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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 152 - The Last Stand (I)
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The movement of the demons and the dragon is expected especially if the bosses that have taken hold of a human settlement have been defeated, the enemies will already be aware of it. Since the bosses already died, this is obviously the time the final boss will make its appearance and will make its move. It will make sure that all of the people and adventurers who defeated all of the bosses die.

I am kinda excited by this new development and how fast the pace of the first expansion quest is progressing. Unlike in the past timeline where the players who participated in the quest has to endure everything for two weeks that many of those said players made a rant on the internet about it. I am not really familiar with the details but someone did mess up during a quest which affected the difficulty of the upcoming quests. It didn't get specified but many of the pioneers were blaming that person for why they were stuck in Sandurk Region for two weeks.

Since the final boss is already showing signs of movement even though we are still on the third day of the Pioneer Questline, that means the extra difficulty that the players suffered in the past timeline did not occur in this one. But did I change anything for this to happen? Maybe there is but I am not aware of it since I didn't experience the first timeline's Sandurk Expansion Pioneer quests. Maybe even my presence here changed what was about to happen in the past timeline.

I dropped off Queen Tanya at the castle. Although the guards are alarmed due to the appearance of Leona, they drop their guard when they saw Queen Tanya on Leona's back.

Queen Tanya looked at us after she landed on her balcony. "Come back here tomorrow. I need you to prepare for the last stand against the last enemy. Unlike the bosses that have been killed, the dragon will be the challenge and I am not going to be able to participate in the battle as I will be defending the frontlines along with my soldiers."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. That is why we are sent here by the goddess. We are not just going to stop after everything happened. The last battle will be a big test and I can't wait to test my blade against the dragon."

"Heh, as expected of my rival," Queen Tanya smiled.

We bid farewell and I left the palace and decided to do the final preparations. I opened my inventory and took out the ring that I got from the loot. I have yet to look at its stats so that I can fully understand if there is something that can be done with this ring. Also, I have yet to see the treasure of Serbal that I just stole, which was also important since it was also considered as a chest drop too.

First, the ring. The golden glow of the ring and its intricate design of a serpent coiled around the ring made it look pretty rad. Opening the stat panel, I finally understood why Queen Tanya said this ring is quite a good drop.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

[Ring of the Serpent](Partially Broken)

Type: Ring Equipment

Rarity: Very Rare

Equippable at Level 80

Equippable by: All classes

STR: 100

DEX: 100

INT: 100


(Requirements not met)

Info: A ring that is said to be the long-lost ring of the Serpent God. After it was stolen by Serbal, the former power it holds is now diminishing. Now that it is partially broken, its former powers are sealed and it's only a normal-looking ring that holds a little bit of its remnant power.

Note: This ring can still be repaired if you meet with a certain individual in this world.

Restriction: Bound upon Equipping the ring

Durability: 1000/1000

Once I check its stats, another panel appeared containing a quest. I didn't do any quest and Queen Tanya have yet to give a quest about the Dragon so what is this now?

[Repairing the Ring of the Serpent] 1 out of the 30 quests

Type: Legacy Quest

Difficulty: Hell

Rewards: ???

Info: After defeating Serbal, the Ring of the Serpent landed on your hands. Due to Serbal's actions, the ring lost its former powers and glory. Since you regained the ring, it is time to unseal its former power and regain its former glory. Because you defeated the ones who stole the ring, you are tasked to find clues that can lead you to the Serpent God.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Duration: No time limit

I almost got choked when I was reading the questline. It was a legacy quest! The quests that are too hard to find and are the types of quests that are chained from one quest to another. At the very end of the quest, you will get a piece of legendary legacy equipment, a variant form of Legendary Tier Equipment normally dropped by bosses and the world bosses. Not only that but it is also tied to certain lore or legend in the game that might be connected to something big and are potentially game changers due to how these quests implement something new to the game once it is cleared by someone.

However, this is a quest type that involves too much hard work, luck, and patience. You need to invest a lot of time just to finish it. And the quests are all really hard to complete. However, this is a great blessing. Since this ring is ranked as Very Rare, once it is repaired, it has the potential to become a legendary Legacy Equipment, and it is a ring to boot!

Rings are one of the best types of items in the game as you can equip ten rings at once. They can be put in all of your fingers and they give massive boosts to items. Since you can equip ten rings, you have the choice to equip one weak ring that has a powerful effect and the rest are rings with good stats. Unlike weapons and armor, this will give much leeway to have the freedom to keep using a low leveled item due to its effects.

Indeed, this was a really great find! Thank you Dolly for your luck! You are still the best!

After calming down, I took out the treasure of Serbal. I heard the treasure inside can make the user be able to breathe underwater. Since I was the one who stole it, I can get myself an item that will allow me to swim underwater without the fear of drowning!

Since the treasure is looking like a crystal ball, the only way for me to open it is by injecting lots of mana inside. I grab the item and a prompt pops out the moment I hold the crystal ball in my hands.

[Inject Mana to the ??? Crystal Ball?]


I picked yes and all of a sudden, my mana is being sucked inside the treasure. I prepared a mana potion and drink it as I got drained by the item with mana. As the treasure continues to suck my mana, the treasure is now showing cracks on its surface.

The cracks are getting bigger as time passes and when I chug down the 40th mana potion which tastes like sh*t as always, the treasure appeared before me and my eyes go wide when I saw the "treasure."

It isn't an item, it is a young boy with the ears of an elf though I doubt this is an elf due to the wings on its back. One black and one white.