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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 363
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Chapter 363 We Cannot Be Friends

Yuliana struggled slightly before Christopher held her down again. “Don’t move! Don’t waste the medical resources

with such a small injury.”

Yuliana pursed her lips and said nothing.

A noticeable cut on her palm was nearly an inch long. The cut was not severe, so there was no need for stitches.

However, her flesh was revealed outside the skin and was frightening to look at. The reason she had bled so much

was due to her cut.

Other than the cut, she had only suffered minor injuries,

Even so, they mustn’t take her other minor injuries lightly. Her wounds were mixed with glass shards. It must be

painful to pick them out one by one.

Christopher frowned and subconsciously said in a gentle voice, “Take it easy. If you are afraid, don’t look at it.”

Yuliana didn’t dare to look at it. She looked away.

She could feel his touch on her palm. When Christopher removed the broken glass shards one by one, some of

them hurt a little while some of them didn’t hurt so much. She occasionally felt itchy.

Christopher stopped and asked, “Does it hurt?”

Her body was tensed up.

Yuliana shook her head. “Bearable.”

“Relax. It’s going to be over soon.”


Yuliana tried to relax her body. Little did she know that Christopher’s next sentence would make her nervous again.

“Did Elaine come to see you?” Christopher asked.

Yuliana didn’t answer him. However, Christopher knew the answer from her physical reaction.

“Is that the reason why you won’t let me see Roe?” Christopher frowned slightly. He carefully picked out the last

piece of broken glass shards from her skin..

Still, it was painful.

Yuliana took a deep breath and said, “It’s not entirely because of her.”

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“Okay. You can turn around now.” Christopher put down the tweezers and asked, “Then, what’s the reason?”

Yuliana turned around and looked at her palm first. The glass shards had been removed, but the cuts on her palm

were terrifying to look at. She looked at her hand silently and didn’t answer Christopher’s question.

Christopher didn’t ask further. He took the disinfectant and washed her wounds before applying the ointment.

“Don’t wet your hand for the next three days.” He paused for a moment before resting his gaze on the most visible

cut on her palm, saying, “It may leave a scar.”

Yuliana said indifferently, “It’s okay.”

She thought, “It’s just my palm. It doesn’t matter even if it leaves a scar.”

She then remembered that Christopher was very skilled and professional in treating wounds. She couldn’t help but

recall the scene she saw in Romdale that morning. Christopher’s body was full of scars of all sizes. Those were

visible, sutured scars.

She almost forgot Christopher was good at dealing with these things.

Yuliana withdrew her thoughts and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Even if we can’t be a couple, we can still be friends,” Christopher smiled and looked at


Yuliana smiled and looked at him, “We can’t be friends. If there’s nothing else, I’ll go downstairs first. Kathryn. is

waiting for me.”

After saying that, Yuliana got up and proceeded to go downstairs.

“Wait a minute”

Yuliana stopped but didn’t turn around.

Christopher got up, walked to her, and handed her the phone. “It’s your phone.”

Yuliana took it and left without saying anything.

She went straight out of the Prestige Club and called Kathryn outside.

Kathryn’s anxious voice was heard after she picked up the call. “Yuliana, where are you?”

“I’m at the entrance of the Prestige Club. What about you?”

“Stay there. I’m heading there right now!”


Her phone was hung up.

Kathryn carried her bag and proceeded to leave.

Craig stopped her again. “Ms. Smith, are you leaving?”

Kathryn remembered what Craig had said before. However, she couldn’t reply to him rudely like before. She said

politely, “Yes.”

Craig took out his phone and stared at her. “Give me your contact number.”

Kathryn was in her thirties. She had a great deal of experience in the matter of relationships between men and

women. How could she not understand what Craig meant?

She smiled and said, “Sorry, my phone battery is drained.”

After saying that, she skirted around Craig and went out of the private room.

When Kathryn arrived at the entrance of Prestige Club, she hurried toward Yuliana and sized the latter up. After

making sure that Yuliana was fine, Kathryn breathed a sigh of relief and double-checked with the former again. “Are

you all right?”

“Like what you’re seeing now!”

Kathryn noticed Yuliana’s wounded palm. “Did Christopher treat the wound for you?”

Yuliana nodded.

“Are you seriously injured?” Kathryn felt sorry for her.

“The superficial wounds will heal in a couple of days.” Yuliana turned to Kathryn and said, “Speaking of which,

you’ve acted too recklessly. You’re already in your thirties – why did you hold the bottle of wine against. his neck?”

Kathryn waved her hand and said, “I just wanted to scare him. I was pissed off when I saw his despicable look. I’m

sorry that I’ve hurt you.” She paused for a moment before giving a glance at Yuliana’s hand and said. “It looks like

Christopher cares about you.”

Yuliana lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Kathryn hesitated and asked, “What if he wants to reconcile with you?”

“No way,” Yuliana replied firmly. “He won’t reconcile with me.”

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Yuliana’s hand had been injured, and it was inconvenient for her to drive. Hence, she called a driver.

After Yuliana had left, Christopher smoked two more cigarettes on the top floor before going downstairs and

returning to the private room.

There were fewer people inside. Still, they enjoyed themselves.

Christopher walked up to Raymond. The latter was pouring himself wine when Christopher reached out and took his

glass. “Stop drinking”

Raymond glanced at him and said, “Do you even want to butt into my drinking affairs?”

Christopher asked, “Can the problem be solved regardless of how much you drink?”

Raymond paused for a moment before putting the wine bottle back. He wiped his face and lay on the couch. “I

didn’t mean to make things so complicated.”

He and Xandria were not a couple, to begin with.

Who would have thought that Xandria would get pregnant after that night when they both were in a confused and

infatuated state?

Raymond disagreed with the birth of the child. However, he didn’t immediately say that to Xandria because both of

their families had already known about Xandria’s pregnancy before he made the decision.

Their parents were happy and looked forward to the birth of their child. Besides, Xandria had the intention to give

birth to their child.

As such, how could he ask Xandria to have an abortion?

Recently, Xandria often talked to him about their child and browsed through various baby supplies online. It was

clear to see that Xandria looked forward to the birth of the baby.

“You’re at the age where it’s about time to have a child Christopher poured himself a glass of wine. “After all, it’s

not that you can’t afford to raise the child. Moreover, you like my son a lot, too”

“Those two are different issues!” Raymond picked up the cigarette box and lit a cigarette. “I have no feelings. for

Xandria We have an arranged marriage, and we agreed to divorce if we meet someone we like ”

Therefore, it was not a big deal to have a child.

“Don’t you even have the slightest feelings for Xandria?” Christopher asked.

Raymond paused for a moment. He looked annoyed. “I don’t know.”

If it weren’t for his family urging him, he would have had no intention of getting married in his twenties. After all,

many people would get married in their thirties and forties nowadays.