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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157 Look At Him

Lincoln’s heart skipped a beat as he heard Christopher. He looked at Christopher’s faint smile and couldn’t figure

out whether he really didn’t remember anything or if it was all just a show.

Meeting Christopher’s eyes, Lincoln replied seriously, “Of course I hope it’s not true, Mr. Solace. The company has

been in trouble recently, and there is still a lot of work to be done. We still need you to call the shots!”

“I hate to disappoint Mr. Foster Christopher sighed with regret. “I can’t remember anything now. I’m sure I can’t

take charge of the company in the short run. Mr. Foster and Mr. Young, the company will need to rely on you for the

following days. I really appreciate your help.”

Hearing Christopher’s words, Lincoln felt even more unsettled.

Christopher didn’t sound amnesiac.

However, Lincoln still smiled and replied, “Mr. Solace, don’t worry. It’s our duty to manage the company.”

Christopher grunted faintly in response and did not speak anymore.

Yuliana looked down at him. A glint flashed through her eyes but disappeared in an instant.

Lincoln and Howard didn’t stay for a long time. They came out of the ward and exchanged glances. Their minds

were restless.

Lincoln looked through the glass on the door and said, “What do you think? Is he really amnesiac, or is he putting up

a show?”

Howard wasn’t sure either. “Why would he pretend to be amnesic?”

Christopher was now in charge of the investigation of the problematic project. According to what they knew,

Christopher already had a lot of evidence in his hand, and the investigation result would come out soon. Christopher

was giving them a chance to erase other important evidence if he pretended to be amnesic at this critical moment.

Lincoln thought for a while and said, “Let’s go to the doctor and ask about his condition.”

“I was thinking of that too,” Howard said.

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However, they still didn’t get an exact answer when they came out of Christopher’s physician’s office. According to

the doctor, the concussion might lead to amnesia, but most patients could recover in a short time. Christopher’s

case was a special one.

The doctor couldn’t tell when his memory would be restored.

“Mr. Foster, what should we do?” Howard was confused.

Lincoln pondered for a moment and then said, “Call Cameron.”

Howard paused momentarily before asking. “Why will we call him?”

Lincoln glanced at him and smiled. “Let’s find someone to test Christopher.”

Howard asked, “Who are you finding?”

Lincoln smiled mysteriously. “You’ll know later.”

After Lincoln and Howard left, Yuliana took out her phone and checked the unread messages. They were from

various group chats of the school, and some were from the parents of the students. She quickly browsed the

messages in the school group chats. There was nothing urgent. After that, she replied to the parents one by one.

“Dear, what are you doing?”

Christopher sat still for a while before he started to get impatient.

Hearing the word “Dear,” Yuliana felt a little uncomfortable.

“I’m replying to the messages.”

“What messages?” Christopher asked curiously.

Yuliana paused and looked up at him.

The weather today in Romdale was quite pleasant. The sunshine shone brightly outside the window, and the

light streamed in and fell on Christopher’s face. His eyes looked much lighter and iridescent in the sunlight, having a

color between gray and brown.

His expression was very relaxed, and he looked innocent and harmless.

Yuliana pursed her lips slightly and softly said, “Messages from the student’s parents.”

Christopher raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, “Ana, are you a teacher?”

Yuliana looked at him quietly, suddenly smiled, and said, “Yes, I’m a teacher. I teach primary school. Is there

anything else you want to ask?”

“No.” Christopher stretched out his hand and said, “Ana, come here.”

“What’s wrong?” Yuliana put down her phone and got up. “Do you want to go to the restroom?”

She bent down to help him, but Christopher pulled her hand while putting his other arm around her waist. He easily

dragged her into the bed, her legs hanging on the edge of the bed.

After Yuliana sat firmly, she patted his arm twice. She was about to treat him nicely, but then his action made her

angry again.

“What are you doing?” she gasped.

Christopher put his arms around her waist and said, “I just want you to be closer to me.”

After saying that, he moved his body and put his head on her lap. “I want to sleep. Don’t go.”

Yuliana was nervous. “Is your head in pain?”

“Yes” Christopher grabbed her hand and frowned. “It hurts a little.”

Yuliana couldn’t tell which sentence he said was true, but looking at the blood oozing from the bandage, she was a

little worried and said, “Do you want the doctor to come and have a look?”

Christopher closed his eyes and said, “No, I’ll be fine after a while.”

The wound on his head did hurt a little. Also, he was feeling dizzy from the concussion.

But the doctor said it was normal. He would recover in a few days.

Seeing him close his eyes, Yuliana didn’t say anything more. She lowered her head and stared at the man’s face for

a while. She couldn’t help but be distracted. She gently pushed away the blonde hair that escaped from the

bandage and saw that there was a lot of black in his hair roots.

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“Christopher,” she called softly.

Christopher didn’t open his eyes. “Hmm?”

Yuliana looked at the black hair and said, “When do you want to cut your hair? Stop dyeing it blond.”

“Don’t you like it blond?”

Yuliana was stunned momentarily, and then she met the man’s gray eyes.

Her eyebrows raised slightly, and there was a trace of confusion on her face. “When did I say I like blond?”

Christopher tutted and closed his eyes again. “Women always change their minds.”

She did not know what to do with him.

When Christopher was asleep, Yuliana replied to the messages from the students’ parents. After everything was

done, she felt a little bored. The nurse came in once and saw Christopher sleeping. She went out with her things

and asked Yuliana to inform her later when Christopher woke up.

It was quiet again in the ward. Only the gentle and steady breathing of the man could be heard.

Yuliana was a little bored, so she focused on Christopher again. Her mind kept drifting away. Only when Christopher

opened his eyes did she look away in a panic.

“Dear, were you peeking at me just now?” The man’s voice sounded a little hoarse as he had just woken up.

Yuliana looked at him from the corner of her eyes, and her ears were a little hot. “Can’t I look at you?”

Christopher got up from her lap and moved his head onto the pillow, but his hand was still wrapped around her

waist. He gently pinched the soft flesh on her waist. “Of course, you can. You are my wife. You can see every part of

my body.”

Yuliana couldn’t help but chuckle.

Before she could say anything, Christopher added, “I can even strip myself off and show you everything.”

Yuliana looked down and glared at him. When she was about to speak, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed

open from the outside.
