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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Resentment

A middle-aged woman’s sharp, questioning voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

Yuliana replied calmly, “Didn’t you come to know about it, even when I haven’t told you? Isn’t it the same either


“Yuliana, is this how you talk to me?” The person raised their voice.

Yuliana walked slowly along the street. “Yes, I divorced Harry”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. “What did I tell you at the beginning? Didn’t I tell

you not to marry Larry? What had gotten into you when you decided to marry him? Look at what it had transpired

into now. He relied on your father to return to the Ziegler family, became the next in line to lead Ziegler Group, and

gained wealth and fame. He turned his back on you when you were of no use to him. What is it that you see in


Out of exasperation, Yuliana slowly let out a sigh. In fact, she had recently decided to let go of resentments. Yuliana

no longer felt unbalanced from the incident. However, listening to those words on the phone, the painful wounds of

her divorce had been reopened.

She pursed her lips and felt tightness in her throat. “Did you call me just to lecture me?”

The person on the other end of the phone was not just anyone. It was Yuliana’s mother.

“Wouldn’t any mother who is remotely normal comfort their daughter at such a time?” Yuliana wondered to

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“Do you think what I said was harsh?” Callie sneered. “Had you listened to me from the start and refrained from

marrying Harry in haste, you wouldn’t have to listen to my scolding now.”

Yuliana did not speak. She looked up at the sky and slowly breathed out the vexation in her chest.

It was also quiet on the other end of the phone. After a while, Callie asked, “What are your plans for the future?”

Yuliana replied faintly, “I’m doing great now.”

Callie sneered again and said, “Doing great? How? Do you mean you’re doing great working as an elementary

school teacher or living by yourself pitifully in a rented place? Yuliana, how have I taught you since you were a

child? How did my daughter become like this?”

The irony in Callie’s words made Yuliana smirk. “What should I do, then? When you chose to divorce my father and

gave up on me, the way I led my life was no longer under your scrutiny. It is none of your concern whether I am

doing well in life or whether I am getting married or going through a divorce.”

Yuliana had never spoken to Callie in that tone of voice. Even if Callie divorced Damian, Yuliana would only watch as

her mother left her with Damian and walked away without looking back. Not a tear was shed.

In the past, Yuliana believed everyone should have their own life and that no one should be fettered by anyone or

anything. Therefore, although she was sad that her parents were divorced, she chose to respect them. She would

not let her sadness show. The last thing she wanted was to become a burden to her parents.

It was not until this moment that she realized that apart from being sad, she also had resentment.

Initially, Callie’s and Damian’s disapproval of their marriage played a big part in Yuliana’s unfaltering decision to

marry Harry.

“If I am not to be bothered with your matter, who do you expect to care about you?” Callie’s tone became even

harsher. “Do you expect your father, who is in jail, to care?”

“Mom,” Yuliana yelled at Callie.

The person on the other end of the phone fell silent in an instant.

Yuliana did not want to quarrel with Callie. “No matter what you think of Dad, he never gave up on me.”

With that, she hung up the phone.

Yuliana’s head was a mess after talking to Callie on the phone. She could not think of anything. Absent-mindedly,

she made her way down the street. Her mind was empty, yet her thoughts were like countless tangled threads,

interweaving and jumbling up as they pulled away from each other.

When the phone rang again, Yuliana felt like she was being pulled back to reality.


“Yuliana, I’m so bored. Can you come to my house and stay with me for a while? I’m bored to death!”

Since Xandria returned home from the police station on Friday morning, she had been grounded by Tyson and was

not allowed to go out.

However, Xandria loved to surround herself with lively, entertaining environments. She could never spend too much

time alone. Xandria felt as if she was going insane from being stuck at home for days.

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“Okay, I’ll go find you right now.”

When Yuliana arrived at the Yeager residence, Xandria was the only person around.

Tyson made an appointment with someone to play golf, Pauline had asked a friend to play poker, and Xandria’s

brother, Desmond, went to the office to deal with matters of the company.

Seeing Yuliana coming. Xandria was very happy.

She ordered the maid to prepare refreshments and fruits and deliver them to the room. She then chatted with

Yuliana while playing games.

As she sat lazily on the couch in Xandria’s room, Yuliana said, “Didn’t you say you were bored?”

Xandria did not raise her head. She looked serious while she kept swiping the phone screen with her fingers. “Yeah,

I’m alone at home. How can I not be bored?”

Yuliana felt that her understanding of boredom was different from that of Xandria.

Seeing Xandria paying full attention to the game she was playing. Yuliana did not want to disturb her. She sat there

quietly and was a little lost in her thoughts.

It was only after Xandria finished playing the game that she noticed that Yuliana was not in a good mood.

Then, Xandria remembered that since the Livingstone family had an accident, Yuliana rarely came to the Yeager

residence. Even if Xandria invited her several times, Yuliana would always refuse.

Today, however, as soon as she asked, Yuliana promised that she would drop by.