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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 164 - Celebration Day
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The day of the demon invasion and the looming war against them have come to pass and people are now gathering outside the castle to witness Queen Tanya's speech. After all, if not for her leadership and her tireless work to keep Sandurk intact, they wouldn't be celebrating right now.

I received Queen Tanya's exclusive quest about King Arthur's weapons though only Excalibur is confirmed to be the one mentioned in this quest. However, having a single quest involving the owner of multiple heroic weapons is already good. If I am extremely lucky and thorough on this quest, who knows I might get the chance to obtain another clue to find either the Rhongomyniad or the Carnwhennan.

Receiving the quest this early means I already maxed out Queen Tanya's level of friendship. If I have not maxed it out, why would she give me the info about the heroic weapons which are considered as one of the end game weapons, unique to any player who obtains them?

As for the supposed player who should have received the weapon in the future, I am sorry but I will be taking this sword from your future hands. I don't have enmity feelings for you, in fact, I don't even know you.

Queen Tanya went ahead to prepare for her speech. As for my fellow Pioneers, they are now very happy and are all smiles after the battle. It was like no conflict that occurred earlier when I was assigned as a leader happened. But hey, all is good, it also ends well and no hard feelings for one another.

"Bladeheart, you good now? Not feeling any unusual headaches or something?" Dolly asked who approached. She is now wearing a Black Mage Robe of Demise, a Very Rare robe that only drops from the enemies. Receiving that robe means she will have a much easier time casting spells since this reduces casting time, reduces mana usage, and improves mana recovery.

"No problems here, I am fine and well," I answered.

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"That is good. You are the star of the show today, it would be sad if the star of the celebration is currently recuperating. Even if it is a game, our characters also need to recuperate if it is bad for their health," Harmless Sparrow said.

"I know, I know. I am quite aware of that so you don't need to be worried about it."

I walked around the castle grounds and the players who saw me started to greet me as we have known for many years. I am not so cold-hearted to ignore those so I also responded to them though only a bit and I didn't bother to talk with them to get closer to them. Their treatment is now too different compared to earlier.

As for the two warriors who died, since they have at least small contributions, they were also given a reward through the reward they received are the bottom of the list of the luxurious drops. Basically, the fodder weapons are commonly dropped by other monsters, and if they are in high tier, good for them. They also received materials though I doubt they will get any good things from it and the highest probability of them selling this to the auction or just on the market is very high compared to them using them on something to craft items and whatnot.

I look around the area and realized that I didn't see the ninja. It seems like he didn't exist at all. He was one of those fast-hitting melee users I saw in this game even in the past timeline. However, I am assuming he already logged out so I didn't bother to know whether he already got out of the game early or he was just not here and was using some sort of jutsu something something that allows him to vanish in thin air despite being still there.

The balcony up above Queen Tanya's castle is also where she will be announcing her speech for later. Just being up here allows you to see the whole city that the castle governs. It is one of the best places to visit in the game to do some sightseeing and act like a tourist.

Below are the crowd waiting for Queen Tanya's appearance and to also begin her speech. They are holding banners, flowers and anything that they can use for celebration. It is quite nice to see people who love the one who rules them over. If only all rulers in the world are like her who are dependable and think for the people, we won't have any problems with them in the first place.

Around 5 minutes later, Queen Tanya appeared wearing her traditional Sandurk Gold Royal Garb in which I remember to be made from the silk of the Spider of Gold in which it weaves webs made of gold to customers who have potential. Then the one tailor will start making clothes out of those webs.

The girls especially Dolly were so surprised and started flocking on Queen Tanya who happily showed off her Sandurk Gold Royal Garb. It seems while I was unconscious, the girls are already making friends with her. As for the boys, they can only stare in awe at Queen Tanya from afar. They can't say anything and try to approach since the girls will start staring with daggers on them. However, I can tell that they are blushing while seeing Queen Tanya, after all, she is one of the prettiest and hottest girls in the game.

She politely excused herself from the girls as she slowly walks towards the balcony and calmly smiled as everyone below her started to quiet down to listen to the queen.

"It has been a while since we have received peace in this continent. Due to the conflict the demons always bring, Sandurk became one of the most dangerous continents in the world. However, I made sure that the people living in this land will never be in danger as long as I am around. I may not be a very good ruler in terms of business and whatnot that involves money, and the only thing I knew is to fight. Who would have thought that a battle junkie like me would end up becoming the queen of the continent where I grew up my whole life. Maybe it was faith.

After my ruling was established, many things changed. However, the danger still looms and the threat the demons brought was always destroying the balance of this place. However, with the efforts of everyone, the threat looming in this continent has now come to pass. If not for the pioneers, I was prepared to do a much more drastic method to protect everyone.

This speech is an announcement meant for the Pioneers who ended the threat. We will treat you all with utmost importance that all of the Pioneers of Sandurk are going to feel welcome and will be welcomed anytime in Sandurk!"

The moment the crowd below clapped, notifications appeared on the screen.

[You have acquired the following titles

1. Pioneers of Sandurk

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2. The Leader of the Saviors.]

Two titles as expected. It is not surprising since I didn't receive a title after defeating the Dragon of Darkness. It would be weird if no one receives any from the game after clearing an entire raid that contains cataclysmic circumstances if it got wrong.

"The pioneers who helped us from another continent are one of the reasons that the safety of Sandurk is in pretty good shape. Without them, the entire operations of winning the war are close to minimal. Without them, we are still in danger right now. Please consider them as a friend, because without them, you would have all be stuck on the looming threat of Sandurk. Now, I want to address a different matter which is regarding-"

Queen Tanya stopped talking when a very fast dagger suddenly darts in the air, towards her. However, before the knife can land on her, she catches it and grabs the blade using her two fingers. As she inspects the dagger, she smiled and continue talking.

"I want to address to all the people who hated me. If you guys are trying to kill me by using elaborate weapons, or just plainly hating me for no other reasons, don't use sneak attacks because it is just too weak and elaborate I got boring on it already. Next time, be sure to challenge me face to face and I would be sure that you won't regret challenging me."

After saying that, she flicked her hands holding the dagger earlier and in just a matter of seconds, one man fell as his head was pierced by the dagger. When he fell, everyone cheered.

"I am not a brutal person but if you just try to provoke me by trying to kill me, I won't hesitate to throw it back to you without f*cks given."

The crowd cheered after that, and they started to throw the flowers in the air.

"Today is the liberation of Sandurk from the demonic forces! To celebrate this day, I will officially make this particular day to be the day we are free from the threat! As a gift for the Pioneers, here it is!"


Queen Tanya snapped her fingers and the teleport stone that was inactive since we arrived here lit up, indicating Sandurk being open to everyone who is not a pioneer.

"Everyone! We welcome you to Sandurk!"