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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 Stop Pretending

Yuliana lowered her head and didn’t look at him nor did she answer him. She still couldn’t believe Christopher was

suffering from memory loss. “How could such a dramatic thing happen to Christopher?” she thought.

She couldn’t help wondering if she was dreaming When she woke up, Christopher would still be in Romdale, and she

would still be in Juxshire.

But she also knew that she was deceiving herself.

The doctor said that Christopher’s head was seriously injured, and it was possible that he could suffer from

amnesia. He might recover in a few days.

“I’m talking to you. Why didn’t you reply to me?”

The man’s voice sounded above her head, with a slightly piteous and anxious tone.

Yuliana was stunned She looked up and saw Christopher staring at her.

Her image was reflected vividly in his gray eyes.

She was the only one in those eyes.

Yuliana suddenly felt a little suffocated. She scooped a spoonful of oatmeal and handed it to the man, saying. “Well,

we’re married. We’re husband and wife.”

Hearing this, Christopher flashed Yuliana an innocent smile. Yuliana looked at him in a daze.

Christopher had never smiled at her like this before. Most of the time, he carried an impish smile.

Your name is Yuliana?” Christopher grinned. “Can I call you Ana from now on?”

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Yuliana paused and asked, “Why do you not call me Yuliana or Liana, but Ana?”

Christopher frowned and thought for a while. He looked confused and shook his head gently. “I just want to call you


Yuliana stared at him for a while and didn’t continue to fuss about how he addressed her. She said, “Finish the

oatmeal first. It will get cold soon.”

Christopher finished the oatmeal very cooperatively.

Yuliana wiped the table and wanted to throw the packing box away.

Once she took two steps to the door, Christopher said anxiously, “Ana, where are you going?”

Yuliana could feel Christopher’s insecurity and explained, “I’m taking the garbage out and throwing it away. I’ll be

back soon.”

Christopher was silent for a moment before he said, “Then please come back quickly.”

Yuliana nodded and softly hummed in response.

When Yuliana exited the ward, she saw Layla, Lincoln, and Cameron standing at the door. Lincoln was talking to

Layla while Cameron stood aside. Seeing Yuliana coming out of the ward, they immediately looked at her

When Layla wasn’t mingling with people, she carried a formidable aura. The way she looked at others, although

different from that of Kendrick, was still quite intimidating.

When Lincoln and Cameron stood before her, they slouched their backs slightly and didn’t even dare to look directly

at Layla

Layla tried to put up a calm expression and walked to Yuliana. She asked in a low voice, “How is he?”

Yuliana smiled and said, “He just finished a bowl of oatmeal. His appetite is still okay.”

Except for amnesia, everything was fine for Christopher

Layla nodded and comforted her, “Yuliana, the doctor said Christopher’s condition is not serious. His amnesia is a

result of a concussion. Maybe he will recover in a few days. Don’t worry too much.”

Yuliana said calmly, “I’ll throw the garbage away first.”

Then, she walked to the other side of the hallway.

After eating the oatmeal, Christopher fell asleep.

Yuliana stayed by the bed and looked at Christopher absentmindedly.

Layla pushed the door open and came in. She stared at Christopher on the bed for a while, frowned slightly. and

was deep in thought.

After a while, she said, “Yuliana, the doctor said that Christopher needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few

days. How about you go to Christopher’s hotel with my assistant and help him pack some clothes? I have something

to talk to the doctor about later.”

Hearing this, Yuliana hesitated, “But…”

“What if Christopher wakes up and doesn’t see me?” she thought.

Layla smiled and said, “It’s okay. I will be staying here.”

Yuliana nodded, “Okay, I’ll come back quickly.”

She didn’t dare to delay and immediately left the hospital with Layla’s assistant, hoping they would return before

Christopher woke up.

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As soon as Yuliana left, Layla sat down beside the bed. She took an apple and peeled it. It was bought by Yorick in

the morning and sent to the hospital. The apple was still labeled. It was imported and expensive. After peeling, she

cut the apple into small pieces with a fruit knife and fed one into her mouth. Her eyes fell on the person who was

sleeping on the bed.

She chewed slowly.

Layla suddenly sneered. “Stop pretending.”

Christopher’s hotel was close to Solace Corporation’s branch in Romdale but was a little far away from Romdale

General Hospital. It took more than two hours to go back and forth. It was already past 9 p.m. when Yuliana

returned to the hospital.

Layla didn’t sleep all night last night and was busy all day. She curled up on the couch in the ward and already fell


Christopher was already awake, sitting on the hospital bed and playing games with his phone.

Yuliana was slightly curious and wondered, “If Christopher loses his memory, can he still remember how to play


Seeing that Yuliana was finally back, Christopher threw the phone away, pursed his lips, and said with

dissatisfaction, “Where have you been?”

Yuliana shook the bag in her hand and whispered, “I went out to get you some clothes.”

Christopher looked at her pitifully like an abandoned puppy. “But you can’t leave without telling me. I thought you

didn’t want me anymore.”