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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 227 - The First Necromancer And The Lair Of Bones (I)
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"Enemy attack!" I shouted and everyone quickly go into the stance.

"Master! It looks like they adopted the style of us goblins in terms of ambush attacks!" Goro said.

"Similar to the ambush attacks the goblins used?"

"Yes, inside a cave or cavern passageways like this, us goblins will make use of this chance to catch the enemies off guard. Since adventurers will always have a light with them, they are much easier to detect once they are about to approach. It seems the enemies that we are facing are doing the same tactic too!"

Goblins do indeed use that tactic. It was simple yet it can be troublesome if it is detected late by adventurers especially if the goblins are accompanied by goblin shamans and hobgoblins. But we are not facing goblins or any variety of the goblin race this time but the skeletons. To think the skeletons have this in-depth way of learning tactics of ambush. However, their element of surprise is now ruined and they showed their positions now.

"There!" I quickly conjure a fireball and throw it to where the attack earlier came from and the rattling of bones can be heard falling to the ground one another, I also received a bit of exp so that means I managed to deal one dead. However, the rattling didn't just stop after dealing one dead. There are more to enemies.

Changing the Versatile Weapon into a spear and shield, I also tasked Iron to protect the rear side. No matter how many enemies there are on the front, there are bound of times where the rear side is gonna become the bane of the formation due to some tactics of enemies. And if the enemies here are indeed imitating the tactics of the goblins, that only means there is also a possibility that they will do something on the rear guard too.

We proceed a bit faster before and the remaining skeletons left from my summons were the ones who destroyed some of the hidden skeletons. They are effective as the ones who will clear the way and a pawn to see whether it is safe to proceed or not.

In the end, all of them were reduced to dust after they were killed. Although they last longer than expected, it can be said that they are too weak to handle what dangers look further. Contrary to my expectations and calculations, it seems we are just too overcautious as the dead roaming in the halls of the cavern are just a few and they don't pose much threat as they can be killed by simply kicking them.

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"From the looks of it, we are arriving at the end of the cavern without much danger forming to block us."

"Yep, it seems like the dangers are not the skeletons along the way but lie deeper," Topaz said.

"Don't jinx it Sis, it's not an easy thing fighting multiple enemies at once, so I hope what you just said is not going to happen!" Iron said.

As we arrive on the last part of the cavern, a huge skeleton forming the dome, made of walls of skeletons appeared before us. Based on the shape of some skeletons, they are not all the bones of humans but some are from the bones of monsters and other creatures. It was like a deposit of bones that were stuck there over time, forming the wall of bones.

"Well, well. It seems the guardian outside didn't even manage to faze you guys. I am quite disappointed, to be honest," a haughty voice started speaking not that far from us. I focused my eyes and I saw a chair made of a skeleton and a few additions of bones attached to make it similar to a real chair and a person in a robe and has a hoodie on his head sitting on that accursed seat. Whoever made that has a weird sense of taste for chairs. It looks pretty uncomfortable to use a seat.

No one from us responded and just look at the person talking earlier, looking out whether he will do something that we don't know he might do. After all, we are surrounded by skeletons. With a necromancer like the enemy, it is just a mere snap in the finger for them to raise them all back to life.

"Why, it seems like you guys are the silent type of people. I don't really like that kind of visitor, they seemed to disrespect me a lot. You guys got it?"


Two giant skeletons appeared before us carrying a huge sharpened bone sword and bone shield and block our path.


Lucia who is just watching everything happened snapped her finger and flames emerged from the bones of the two skeletons and in a flash, the skeletons were reduced to ashes. Way to go, Lucia!

The necromancer who was just sitting comfortably on the uncomfortable-looking chair sits formally now and not in a lazy manner. It seems like he didn't expect the skeletons he summoned would be wiped to dust in just a matter of seconds after it was summoned. He didn't speak but he snap his fingers again and summoned four skeletons this time around.

But just like earlier, Lucia snapped her fingers and the four skeletons were reduced to ashes once more. Now, the necromancer seems to be pissed this time around as he stood up from the uncomfortable chair and flips his robe, seemingly pissed.

"What the hell is going on?! What sorcery did you guys do?! Why are my servants reduced to ashes again and again! You bastards! Explain WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!?"

Lucia grinned but she didn't answer. Of course, we don't know what she did so we also don't know. But we know she is the one who did those.

"Bastards! This is pissing me off! I am no longer in the mood to play, you guys are going to die here and I will make sure all of your bones are added to my collection! I am First, the First Necromancer of the Order, now prepare to meet your doom!"

He slams his hands into the ground and multiple skeletons of various sizes appeared before us and started clattering their teeth approaching us.

"Prepare for combat everyone! Atlas!"

"Yes, Master!"

He swing his sword and started clearing the smaller skeletons in just a few swings of his sword. As expected of Atlas, he was dealing quite a huge damage to the skeleton horde.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Seeing that we are also in a place where corpses are all around the place, I decided to also use the power of necromancy too. After all, even if he owns all of the skeletons here, that doesn't mean he has full control of every single skeleton that can be summoned.

Due to the limited amount of mana I have to maintain them all at once, I only summoned a maximum of 10 skeletons. All of them are those skeletons with big bodies and can match the fight against a few measly skeletons alone. Not only that but I also summoned those skeletons with the affinity to use magic and those who use long-range attacks like guns and bow and arrows.

"W-what?! A necromancer?! This is supposed to be a lost art and only 13 people in this world have the power to use the necromancy spell! You are not supposed to be able to use that!"

"Well, who cares about that. Just accept it, both you and I are necromancers. However, since I am not interested and doing something sick like you collecting the bones of the dead and creating a wall and a lair made entirely of bones, I would rather use this ability to destroy you instead.

"Ha...haha... hahahahaha!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU? Destroy me?! You must be dreaming! Even if you use necromancy too, that doesn't mean you are capable of surpassing me!"

He snaps his fingers again and the skeleton walls started to shake. I had a bad feeling about it so I changed my weapon into a cannon and fire it on the walls. However, the cannonball didn't even penetrate the walls of bones. Instead, the cannonball that I fired exploded to pieces upon contact with the walls.

"Struggle! I love seeing you humans struggle and scream in agony! Now feed my soul with your screams and pain! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"You are sick!" I changed my target and aimed the cannon at the necromancer and shoot it straight at him.


A big skeleton suddenly kicks the cannonball and before it can even hit the necromancer, the cannonball shifted and instead hits the wall of bones. Just like what happened to the earlier cannonball, the moment it came into contact with the wall, it exploded to pieces.

"No matter how much you try, I will not be defeated. Even if you use the power earlier to reduce my servants to ashes, I am invincible. In this place where I created my greatest creation, I see no other god up here, except me!"