, I managed to arrive on his left shoulder. Since his right hand is missing, and his left hand is busy fighting against the others, I am free to deal things against him.

"Oy, can you turn that ugly mug of yours?"

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The moment he turned around, a big hammer welcomes his skull and with a wham, the head of the First Commandment spins around due to the impact, reducing almost half of the HP bar of the enemy.

The HP bar of the First Commandment is steadily reducing and due to the constant reduction of HP every time we attack, the HP bar that is threatening us before is now reduced to 2 bars. One more kill and the HP bar left will be a single bar left.


"Oy, bastard. Quit yapping your mouth and die already," I said before delivering another blow from the hammer. Due to the constant attack on the same spot on the First Commandment's skull, it is now showing a lot of cracks and is now ready to collapse.

Lucia who is currently floating in the air with her eyes closed slowly opened her eyes, revealing a blazing red pupil, burning in passion.

"Heh, I am fully awakened now! Thanks to master, you are almost ready for the final fry!"

"HUH?!" The First Commandment was so focused on us that he forgot about Lucia's existence. I quickly went down from the body of the First Commandment and joined the others who are still currently reducing the remaining hand to dust.

"Now, it is time to meet your slaves! You really care about your slaves right? Now meet them in the afterlife!" Lucia grinned smugly as she looked down upon the First Commandment and when her eyes glint red, the whole body of the First Commandment ignited to flames and the screams of the poor bastard echoes around the whole place. His remaining arm tried to wipe off the flames but the more he does it, the more the flames spread.


He was reduced to dust and the wall of bones created by First crumbled along with the skeleton that slowly got reduced to ashes. I was about to move towards the area where the loot dropped when a message appeared in my interface.

-The First Commandment successfully killed! Raid complete!

-Got the lost First Chapter of the Necromancer Legacy. 11 more to go!

-Got 1,550,000 exp!(Title effects activated! Additional 1,550,000 exp gained!) Due to your follower getting the last kill, you have received 250,000 exp!

-You have reached the level limit! To level up further, please proceed with the Class up to undergo a limit break! Your excess experience points will be stored until you successfully completed the class up for your class.

I didn't expect we did it. Also, I also didn't expect to gain lots of experience points even though I am not the one who killed it. Maybe due to how high the level of First, the reward is given out like this. However, the most awaited class up is now here! Finally, the advance tiers of all the classes will now be possible to be unlocked.

The real battles will soon begin.