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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121 Do You Regret Divorcing Her

Harry’s grandma had Alzheimer’s disease, which was also known as dementia. The first sign of the disease

happened when Harry had just gotten into university. Back then, their family’s financial situation was poor, so they

did not have the money to get aid for her disease. She was worried that her sickness would be a distraction in

Harry’s studies. Hence, she hid the truth from Harry, missing out on the best time to get help. By the time Harry

found out, her situation had turned grave. In recent years, Harry had placed her in the best nursing home in

Juxshire. Although she was taken care of by doctors and nurses every day, they could only keep her disease under

control, not reverse it.

Yuliana only found out about the existence of Harry’s grandma, who was staying in a nursing home, after she got

married to Harry.

Harry had just returned to the Ziegler family’s side at that time. He was facing some life difficulties and had to leave

home early and come home late, having no time to accompany his grandma at the nursing home. Once, Harry’s

grandma’s disease had gotten hold of her. She only remembered Harry, so she kept on requesting to see him. The

staff at the nursing home had no choice but to contact Harry. However, he was on a business trip abroad, and they

couldn’t reach him. In the end, the staff called Highfield Manor. The maid picked up the call, and in turn, she

informed Yuliana of the matter. That was when Yuliana found out about Harry’s grandma.

Then, Yuliana went to the nursing home and met Harry’s grandma.

Harry’s grandma was only in her 60’s. Yet, her hair had gone all grey. She was so skinny that only bones seemed

left on her body. She sat in the wheelchair with her back hunched, staring into the distance with her dull and

demented eyes while mumbling Harry’s name repeatedly.

Since then, Yuliana would go to the nursing home to visit Harry’s grandma every once in a while. She wanted to

spend more time with Harry’s grandma on behalf of Harry since he could not find the time to do so.

Before divorcing Harry, Yuliana would be with Harry’s grandma two or three times every month and once every

weekend when she was not busy.

She had grown attached to Harry’s grandma after such a long period. Besides, Harry’s grandma doted on Yuliana

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very much when she was in a sane state of mind. She would keep the delicious foods others gave her in the nursing

home, and she provided all of them for Yuliana whenever Yuliana visited her. Even thought those things would be

considered common to Yuliana, they were exquisite items in Harry’s grandma’s eyes. Since the end of last year,

Harry’s grandma’s health had indeed been getting worse and worse, and there were fewer and fewer instances

where she was in a conscious state of mind.

Yuliana wanted to visit Harry’s grandma at the nursing home in the past few months. However, she had just

divorced Harry, so she was in a low mood. She did not have the heart to care about anything else. Moreover,

Yuliana did not know what right she had to visit Harry’s grandma after separating from Harry.

Yuliana was silent. She did not respond to Harry’s words.

Harry looked at her without saying anything more. He said, “You can also say no to me.”

With that, he walked into the men’s restroom.

Yuliana stood there for two seconds before walking away.

She did not have the mood to eat anymore after her encounter with Harry, so she waited for Fiona to finish up

before they went their separate ways.

The night breeze was a little chilling.

After a phone call arrived, Margaret left abruptly in the middle of the meal.

Harry was sending Scarlett home after their meal was done.

Scarlett didn’t know whether she was being sensitive or not. The atmosphere between her and Harry had turned

awkward after Margaret left

When she met Harry, Scarlett knew he was not a talkative man and was not the kind to put on a show to

deliberately make his woman happy. However, at the same time, he was not an aloof man that didn’t understand

romance. Harry was a gentleman who knew how to win a woman’s heart.

The thing was, Scarlett noticed that Harry wasn’t paying any attention to her anymore after they ran into Yuliana

that night.

The atmosphere in the car made Scarlett tense.

On the spur of the moment, Scarlett exclaimed, “I ran into Ms. Livingstone this afternoon when I was shopping with


Harry glanced at her without saying anything.

Scarlett paused for a moment before continuing, “I saw her at the men’s clothing shop. Remember that I dirtied

your clothes before? I was thinking of buying you a new one. While shopping with Marge today, I noticed that the

shop carries nice clothes, so I went for a stroll. Who would have expected Ms. Livingstone to be there with her

friend too? She was holding a man’s coat, saying she was buying it for her boyfriend.” Scarlett stared at Harry’s

face, not missing any changes of emotions as she finished speaking. However, Harry did not even move his

eyebrows, let alone say anything.

Seeing that, Scarlett felt more uneasy. She thought, “Harry is an intelligent man. There’s no way he wouldn’t

understand what I’m trying to achieve here. I wouldn’t feel like a complete clown now if he had just said a word to

comfort me earlier. Perhaps the situation is the same for all women. At first, I thought I would feel satisfied if I got

to be with him. But then, now that we are together, I wish to get something more from him.” Staring at Harry’s

stern side profile, Scarlett felt he was distant from her. Without a chance to think things. through, she blurted out

subconsciously, “Ms. Livingstone is such a beautiful woman. Harry, do you regret divorcing her?”

Anxiety overwhelmed Scarlett after she finished speaking as she clenched her fists tightly.

Harry finally replied in a frosty voice, “No.”

Hearing his response, Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief. So, she changed the topic without mentioning Yuliana


The car arrived outside the Lynch residence.

Scarlett unfastened her seat belt, asking, “Harry, the night is still young. Would you like to come into my house?”

Harry replied, “Nope. I have something else to do later.”

Scarlett’s eyes dimmed. She nodded without speaking further. Then, she stared at Harry for a while before slowly

leaning closer and kissing him on the corner of his mouth.

Harry did not dodge, nor did he respond.

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Scarlett’s cheeks were burning. Her parents had been strict with her since she was a child, and she was still- a

young woman. Even though Scarlett had stayed overseas for many years, she had never gotten that intimate with

a man.

She dared not look at Harry again. “Harry, I’m going in first.”

After saying that, she pushed the door open, got out of the car, and hurried into the mansion.

Harry watched her enter the mansion and drove away.

It was only eight o’clock at night when Yuliana arrived home. She sorted out the things she bought during the day,

took out the brown coat, and scrutinized it. She thought, “Christopher would look amazing in this!”

Yuliana brought out the hanger, hung up the coat, and put it into the wardrobe.

She did not know when did it begin, but her wardrobe did not just contain her belongings. Somehow, there were

many men’s items in the wardrobe now. From pajamas and lounge pants to men’s underwear, those items were

placed beside her clothing.

The men’s items were distinctive enough to be differentiated from Yuliana’s. Yet, their belongings overlapped each

other in a flirtatious manner.

Yuliana stared at them for a while. Then, she folded several misplaced men’s underwear stuffed in the corner, put

them into the drawer, and closed the wardrobe door.

Yuliana sat on the bed to read a book after washing up. She was feeling exhausted after spending the whole

afternoon shopping with Fiona.

Yuliana forced herself to flip through two pages without recollecting what was written on them.

Her phone rang when it was nearly 11 o’clock at night.

Yuliana closed the book and put it on the bedside table. She picked up her phone and answered it. Soon,

Christopher’s face appeared on the screen. It looked like he was trying to get hold of something, for his face. was

close to the camera.

Two seconds later, a mineral water bottle appeared in Christopher’s hand.

Christopher unscrewed the bottle cap with one hand. Then, he raised his head to drink water. He was gulping down

the water in a hurry as he stared at the phone screen with his light gray eyes.