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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 221 - Unfinished Business (II)
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After fetching Lina from her work, we started the preparations to depart to the Marshlands of the Damned. Despite being a level 50 area, due to the reason that the place is almost unexplorable, most monsters here are over level 50 and some might even reach level 90 or more depending on their kind. That is why there are entities like the Lich King appearing. From my intel in the past timeline, only one palace where a strong NPC resides. Although he is an undead, he is known to help players that wander around the Marshlands of the Damned. He is also the reason why some players managed to find a workaround to explore the place.

I never met the Lich King in the past timeline since I didn't visit this place. This place was crawling with different monsters strong enough to beat me so I didn't choose to wander around here. When I got strong enough and fully equipped, I rarely go to Resurgia anymore so I didn't have a chance to properly explore the place. Still, I am already familiar with the layout of the place. With the help of the streamers in the past timeline who streamed the whole exploration process of the Marshland, I am aware of what things to expect here.

We are about to depart when the siblings also logged in to the game.

"Big brother! Where are you going today? Are you going to a dungeon clearing today?" Iron asked.

"Oh, it's you two. I thought you two are already asleep since it is already late in the evening."

"Nah, we already got plenty of rest since we finished our tasks and there is nothing to do so we sleep for a bit. Now that we are energized, we decided to play the game," Topaz answered.

"I see. Well, we are going to explore a place this time around. We won't be clearing a dungeon but there is a possibility to find a strong enemy right now. What do you want to do guys? Will you accompany us to our destination?"

"Looks fun! Sure, why not?" Iron readily agreed.

"Me too! Bring me along!"

"Sure, sure. Though may I ask where Hagane is? He should be online on times like this."

"Ah, he already told us that he will be back at 6 in the morning since he will be on evening duty at where he was working. He won't be able to play for today."

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"I see. Then get geared up guys. We will be doing some on-foot exploration, we can't use Leona's ability to fly in our destination so we will have to walk on it."

"Alright, no problem, big brother. We will be ready in a few minutes. Please wait for us. We will fetch our equipment."

I nodded and we continue our final preparations. When we are done on our side's preparations, Iron and Topaz's preparations are also done.

"Everyone ready? Let's get going!"

"I am excited now, more than ever! So where are we going that we require to walk instead of flying?" Dolly asked.

"Do you know the Marshlands of the Damned? That is our destination right now."

"Huh? Marshlands of the Damned? Isn't that the place with very brutal environmental hazards in the game? What are we going to do there?"

"I have a quest to complete there. Also, there is a big chance we will meet a boss. That is why I asked you guys to come along with me. If we successfully manage to meet it, we can immediately take the first clear of this boss since the place is not yet explored by any player."

"Well, that is fine, but do you have any idea on how to counter the hazard of that place? I heard from some players that the place is very brutal and most players will give up halfway," Dolly scratches her chin.

"Of course I have a counter for that. I won't just waltz into the place with the danger or else, we will be having a bad time."

After our initial discussion, we make our way to the Marshlands of the Damned. It is not that far from the mansion so it will only take a few minutes of walking before we will arrive at the destination.


Our arrival to the Marshlands of the Damned also welcomed us with a message regarding the place.

[Your party discovered the Marshlands of the Damned.]

[This is the first place where environmental hazards will be introduced. Debuffs will immediately take effect the moment you enter the Marshlands of the Damned. There must be some way to counter and stop this debuff from destroying your body]

"Let's stop here guys, if we proceed further, we will be hit by a very nasty debuff that anyone will not like at all."

"We know about this one but is it that serious? Can't we just remove it using [Refresh] or [Cure All]?" Iron asked.

"Unfortunately, this debuff cannot be removed once you are in the corresponding area where the debuff will take place. The debuff can only be removed once you also leave and your status will return to normal. So if you guys don't want to suffer, we have to stop here and receive the counter for that nasty debuff."

I opened my inventory and pull out a few bottles containing a blue liquid that shines radiantly when you raise it up in the sunlight. After that, I also materialize my summons and my companions along.

"Bladeheart? You have a new companion with you?" Dolly noticed Lucia who is currently talking with Atlas.

"Ah yeah. As you can see, she the lost demon princess."

"Oooh... the demon princess... Wait... a demon? You mean the same as those Demons you are tasked to defeat during the quest of the elf folk?!" Dolly couldn't believe it.

"It would be more precise to say that she is the ancestor of the demons. Yes, she was one of the demons but she is not responsible for the behavior of the demons so in any case, please treat her with care, she is not bad at all. Also, the two of you have some bits of similarities to your behavior so I am sure you two might get along."

Dolly's eyes lit up. "If that is the case, I would definitely talk to her later on! Anyways, what are these things you are handing us? You even given out some to your summons and companions."

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"Isn't this the "Holy Water" that the church is giving out?" Lina said as she shakes the liquid inside the bottle.

"Oh? You recognize this, Lina?"

"Yes, Master. This bottle is a regular holy item given to all people who wanted to serve the church and live on its teachings. This is also an item sold by the church to cure Curses and other stuff involving dark matter," Lina explained.

"Yep, this is the one. However, I didn't buy this one from the Church. After all, the church only allows one bottle per person unless it is pretty necessary for that person to have multiple bottles. I made this one."

"Is that possible? I heard that they gather the water from a special fountain where the goddess of Life blessed it, allowing people to use it for cleansing," Lina examined the bottle again. "But whichever side you look at this liquid, this is the exact same liquid the church gives out!"

"Well, the secret is that this "Holy Water" can be created by anyone as long as someone knows how to do it. However, we will take too much time if I explain it, for now, drink it so that we can counter the effects of the Marshlands of the Damned."

Everyone nodded and drank the Holy Water. I also opened the cap of the bottle and drank the contents inside.

[Holy Water is consumed. For the next 24 hours, your body will be immune to curse types debuffs and environmental hazards.]

"Huh? It works this way too?" Lina was surprised. The others are also surprised too. The most common conception of usage to the Holy Water is to pour it to the affected part, not drink it. So when they drank the holy water, it is natural for them to have this reaction.

"Alright, let's proceed."

Now that we are immune to the environmental hazards of the Marshlands of the Damned, our problem now is how to deal with multiple undead enemies. We didn't find any undead on our way but as we move deeper and deeper into the woods, the undead monsters are now appearing frequently. Only after 30 minutes of exploration, we are now being bombarded by countless of enemies.

"Guys! Watch our flanks! We can't afford to get overrun! Dolly and Topaz, prepare your magic spells! Lucia, you also prepare your AOE skills! The rest, hold and protect the magicians while they are casting their spells!"

I raise my arm and cast [Heal] on the undead enemies, immediately decimating the ones that are affected by [Heal]. But the amount of undead that is attacking us is too abnormal though I already anticipated it, it is still too much.

"Once everyone has finished off their casting, prepare to break through the horde! Let's go!"

Why are we wasting our time killing some undead beings? Because according to the sources I have in the past, this is one of the requirements to awaken the boss.. Once we reach the place where the Lich King currently resides, we will have enough kills to summon the boss that resides in this Marshland.