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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 156 - The Last Stand (V)
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Queen Tanya's words were true. Since I didn't require the help of the soldiers to fight against the bosses, no one died and I managed to kill the bosses without the help of the other pioneers which resulted in a high amount of contribution to the queen's soldiers and the kingdom. This means I have the right to lead the operation due to how well I did in the past battles. And since Queen Tanya assigned me to this, that means she holds high regard for me. No wonder she seems proud when I took down Serbal, she is just already testing me if I am worthy to be her rival and to at least represent her on the battlefield.

Just like what Queen Tanya said, the pioneers arrived one by one. Dolly and Harmless Sparrow also entered the audience room and were surprised when they saw Queen Tanya on the throne and they are looking at me with their faces showing a question "why is Tanya sitting on the throne?!"

The pioneers are all good players though there are some I don't think I heard of their abilities. Especially the guy who looks like a ninja. His hairstyle looks like he is a protagonist from hentai since his bangs cover his eyes. However, I don't criticize him. He has some sort of mystery from him and he emits an air of expertise on him. Although my first impressions are sometimes wrong, I am certain about this guy.

"Welcome to the 14 pioneers who are meeting me today. I am the 15th Royal Queen of Sandurk, Tanya Orsia the guardian and the queen that overseers the whole Sandurk Continent. I will be the one issuing a command to everyone about the final battle."

I can see the shock on Dolly and Harmless Sparrow's faces. After all, we just teamed up with Queen Tanya and she didn't reveal she was royalty at all. Since I also didn't say anything, they didn't have the slightest clue about Queen Tanya's identity.

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"Now that the situation is already moving to its final phase, the pioneers are now tasked to fight against the dragon that brings the whole Sandurk region in chaos. Since the leaders that are leading the demonic and monster battalions, I am expecting quite a lot from the Pioneers who have dealt with the situation the moment they arrived as soon as possible."

The players below were starting to discuss it among themselves. Then, one of the female players pointed out to me.

"I remember him as one of the Pioneer players who got the recognition from Titania. How come he is not here with us? What is he doing over there?" she asked.

Queen Tanya chuckled at the question. "Hahaha, of course, he is one of the Pioneers. However, he holds the highest contribution and has a 100% soldier survival rate. He has the right to be up here."

The other players were surprised when they heard about it but the girl is still not convinced.

"How come? We have to fight the bosses with the soldiers and having a 100% soldier survival rate is just close to impossible! Also, I don't think I have seen him before fighting the other bosses or take quests. How come he still got the highest contribution?"

"Jokes on you, he did fight the bosses and he did not fight with the soldiers, he defeated them solo, although you can say that one of the bosses he killed is a collaborative effort, he still technically killed it with his own hands since his companions did not fight alongside him but were just giving support on the distance. Also, regarding the quests, he received the quests directly from me, so he didn't need to go to the soldiers and commanders to get the quest. He just needed to enter the palace and ask me for a quest. Simple as that."

The girl did not get to have a comeback with the explanation of Queen Tanya. After all, her statement is pretty solid and as the one who oversees the whole operation, she can easily overrule everything especially the part where I don't take quests from the NPCs.

"Also, since he holds the highest position out of all the Pioneers, I tasked him to lead the Pioneers to fight against the Dragon of Darkness and lead you to victory. Remember, you guys are the only people who will be facing the cataclysmic threat as the soldiers will be busy defending the horde of the demons and monsters while I am going to be the final barrier against the dragon should you all fail which is the worst-case scenario."

The Pioneers aside from Dolly, Harmless Sparrow, and the ninja guy suddenly got enraged by this.

"Why is he the one? Isn't that kind of unfair?!"

"We also did our best! Even though we didn't have the same contribution or amount of soldier survivability rate, we also have the chance to get the leadership!"

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"I think you are just favoring him! He has not proven his worth yet! I don't even think he can win against us in PVP!"

The players started voicing out their opinion on why I am not qualified and also they wanted a fair and square selection which is pretty dumb I want to laugh at their arguments.

All of a sudden, Queen Tanya stood up from her throne and released the same aura of death which is pretty heavy to people who are not accustomed to it. I am fine with it since I always feel them whenever you fight a dark attribute boss and it gets much worse especially in the level 150 above bosses and this mechanic is pretty common on raid bosses. Also, the intensity alone is similar to the bloodlust she released during our last batter so I am not affected by it in the slightest.

When the aura went out of Queen Tanya's body, everyone in the audience including Dolly and Harmless Sparrow was forced to fall to the ground with their bodies pressed down on the floor. Even the guards were forced to force on that position and they have to endure it.


Queen Tanya smirked.

"This alone proves his superiority to all of you. If you guys can't even handle the same amount of bloodlust and remain standing like him, then there is no point asking who will be the leader. I can kill you all right here right now and you guys won't be able to fight back unlike him who managed to handle this and managed to fight back."