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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138 Must Be A Beauty

At Club Aurora, Romdale.

“Mr. Solace, you seem a little absent-minded today!”

The person next to Christopher looked at him as he picked a card. He then looked at the card he picked and looked

faintly pleased. He put the card among the cards in front of him and flipped it over to reveal it. Christopher did not

say anything. He glanced at the card he picked, slid it aside with his finger, and picked another card from the deck.

The person whose turn was after Christopher said, “Mr. Solace, are you homesick?”

“Mr. Lambert, don’t say that. Mr. Solace doesn’t look like a person who’d be homesick!” The person who spoke

earlier smiled jokingly before saying, “I see what it is about. Mr. Solace is thinking about the person at home, and

not the home itself!”

The man sitting opposite Christopher smiled and said, “The woman who’s able to make herself stay in Mr. Solace’s

mind must be beautiful.”

The people at the poker table were all from Solace Corporation Romdale Branch. They were Timothy Lambert and

Lincoln Foster, who was Yorick’s nephew. The man who sat opposite Christopher was Howard Young. Yorick had

made a very careful arrangement for Christopher since the latter arrived in Romdale. He took care of a lot of things

for Christopher. From clothing to food, lodging, transportation, and even entertainment. Every arrangement was

made meticulously.

The arrangement was so meticulous that Christopher could only accept it.

Lincoln learned that Christopher did not return to Juxshire on Saturday, so he arranged for a poker game. He

invited Timothy and Howard to join in the game and accompany Christopher to have fun.

They all had a high position in Solace Corporation Romdale Branch and were Yorick’s right-hand men.

Lincoln answered, “Mr. Solace, why don’t you bring that person here to Romdale? We can all be amazed by her

beauty then.”

Christopher frowned slightly. He glanced at Lincoln and said calmly. “You think you deserve it?”

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Lincoln’s smile stiffened. He said, “I don’t deserve it, Mr. Solace. However, I only said that for your sake. If she can

be by your side, then you won’t have to worry about her all the time and have to go back to Juxshire every week.”

After he said that, Lincoln signaled Timothy with his eyes.

Timothy picked up a card and casually said, “Mr. Foster has been discharged from the hospital and is expected to

return to the company next week. Mr. Solace’s task here is done. It’s not necessary to bring someone to this

remote town to suffer discomfort. It’s only natural that you will be more comfortable in Juxshire.”

Christopher still did not say anything.

He sat lazily in a chair with his eyelids drooping, making it hard to tell what he was thinking. He casually put his hand

on the poker table and flipped a card between his fingers.

Lincoln glanced at Christopher and tried to ask, “When are you planning to go home, Mr. Solace?” Christopher had

only been at Solace Corporation Romdale Branch for half a month, so he knew nothing about the company. He only

went to the company every day during his first week in Romdale. After that, he would not show up at the company

if there was no video conference with the headquarters.

He slept in the hotel and played games during the day. At night, he would ask them to take him to various places to

eat and have fun.

In Lincoln’s view, Christopher was just a foolish dandy son of a rich family. His stay in Romdale held no danger to


However, Yorick thought otherwise. He felt that Christopher staying in Romdale posed a hidden danger. Therefore,

he wanted Christopher to leave as soon as possible.

Yorick would return to the company to take care of everything next Monday, so Christopher naturally no longer had

to stay in Romdale.

However, the headquarters didn’t send a transfer order. They could not possibly ask the headquarters to do so.

They had to probe Christopher for an answer, hence the arrangement for a poker game that day. Christopher

glanced at Lincoln again and smiled. “Are you driving me away, Mr. Foster?”

Lincoln hurriedly waved his hand in denial. “How can I do that? Romdale is your home, Mr. Solace. You can stay for

as long as you want. I’m just afraid that you will not get used to staying in Romdale. I don’t want you to feel


Even though Christopher was foolish, he had a bad temper. He would smile at you at the moment but look at you

with cold eyes the next. Lincoln would sometimes get scared by the look in Christopher’s eyes.

Christopher smiled. “Don’t be nervous, Mr. Foster. I’m just kidding!”

He then picked a card and shrugged. “Of course, I want to go back to Juxshire sooner. However, Mr. Foster, you also

know that it’s Kendrick, my elder brother, who has the final say in Solace Corporation. He was the one who forced

me to come here. I can’t go back without his order now, can I?”

Christopher sighed with a sad expression and a frown on his face after he said that.

Lincoln observed his face and thought it did not seem like Christopher was lying. Christopher seemed to be quite

dissatisfied with Kendrick when Lincoln heard his tone.

Lincoln heard from Yorick that Solace Corporation was a family business with a history of hundreds of years. Its

business scope involved many industries and had a deep foundation beyond outsiders’ imagination. However,

Solace Corporation could only be inherited by the eldest son.

In this case, it was only natural for Christopher to be dissatisfied with Kendrick. He was also a member of the Solace

family but had no say in the company just because he was born a dozen years later. No one would be satisfied with


Howard smiled and said, “You are his younger brother, Mr. Solace. He will care about your feelings and will naturally

tell you to come home if you ask him.“

Christopher just chuckled and said nothing.

Lincoln saw the disdainful expression on Christopher’s face and became even surer of his guess.

Christopher’s phone rang precisely at this moment. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was an unknown


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He picked up the phone before he looked sideways at the person sitting on the left side behind him. He then said,

“Mr. Sinew, I have to go outside to take this call. Please take my place.”

The person Christopher called “Mr. Sinew” was Cameron Sinew, who was originally Lincoln’s subordinate. Lincoln

arranged for him to be Christopher’s assistant when the man first came to Romdale. Christopher was quite satisfied

with him, so he promoted Cameron to a higher position. He made sure to bring this man with him wherever he


Now, Cameron was in the same standing as the other men at the poker table.

Christopher then went out of the private room with his phone.

Lincoln’s expression darkened immediately. He glanced at Cameron and sneered. “Cameron, I never expected you

to be able to play poker with us at the same poker table!”

Half a month ago, Cameron could only sit behind him, serving him coffee and cigarettes.

Cameron looked calm. With a respectful smile, he said, “I have to thank Mr. Foster for my promotion.”

Lincoln’s expression eased a little after he saw Cameron’s attitude. He asked, “Who has Mr. Solace seen recently?”

Cameron said, “He sleeps in the hotel during the day and plays games. He only goes out to have fun at night.”

He paused before he frowned. He said, “However, a young girl has been pestering Mr. Solace recently. It seems

that she came from Juxshire.”

“Oh?” Lincoln raised his eyebrows and asked, “What kind of girl?”

“Very young. She should be in her early twenties. She looks pretty.”

Timothy saw through Lincoln’s thoughts at a glance. He turned to look at Lincoln and smiled tacitly before saying,

“Mr. Solace really is no good. It’s not nice to treat such a young girl coldly. Remember to let him know

the next time you see the pretty young girl, Cameron. Tell Mr. Foster to do his job as the host nicely as well.”

Cameron immediately understood what Timothy meant and nodded with a smile. “Understood, Mr. Lambert.”

Lincoln was thirty-three years old and had been married for many years. His daughter was now in elementary

school, yet he had not changed his demeanor. He had many mistresses, especially young women in their early


Meanwhile, Christopher walked to the empty courtyard and answered the call.

“Mr. Solace, Ms. Livingstone has signed the contract.”