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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 436
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Chapter 436 You Do Not Trust Us

Surprisingly, she slept for about 15 or 16 hours.

Yuliana went to open the door. Jacob stood outside, neatly dressed.

“Yuliana, I want to go back to school today and ask the teacher for a leave before coming back.”

Yuliana pondered for a moment and said in a negotiating tone, “Jake, we don’t know how long it will take to solve

Aunt Sabrina’s matter. You go back to school first, okay? You can ask for leave after the Lusterg Police Station

allows us to retrieve Aunt Sabrina’s body.”

“But…” Jacob frowned at Yuliana and then lowered his eyes. “Yuliana, I don’t want to leave Mom here alone.”

Yuliana’s heart softened. “Okay, then. I will call Mr. Sablich to apply for a leave for you.”

“There’s no need.” Jacob said. “I want to go back to school to pick up some textbooks and materials. I’ll study at

home to avoid falling behind too much. I can ask Mr. Sablich for leave by myself.”

“All right.”

Yuliana couldn’t leave because she was worried that Lusterg Police Station would contact her again. In Yrinas,

except for those relatives of the Livingstone family, she had no other acquaintances.

As for Christopher, she didn’t want to get involved with him anymore.

Therefore, Yuliana asked Chandler for help.

She asked Chandler to contact a friend to send Jacob back to school.

Chandler only knew that Sabrina was killed after having received a call from Lusterg Police Station yesterday

afternoon. He was called by the police to ask him something about the murder. He originally wanted to call Yuliana

to ask about her situation, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that things were not that simple. He was

afraid that he would be involved, so he simply pretended not to know about what had happened.

After receiving a call from Yuliana in the morning, there was no way to avoid her anymore. Therefore, he decided

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to come over and put up an act.

After all, not only did he owe Yuliana a lot of money, but he also was short of money now. Chandler had to count on

her too.

Yuliana escorted Jacob to the car and watched the car drive away.

“Yuliana, don’t worry. That is my friend for many years. He will send Jake to school and send him back safely again,”

Chandler said to comfort her.

Yuliana’s expression was indifferent. She only thanked Chandler politely after a while.

Chandler let out a sigh. “Poor Jake. He is only a teenager and both his parents are gone. Fortunately, he has you as

his sister. Otherwise, he really won’t know how to survive in the future.”

Yuliana didn’t respond and turned around to enter the house.

Chandler paused momentarily and followed her. He observed Yuliana’s expression from the corner of his eyes and

pretended to be concerned about her. “By the way. Yuliana, did Aunt Sabrina offend someone? Otherwise, how

could she have met an untimely end? And… jeez.”

Yuliana still didn’t say anything. She didn’t display much emotion on her face. It was unknown if she had heard

Chandler’s words.

Chandler was still a little scared. He had long heard about the discovery of the female corpse around the mountain

behind Xemrich Village. Rumors were that the female corpse was in pieces and died miserably. According to the

analysis of professionals online, it was very similar to a serial killer’s modus operandi. Chandler was indeed quite

frightened. He was afraid that Sabrina’s family messed with the wrong people and were targeted for revenge. If he

got too close to them, he would end up like Sabrina too.



Before Chandler could speak again, Yuliana interrupted him.

“Thanks for the help today, Chandler. I should thank you properly. However, I still have a lot of problems to deal

with because of how things turned out with Aunt Sabrina. I’m sorry that i can’t entertain you well. How about you go

ahead with your work first, and after I deal with Aunt Sabrina’s matter, I will make time to catch up with you then”

Chandler was not foolish enough to be ignorant about what Yuliana actually meant

Chandler said awkwardly, “All right, then. If you need any help, just call me.”

Yuliana said her thanks again.

After sending off Chandler, Yuliana wanted to call Hailey and ask about Rowan.

“Roe is fine. It’s just that he would keep asking for you when it’s time for him to sleep at night. However, it’s much

better than when he was studying at kindergarten, Hailey said “Yuliana, don’t worry. I will be watching Roe. You take

care of Jake’s mother first. After everything is well taken care of, I’ll bring Roe there.”

Rowan had Hailey, and the company had Craig to take care of

Therefore, Yuliana had fewer worries. She could stay in Yrinas at ease and deal with Sabrina’s affairs first.

Jacob asked Silas for leave and went back to Yrinas in the afternoon.

In the next few days, Joaquin from Lusterg Police Station came to their home again and took several statements

from Yuliana and Jacob. As Jacob was still very young, after several times of questioning, he gave something away,

which aroused Joaquin’s suspicion.

Joaquin called Yuliana to the side alone.

“Ms. Livingstone, I think you also long to catch the murderer of your stepmother as soon as possible.” Joaquin

stared at Yuliana with his vigilant eyes. “If you don’t cooperate, not only will you not bring the killer to justice, but

you and Jacob are also likely to be in danger.”

Yuliana looked at him and laughed naively. “Can you make sure to catch the murderer and ensure my and my

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brother’s safety after I tell you? Captain Lobelius, I don’t mean to offend you. It’s just that I know very well that

there are a lot of things that can’t be done as we wish.”

After hearing her words, Joaquin was silent for two seconds. “You don’t believe us,” he said.

“Captain Lobelius, you are overthinking this. Neville said you are a good cop, and I believe in him and also you.”

Yuliana curved her lips and said, “I’ve told you everything I know about Aunt Sabrina. As for tracking down the

murderer, we have to rely on you.”

Joaquin stared at her intently for a while. He knew clearly by heart that Yuliana had to know something, but she

refused to disclose it out of some kind of concern.

These days, they had also carefully investigated all the information about Sabrina. No matter how they saw it,

Sabrina should not be the target of the serial killer.

However, it was Sabrina who was killed.

Joaquin still refused to miss any chance. After thinking for a while, he asked firmly. “Why did Sabrina go to Jeahron?

As far as I know, she has no acquaintances in Jeahron, and she has no habit of traveling. I don’t think she went to

Jeahron for a trip.”

Joaquin had already asked this question before when he took statements at Lusterg Police Station

At that time, Yuliana was in a bad state and only replied, “I don’t know.”

Nevertheless, now it seemed that Yuliana probably knew the reason.

Yuliana pursed her lower lips and was about to answer his question when another voice interrupted them.


Christopher was standing at the door and looking at Yuliana.

Hearing that, Joaquin took a glance at Christopher.

He saw Christopher at the police station last time.

However, he had nothing related to Sabrina. He simply accompanied Yuliana, so he didn’t take any statements from


Christopher walked over and ignored Joaquin. “Go inside first. I’ll talk to Captain Lobelius.”