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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 191 - The Way Back Home (IX)
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Everyone has logged back into the game after taking their in real-life business, ready to tackle the main quests.

"Looks like you guys are back and ready to kick some things done. Are you guys ready and prepared to do some quest clearing?" I asked.

"Of course. I won't be on this ride if I am not interested in the lore of the main quest. When are we going to start?" Dolly asked.

"After this strategic meeting. We have two underleveled characters with us, one healer and one tank, both essential to our party. If this quest is hard, the monsters will just shred through them without a problem so we need to at least buff them up to survive a little bit longer than needed."

"We are fine. As long as there are monsters, it won't be a problem fighting against them!" Chase proudly puffed up his chest.

"I know you can handle a few enemies higher leveled than yourself but that doesn't mean you can easily finish this quest with your level alone. It is necessary to also have your level on par with the enemy so that you are good to handle the enemies. It would be best to be careful than to charge without a plan."

"I agree this time. Since I am still very underleveled even if I managed to hit level 20, this is still not that optimal," Hagane agreed to me.

"Well? What's the plan?"

"Since this is an exploration type and not a dungeon attack, we have no idea what enemies will appear. So you two, take these."

I handed them some items that will increase their stats for a bit that is equipable at level 20 above. For Chase, I gave him a Ceremonial Staff that is much better compared to his current ceremonial staff. I can't give him an armor of any kind since their equipment for armor is made by tailors since a Cleric can only equip a robe like magicians do. I have yet to acquire the Tailor Ex Job so I can only hand him a weapon.

As for Hagane, I handed him a full set of armor and a spear and shield that can raise the defenses of Hagane for a short while. Out of the two, Hagane has the most things received compared to Chase.

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"I apologize Chase that you only got a weapon. I don't have an ex job tailor to create armor for you so I can only give you the weapon I forged," I apologized to Chase.

"Hey, man. No worries. The armor I am wearing is all good anyway and I doubt I would be replacing it soon. It has an extra healing effect if equipped so I will continue using it. As for the staff, yes, I will definitely use it. This one is much better compared to my old staff," Chase said while admiring the

"Are you sure you are giving this for free Bladeheart? Isn't equipment profitable?"

"Nah, I don't need to sell it and besides it is not worth selling to other players. It is only good for the meantime for you but I bet you will have to change a new equipment once you reach a few more levels since that won't be enough until you reach the later levels."

"What about me, Bladeheart? Are you forgeting about me?" Dolly approached while having her two hands held out to me.

"Shuddup, you already have the best equipment at the moment. Don't be too greedy," I answered.

"Stingy..." Dolly pouted.

"Alright, take this too guys. Since the two of you are underleveled, this will be really necessary to ensure the survival of the two of you. Dolly, take some too. You are squishy enough so take some too just in case."

"What's this?" Dolly shakes the little bottle containing the defensive potions.

"Defensive potions. It will raise your resistance to attacks from enemies in a certain amount. It will be enough to handle some attacks from the enemies and will allow you to survive with 1 HP after being hit by a fatal attack."

"Wow, this will indeed be real handy!" Dolly took a few bottles and put it inside her inventory.

"Now that everyone is good to go, let's go. We will go on foot this time around so that these two will also get some levels along the way. Riding Leona will give no benefits to these two," I said.

"Alright! Let's get going!" everyone enthusiastically shouted while raising their hands in the air.

"Oy, don't forget the Goro and the baby, we needed them for this quest."


We left Goro's wife and his children in the mansion since it would be much safer if they are inside. With the protective measures against monsters that are not allowed inside the mansion will not be able to enter the mansion at all. As for the baby and Goro, they have to be with us so that the quest will be triggered normally. Without them, the quest might not proceed further or the quest will have a different route as planned.

I bought a cart and a horse to carry the baby who is being held by Dolly as Goro is also fighting with the two players. He needs to get stronger so it is normal for him to be also here.

So far, the road to the Elf Folks is manageable and easy to do. With the enemies being handled by the two newbie players and a Magic Knight goblin. Dolly and I had nothing to do but to keep ourselves vigilant and keep the baby safe.

"I thought the enemies will be harder to deal with but it seems everything is manageable and easy to do. I think this will be a very smooth run in my opinion!" Chase happily said while whacking a wolf with his ceremonial staff.

"Don't jinx it Chase! We might get in trouble if you do so!" Hagane said.

"You believe in that? I don't think that will happen as the monsters here are manageable and not that strong. If ever it happens, I think there are only 0.01 percent chance that we will get ambushed!"

I pull out the Versatile Weapon and put myself in front of the two squabbling players.

"Head's up! We got some company."

Ahead of us are a group of Orcs. These pig monsters are considered to be normal mobs but these mobs are around level 50 and above and hit like a truck if you didn't block or dodge its attacks. They can easily kill these two if they are not careful enough.

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"You guys should give me support buffs. These guys are still too much for the two of you to handle."

"Huh? Are those orcs?"

"Yep. They hit like a truck and with the current levels of the two of you, this enemy will not be forgiving enough and one flick from their fingers and the two of you are dead."

"What the hell?" the two slowly backs out.

"Here they come! Cast the buffs!"

To make sure they get an exp contribution from the kills, they need to cast some buffs, spells, or ranged attacks depending on their available attacks. Since only one of them can do a ranged attack and one of them is melee specialized, they have to rely on me to kill the orcs efficiently. Not only will they earn exp, they will also be able to level up a bit faster than expected since the enemies are higher leveled than them. Killing a few of them will yield multiple amount of experience that will allow them to level up.

If only my title works to them too, then it will be much easier for them to reach level 50 in no time using this strat.

"[Defense Aura!]" Hagane slam down his shield and a blue aura engulfed my body like I was wearing some sort of plastic armor.

"[Regeneration]!" another buff came in and this time it will allow me to keep healing for small amounts for a few minutes. Although the effects are still not as potent as necessary, the HP healed every second for me is 20. However, this is enough requirements for them to gain contribution EXP even if they did not kill the enemy.

The orcs have noticed our approach and the one who seemed to be their leader pointed out on us and charges forward wielding rusty axes.

"Holy sh*t, I can feel the sound of their footsteps just a few miles away! Holy sh*t!" Chase seems to be in a panic.

"Focus guys. Even though you guys are not going to be the ones fighting, it is still necessary for the two of you to be careful. Enemies might flank us in the rear! Get yourselves ready! Goro, help me clear them up! Don't get killed! They might be a bit slow but they are not dumb!"

"Yes, Master!" Goro then lit up his sword into an electro buffed sword, manifesting the energy of electricity.

He simply swipes in front of him and a crescent electro slash was released from his sword.

"I know you guys are orcs and are part of the alliance with the goblins to support the demon lord. However, I already decided to serve a human lord and side with humanity. If my master wishes, then all of you will need to die!"

It isn't unheard of for a goblin to be strong and overpowered. However, today is the mark of the day that the strongest goblin living in the world will be engraved to everyone.