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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 161 - The Last Stand (X) (Final Part)
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The [Incomplete Rhongomyniad]? If I remember correctly, it deals true damage to an enemy without using mana but using your health as the means to cast it. However, that's about it. True damage doesn't mean you will be able to penetrate its invincibility. So even if I fire it off, it will be useless.

"Why do I have to use it? It is pretty useless against the boss who is under the effects of invincibility! Firing this off is useless and I would just waste my health in the process and I won't do any kind of damage at all!"

"Just fire it, master, trust me. I know what will happen. Since it is incomplete, the info given out too is incomplete. Just trust me on this one."

I am a little bit hesitant about firing it. I don't know the consequences of losing half the health by firing the skill. After all, some skills like the [Domain of the Shield] make you invulnerable and tired to move after using the skill. If this skill is broken to the point of ignoring invincibility, what does this cost? My whole health?

"I will think about it."

We have to remain in the vicinity of the boss while the fight is happening because the boss will refill all of its HP bars once we went away from its range. So if we wanted to keep it from its last bar, we have to stay in its range and suffer dodging the attacks.

The other players are dodging every beam of attacks the dragon did, causing the ground full of flaming holes that will never die down. The longer the battle drags out, the more the flames will soon fill the whole battlefield and everyone in this place will soon be trapped in one place. No one will be able to move away in that place due to the flames everywhere. No wonder the goal in the final phase is to survive until it stops its rampage because it is the last stand. If you managed to hold out against all of the dragon's attacks, survive the burning flames that were burning on the ground that gets filled everywhere the longer the battle lasts, it is our win.

"Everyone! Avoid the flames! Even the flames on the ground, you can't step on them or you will die!" I shouted.

Of course, they know that, however, that was just a normal thing to remind them. After all, some players will be absent-minded and will step on that land mine.

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The players didn't care much about the flames as it was easy to dodge. However, they soon realized that the flames they are dodging accumulated the longer the rampage occurred. It has been 3 minutes but the battlefield is already filled halfway and only small patches of the ground are left behind for us.

"Stick together everyone! It will be disastrous if we don't stick together, we will be isolated from each other if this happens!"

The dragon continued to fire and every time the beam is about to fire off on us, we dodge together. However, the more we dodge, our last stand is also getting bleaker.

"Sh*t! Are we going to die in the process? Are we going to die instead of completing the final quest?!" Dolly panicked.

I also didn't expect this too. To think we are being put in a tight spot too.

"Magicians, try to use water magic on the flames! We have to extinguish the flames!" Bloodaxe shouted.

The magicians quickly tried to use their magic abilities to the flames only for the water to evaporate and got extinguished the moment it hits the flames. It is not optimal and doesn't work.


F*ck, no wonder in the past timeline, the raid failed. This was a quest where our hope to kill the boss is not on sight but we will die instead. If that is the case, Queen Tanya's prowess is the only way, which is why it was a piece of big news that Queen Tanya killed the Raid boss, completing the pioneering quest.

"Master! Fire it off! That is the only way for this to end as soon as possible, trust me on this! That is the only way to survive on this battlefield!"

Atlas continues to persuade me. Now that we are on a limited patch of land, we are already f*cked up if we don't try it. I have no choice and this is the only way. I wanted to get this chance to win and not just die. I am not going to allow the predetermined route of this world to ruin me and destroy my streak of winning.

F*ck it, let's do this!

I went to do my stance and pointed my sword at the dragon.

"Bladeheart? What are you doing?!" Harmless Sparrow didn't expect me to enter in battle stance. After all, we cannot attack the boss since it was invincible. The others were also not sure what I was doing. However, this is a do-or-die situation.

"[Partial Deployment!]" I shouted since this was the main way to activate it.

The moment I spout those words, my weapon suddenly got enveloped in bright white light, however, there are some parts of the light that has a tinge of darkness on it. Maybe it was due to the fact that the skill I was using is incomplete. My weapon is also turning into a glowing spear, it is pure white but the more the white appears, a tinge of dark color appears. The energy also started to accumulate that even the flames in the surroundings waver due to the force. The other players watch with awe at what is happening.

Not only they frowned, but the dragon also noticed my actions and its mouth started to show signs of a fire breath being brewed. But I didn't flinch and continue finishing the accumulation of energy. The moment that I can fire the skill soon appeared and I didn't wait for that dragon to fire the fire breath to us first. It's us or the dragon who will die here.

[Devour the World, RHONGOMYNIAD!]"

The accumulated energy being stored on my weapon just now started to get heavy and at that moment, I fired off the strongest attack I made in my entire life including the past timeline.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A deaf-inducing sound was produced and the beam was fired off towards the dragon. My body also felt all the pain the moment I fired it, I think my arm holding the weapon has been wounded to the extent that one more hit, will fall off from my body.

I also saw my HP bar got reduced to 1 HP at a time rapidly until it slowly got drained until I only have half of my HP left as it remained even though the skill I used is still firing off.

The noise was too loud that it was the only thing I can hear while I am firing off the Rhongomyniad.

When the light fades and my weapon returned to normal, my whole body trembled as I kneel on the ground after my legs felt like jelly after. The flames that were covering the whole place disappeared but were replaced with long crater-like damage on the ground, made by my Rhongomyniad skill.

That is not the only thing. The dragon that was having its rampage is now dead after firing off the skill. The moment it was fired, the head of the dragon evaporated, leaving not a single trace of flesh and blood. The body fell to the ground and a big thud allowed every player to confirm it is dead.

Then, the Quest Complete panel appeared in from of us. All the players jumped in joy the moment those words appear. Because the subjugation is complete.

I sighed in relief, however, my consciousness is slowly dimming and before I can celebrate, I passed out.

"...Bladeheart! No! He is down!"

"Blade... art!"


I opened my eyes and found out that I was no longer on the battlefield. However, I saw a different place, a big tree that looks so ancient I can tell that it is some sort of special tree. I have not yet seen this tree in the past timeline but how come I am seeing this? What is happening?

Approaching the tree for a few steps then blocked me with a girl. She is wearing a white kimono and her hair is also white. She is closing her eyes and I can't see the color of her eyes either. However, my eyes wandered to the box she was holding in her arms. For some reason, I am sensing something on that box. I wanted to see more but I didn't manage to do so the moment the surroundings start to warp and the girl in the white kimono smiled. She just stared at me without saying anything and despite my efforts to remain was all in vain.