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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 216 - There Is No Such Thing As Immortality
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The Collection of Rotten Body Parts might be huge but I am not sure whether it is hostile or not. With its limited movement and strange body, it is unclear whether this one will be capable of an attack or will just remain in its neutral state.

"I know you are confident in killing the Collection of Rotten Body Parts but I think you needed to reconsider doing it. Not only will this cause trouble but you might also die!"

"Don't worry, I can handle myself."

After that, I slowly descended to the Collection of Rotten Body Part's chamber. The smell is just too strong I can definitely puke here if I don't get accustomed to it soon.

The Collection of Rotten Body Parts is moving slightly but it was just a normal shift of his position and that's it. Due to how big he was, I think he didn't even notice me here. Whoever this man was, this guy has suffered too long already. I wanted to use my ability from where I am standing but my current pool of mana is different compared to my pool of mana in the game.

Although the passive effects of the Versatile Weapon seem to also take effect while in the real world, the amount of mana of what I am about to do is not something I will cough at. Even with the reduced mana usage, it will take a lot to fully kill this poor guy and I might end up dehydrated from mana which I wanted to avoid.

If I want to inflict a fatal way to kill him, I need to reach where his main body in the past was supposed to be before he became a monstrosity. If his main body is killed, every single part of this body will also die. There is no such thing as immortality. Nothing lasts for eternity. Especially if you are a human, lasting forever is a curse. not a blessing. No one deserves eternal suffering as he does.


From the looks of it, this guy lost his ability to speak after a long time. He lost his human rationality and he is now similar to a mindless creature. His mind seems much worse than a slime right now.

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I climb the rotten body parts of his. Legs, arms, more legs, and more arms, it is a neverending pile of his body parts. But since his body parts seem to have rotted already in the very bottom parts, the only parts left behind are those still strong allowing me to keep on climbing. It may smell disgusting but there is no choice about that.

After a few minutes of climbing up, I managed to find the main body in this pile of rotten human parts of his body. His main body looked like he was suspended by something in the air, the only thing is that all of those things that make him suspended in the air are growing in his body. Since he became so big, my guess is that even his limbs also grow some limbs on them despite not being the right place to regenerate.

His hair is also getting thick and long which is why it looks like he has grown some kind of hair in his body parts. I stood at his back for a bit and silently mutter a prayer. After that, I changed my Versatile Weapon into a staff to increase the potency of the magic I am about to do.

"You might have suffered for quite a long time, but today, everything will end now. Goodbye man, I hope in your next life you will return to your human form."

I tap his back twice with my staff and channeled my mana to the tip.

Soon, his body started to emit cold air. Even the parts I was standing on are getting colder too. The process happening to him is similar to how I performed an execution to the scientist guy earlier who died somewhere, but this time, I have to control it since the body of this guy is not just going to experience the same thing as the scientist.

The mana being consumed is lesser than normal so my capacity of magic used is also enough to perform the execution cleanly.


He started screaming when the ice started to spread out of his body and his skin is starting to produce ice particles. As I increased the intensity, the ice appearing is also getting bigger and bigger. I released a bit of mana before retracting the versatile weapon and retreating away from the main body.

The mana I left behind will act as the main battery to continue the spell. As the ice continues to get bigger, the ice is also spreading. Without waiting for it, I jump away from the main body and used the Versatile Weapon transformed into a Hook and Chain and grab the nearest foothold where I came from. I climb and witnessed the situation.

His screams are echoing the facility as the ice from his body slowly invades the main body. It is also spreading to the other parts of his body until it stops midway from spreading. However, even though it is no longer spreading, the ice spikes are also getting bigger. Then...


Like a TNT ignited and like a volcano that just erupted, the main body of the Collection of Rotten Body Parts also exploded to pieces. Nothing was left behind from his main body and everything else that was covered with ice before. The only thing left behind is the humongous part of his body that has been growing for quite a while now. After the explosion, the movement of the limbs also disappeared.

Not only that but I also noticed that the body parts that were previously looking alive and full of energy are now similar to rotten plants. It seems like it started to wither after the main source of things that caused them to keep regenerating disappeared.

"You really did it!" Kurai said looking excited.

"Why do seem so excited?"

"I am just happy that someone like him who has been suffering for quite a while has finally taken his rest. He deserved it after spending for around 20 years like that."

Now that I think about it, Kurai seems to be well versed in everything around here. He doesn't look similar to those guys that I have encountered so far.

"What are you really Kurai?"

"Huh?" Kurai looked at me in surprise.

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"For someone who has been experimented, you seemed to be so calm that it seems like it is off or something."

Before Kurai can answer, someone else answered it.

"Because she is the first experiment in this facility to ever exist, the Alpha of all creations, she is the very first successful creature I have made and made significant contributions to my research!"

A scientist who looks like he is in 21 years of age approached us and wears a very sadistic-looking smile on his face.

"It's Dr. Katakura!" Kurai exclaimed.

Katakura... so he was the one who caused all of this mess and made this place just to contain all of his research about immortality.

"Oh, looks like my Alpha still remembers me despite being left all alone on the ground floor to rot. But it is outside my calculations for you to be here and managed to breach out from your cell. So this man must be the one causing the ruckus around these parts."

"So you are the bastard doing ridiculous as these research for immortality huh, what a bastard to even include normal people in your crazy research. If you want to research immortality, you shouldn't have included others like this!"

"Huh. What do you even understand in immortality? Do you already attain the state of immortality for you to speak like that? Surely, I doubt you do understand it. For someone as narrowminded as you, it wouldn't be a surprise that you would be surprised how necessary immortality was for the human evolution."

"BAH! Immortality this, the immortality that! I don't care about it! Do I look like I care about your sentiments about it?!"

"Silence, fool. Do you dare call my research useless?! Immortality is the peak of human evolution! With it, we will never need to die, we wouldn't need to suffer from sickness and we will never worry about anything! This is what a paradise is for! Immortality is going to be a blessing to the world and due to my contributions, I will be able to keep living forever!"

"Huh? So you are saying that because of your stupid belief in immortality, you decided to ruin other's lives and make them these monstrosities? Instead of a blessing, immortality is a curse! Follow the rules of nature since you are just a damn human!"

Dr. Katakura laugh and grinned menacingly. "It seems like a stubborn one is much more ready to die. If that is the case, I will not include you in the people who will become immortal!" and he started to bulk up his body like some sort of muscular student.

"Pfft.. Who needs it, definitely not me."