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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 335
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Chapter 335

Christopher replied firmly with a smile, “Yes, you are!

Rowan rolled his eyes and said. “Mommy said if I do great, I will get a reward.”

Only then did Christopher realize that he had fallen into Rowan’s trap, and his smile became broader. “Oh? What

reward do you want?” Christopher asked.

“Coke!” Rowan said with a greedy look on his face,

Christopher’s expression slowly becante somber. Has your mom ever told you that children shouldn’t drink too

much Coke? And has she also told you not to accept food from strangers?”

Rowan’s cheeks puffed up, and his little face was full of seriousness. “But, but… Mr. Coke, you’re not

someone else.”

Christopher fell silent for a moment and said, “I didn’t bring Coke today. I will give it to you next time. Your mom is

waiting outside. You should go, else she will be worried.”

After being reminded by Christopher, Rowan finally remembered that Yuliana was still waiting for hirn


He was about to run out with his short legs, but he suddenly remembered something. He stopped and turned to

Christopher. “Mr. Coke, don’t forget your promise!”

“I won’t forget,” said Christopher.

Only then did Rowan leave the restroom with peace of mind.

Outside the restroom, Wesley returned to the restaurant after he finished the phone call, but he didn’t see Yuliana.

So, he called her.

Just as Wesley was about to head toward the restroom, Yuliana saw Rowan, who ran out of there and hurled himself

into her arms.

She put her arm around Rowan’s shoulder and said to Wesley on the phone, “You don’t have to come over. He’s


With that, she hung up the phone.

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She looked at Rowan’s hands and found that his hands were dry, so she asked, “Did you wash your hands?”

Yuliana paid particular attention to washing his hands after using the restroom and before meals.

“I did.” Rowan was in a good mood, especially when he thought of what Mr. Coke promised him. He said to Yuliana

happily, “Mr. Coke helped me wash my hands.”

Yuliana was stunned. “Mr. Coke?”

Rowan replied, “Yes, it’s Mr. Coke!”

If Yuliana remembered correctly, the only person whom Rowan called Mr. Coke was Christopher.

Since Christopher helped him pick up a can of Cola in the supermarket last time, he had been calling him. Mr. Coke.

Yuliana glanced at the door of the men’s room, feeling a little complicated. She led Rowan back to the restaurant

and asked, “Did you say thank you to Mr. Coke?”

Bouncing, Rowan followed Yuliana and said, “Yes.”

When the voices outside slowly faded away. Christopher emerged from the restroom and walked toward the private


“You’re finally back!” Elaine immediately picked up her bag and stood up when she saw Christopher


Christopher looked at her and then at Craig. “What’s wrong?”

Craig didn’t say anything and turned his gaze to Elaine.

Elaine walked up to Christopher and explained, “My friend is having some trouble and I need to go there right


Today, she came to meet Craig with Christopher in Christopher’s car, but she didn’t directly ask Christopher to take

her there. She just looked at Christopher with watery eyes.

The meaning in her eyes was obvious.

Christopher ignored Elaine’s words and cast his eye on Craig. Craig stood up with a shrug and said, “Im almost done

eating, and I actually have something to do tonight. What do you say we call it a day and talk about the rest

another time?”

Hearing Craig’s words, Christopher nodded and replied, “Okay”

After Christopher settled the bill, the three of them headed toward the elevator. As they arrived at the elevator,

they saw a man and a woman waiting there with a child.

Craig recognized Yuliana and her son Rowan at a glance. He looked at Christopher and Elaine out of the corner of

his eye, eagerly waiting for a big scene to unfold.

Rowan held Yuliana’s hand with one hand and Wesley’s with the other. He could not stop talking. “Daddy Wesley,

are you going to have dinner with me and Mommy tomorrow?”

Wesley lowered his eyes to him and answered, “I have something to do tomorrow. Maybe next time.“

Rowan pouted. “When is next time? Will it be long? You can’t make me wait that long. Daddy Wesley, you promised

to play with me and the cars!”

Before Wesley could respond, Yuliana interjected gently. “Roe, don’t do this.”

Although Wesley loved Rowan very much, he did not have any obligation toward him. He always felt that no matter

how good a relationship was, there should still be boundaries and that one should not take advantage of others’


Rowan realized that what he said earlier didn’t seem appropriate. However, he thought that since Wesley became

his father, he would be able to play with him anytime like Jasper did with his father. He did not expect that it was still

not possible.

It seemed that Daddy Wesley was different from Jasper’s father.

Rowan began to feel a little emotional. He broke free from Wesley’s hand and leaned closely against Yuliana’s leg,

burying his face in her waist.

Yuliana noticed the change in her son’s emotions and bent down to pick Rowan up. Rowan leaned against her

shoulder and rubbed his slightly red eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Christopher and his companions

standing behind them.

He was taken aback for a moment, then shouted, “Mr. Coke.”

When Yuliana and Wesley heard that, they subconsciously looked back and saw Christopher, Craig, and a beautiful

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young woman.

The woman was holding Christopher’s arm while standing next to him intimately.

Craig was the first to speak. He glanced at Wesley next to Yuliana and called out with a smile, “Ms. Livingstone.”

Elaine also recognized Yuliana and Rowan, the mother and son she saw in the supermarket garage the other day,

who were also Christopher’s ex-wife and his son.

Although she had been giving herself mental preparation over the past few days to try to accept the fact that

Christopher had an ex-wife and a son, and she thought she had accepted, when she confronted them, she realized

that she wasn’t as calm as she had thought she was.

“Ms. Livingstone, are you here to have dinner with your friends?” Craig asked.

Yuliana’s gaze did not stay on Christopher and Elaine. She looked at Craig and answered without saying anything


Craig shifted his attention to Rowan and asked, “Rowan, do you remember me?”

Rowan was feeling down at the moment. He laid on Yuliana’s shoulder listlessly and nodded to Craig. “I remember

you, Mr. Newton.”

There was a time when Hailey fell sick and couldn’t take care of Rowan. Yuliana brought him to the company once,

and Craig helped take care of him for an hour or two. Yuliana also brought Rowan along to a few company

gatherings, so he was quite familiar with Craig.

Craig pointed to Christopher and asked, “Why do you call him Mr. Coke?”

Rowan replied in a sweet tone, “Because he is Mr. Coke.

Craig was confused. “What kind of explanation was that?” he thought.

Christopher disengaged himself from Elaine’s grip and took a step forward. “Do you want me to hold you?”

Rowan looked at Christopher and didn’t answer right away.

Yuliana’s body stiffened when she heard Christopher’s question, but she quickly relaxed. She knew her son very

well. Although Rowan wasn’t very afraid of strangers, he didn’t let just anyone hold him. For example, Rowan had

seen Craig several times, but every time Craig wanted to hug him, he refused.