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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 187 - The Way Back Home (V)
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The Demon Barracks, near the location of Bladeheart and the others.

The commander demon that is currently doing some of the plans to take over the surrounding villages is currently doing some work on the plan when a few demons approached.

"Sir, we lost contact with the troops of High Demon Lucas. We also lost contact with High Demon Lucas a few moments after the former signal was lost."

The commander looked at the reporting demons and stop what he is currently doing and grab a bottle of blood wine on the table, chugging the contents down without a care.

"...So he was taken out. Which means that area is a place of interest. If Lucas was killed, have you all tracked where his orb of life went?"

"We did. Currently, it was in the possession of his killer and he is keeping it with him."

"Looks like those immortal players have finally taken hold of our plan to take over Resurgia continent. That only means that the means to finish things is not in a good way possible."

"Do you have a plan, sir?"

"Yes, of course. However, we have to be patient and plan our things. After all, immortal players that suddenly arrived in this world are the prophesized saviors of this world. Our only option to be able to properly eliminate the possibility of them winning is by killing the real inhabitants of this world. The players might be killed but they are immortal and blessed by the Goddess of Death to return to life. That only means we have to tread our decisions properly so that we can carry out our lord's plan. If the immortal players have no more to protect, they don't have any reason either to keep fighting.


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Hey, Bladeheart, tell me the specifics! I need to also get a house too! I wanted to decorate my own mansion too!" Dolly kept on begging for me to tell her how I got it.

"How many times did I tell you that I received it from the Realty Agent in the Headquarters! You have been there, right? You should have already known that the Realty Agent is also situated there!"


"I bet Dolly was busy killing monsters that she didn't know the HQ has any sort of employees there," Hagane took a wild guess.

"How did you know?!"

"Holy sh*t, I nailed it..." Hagane facepalmed.

"As I said earlier, it was a quest from the Realty Agent. She tasked me to kill the enemies in a mansion and if I did, I will be able to get ownership of the place. So yeah, I got the mansion and it is good as new for me."

I scratch my head after explaining it again and again. I took a glance at the goblins not too far from us. The kids cuddled near their mother while the father goblin is currently gripping his crossbow tight. From the way he is alert, he is trying his best to keep an eye on the surroundings for any possible attacks from the demons. Being in the demon frontline, this guy might have developed alertness on the battlefield where every enemy will kill them all.

From my understanding, if they are players, the male goblin would be a Hunter, while the female goblin would be a cleric. After seeing her use holy magic last time, I can assume that is the light attribute to the power of the monsters. I know this since the spell she just used last time is not possible for a cleric to use and the only people I have seen to have used that kind of ability are the monsters with sentience.

Also, this is the first time I have seen a goblin who has these classes. In all my battles against enemies like goblins that are hostile and part of the demon army, most of them are warriors and the bigger ones would be either a tank or a berserker hobgoblin. As for the weaker goblins but has the ability to use mana, they are always seen as goblin shaman and nothing more than that. So seeing a Hunter class and cleric class goblins are new to me.

I spotted my mansion in the distance. It was a sore thumb in a forest so I am not mistaken about what I am seeing.

"We are almost there. Don't worry, that place is safe for everyone even for your kids. You guys don't need to worry about the demons coming to invade my home anytime soon."

"Well, that is good news," the male goblin said.

He glances at his wife and smiled. He is really worried about the safety of his family. I can see him sigh in relief after I told him those words.

"Are you talking about that mansion that has a creepy atmosphere over there, Bladeheart?" Dolly asked.

"Yes. You got a problem with that?"

"None at all. Just from the area alone, this place is already a good place for peaceful living away from your neighbors. If there is any place like this in the city, I would gladly live there as long as it is not haunted by any ghosts," Dolly said.

"You have a great mansion as your house in the real world, why would you want to live away from the neighbors?!" Hagane started to bicker with Dolly again.

"Ha, you don't understand. Being rich doesn't mean you are privileged enough to enjoy anything! The neighbors in my house are all annoying so I would gladly move to another place to avoid seeing those neighbors!"

"You guys know each other in real life, huh? No wonder you guys are so close even though this Paladin is so low level. Normal players wouldn't bat an eye on lower leveled players right now," Chase said.

"That's right, Hagane. So you are lucky to have us to help you to grind some levels and teach you the ways. If it was other people, I doubt you will get the same treatment. You would be very lucky if you got those kinds of people."

We continue to converse with each other until we arrived at the mansion. Leona slowly landed on the ground and we finally are safe to go down.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The little goblins were hesitant to jump at first but when they saw their father jump off Leona's back, they also followed suit. His wife also went down from Leona's back but she did so carefully so that the kid won't cry.

"For now, this will be your home until things finally settle down. It is not a bad place, far from the city and closes yet not fully inside the forest. It is also a bit sinister in the surroundings that the demons might also be thinking twice to go here."

"I can feel the darkness surrounding the area. Although minimal I can feel it," the female goblin said.

"Oh, you must have detected those little lairs that produce skeletons and some undead creatures around. I left them behind on purpose as a good way to earn experience from killing them. Since they spawn infinitely as long as the lair exists, farming the enemy for experience in battle is quite easy."

"There are farming spots here near your area, Bladeheart?" Hagane asked.

"Yeah. Level 20 and level 50 lairs. They spawn enemies with those levels. So if you wanted to grind levels, I suggest attacking the level 20 enemies, as they are much easier to defeat compared to the level 50 lairs but they are a decent amount of experience so if you want an easy to kill mobs to level up to twenty, then go to the lairs. Just be sure that you don't kill the lairs and only the skeletons so that the lair will continue to produce enemies," I explained.

"Don't the enemies get overwhelming if left alone?" Chase asked.

"Not at all. Once they reach the maximum of 15 undead per lair, they will stop producing new undead and no more enemies will spawn as long as it is 15 undead. Once one undead died, the lair will immediately produce another one so you can say it is an endless farming."

"Damn, that is nice, let me farm in the meantime!" Hagane said before walking off to find a lair.

"Me too! Hey! Wait for me!"

I ignored the two and went escorted the family of the goblins inside. Inside the mansion are Topaz and Iron currently resting, they were on guard against the goblins at first but when they saw me coming in, they didn't do anything and just smiled at them.

Then, I heard some metal clanging on the forge. I have not allowed anyone to enter the house yet aside from the siblings or if they have anyone who they allowed inside. However, it is pretty unlikely since the siblings always play by their partner and rarely play with other people. So who is the one hammering currently on my forge?

"Oh? It looks like my apprentice has finally arrived. Good job on the forge, kid," a certain redhead who sounds like she was always tired appeared on the forge carrying the hammer used for smithing.
