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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 A Tiger And A Kitten

Yuliana was a little dizzy in an instant as she felt as though all the blood in her body had seemed to gather in her

head. Her limbs went weak, and she was unable to exert any strength.

In reality, Yuliana wanted to refuse and resist Christopher. However, it felt as though she was playing hard to get

due to how weak she was.

Yuliana bit her lips and shook her head. “No.”

“It’s okay, Ana.”

At that moment, Yuliana felt that men were like two different people when they were in and out of bed. To satisfy

their own needs, they could whisper the sweetest words in the gentlest tone into one’s ear in order to coax one into


Meanwhile, the temperature in the room kept rising, and all that was left was the sound of Christopher’s heavy

breathing. Everything else felt as though it was isolated in another world.

By the time things had calmed down, Yuliana’s whole body felt sticky. Her hair was soaked and stuck to her body.

Besides that, her eyes were also red, her eyelashes were wet, and there were traces of tears on her face

Christopher hugged Yuliana tightly from behind. His lips pressed against the back of her neck, and he was still

breathing heavily as he whispered to Yuliana in a hoarse voice, “Ana…”

Yuliana curled up and ignored Christopher. She didn’t know whether other couples or lovers were the same in this

regard, but she felt as though she was disrespected earlier. It made her feel as though she was only a tool for


Christopher noticed Yuliana was quiet, and her thin shoulders were trembling slightly. Stunned, he turned her

around and realized she was biting her lips, her face was wet, and her nose was red. Clearly, she had been crying.

Yuliana lowered her eyes and didn’t look at Christopher. She even wanted to avoid his gaze.

However, Christopher held Yuliana’s chin and forced her to look up. Then, he asked, “Was I too rough just now?”

Yuliana remained silent, but the answer was obvious.

Christopher went quiet for a moment. Then, he caressed the corner of her lips with his thumb and kissed her as he

held the side of her neck. What started as a gentle kiss evolved into a passionate kiss, and it went on until the

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woman in his arms finally relaxed.

Christopher finally let go of her and pecked Yuliana’s nose twice. “It won’t happen again. Don’t be angry anymore,

Ana,” he said to please her.

Yuliana had already been fooled once the night before. She knew she should not believe Christopher’s words.

However, Yuliana realized she was not as angry as she was before. She even felt a hint of sweetness inside of her

when she listened to Christopher’s words.

Even though Yuliana kept her eyes down and didn’t look at Christopher, she was in a different mood from before.

She was aggrieved and angry earlier, but she was feeling embarrassed now as she pushed Christopher slightly. Her

voice was as soft as it could be as she said, “Let go of me.”

Hearing that, Christopher got a little nervous and confused.

It was then that Yuliana glared at Christopher and said through gritted teeth, “My legs.”

Looking at Yuliana’s expression, Christopher immediately understood and said, “Lie still.”

Then, Christopher lifted the quilt and walked out of the room. He went to the bathroom and brought back a wet

towel he had wrung dry. He was about to lift the quilt to help Yuliana clean up, but she pressed down on the quilt

tightly, refusing to let him do that.

“I’ll do it myself. You should go out,” said Yuliana as she looked at Christopher with glistening eyes.

Christopher licked his lower lip and paused for a few seconds. In the end, he handed the towel to Yuliana and said,

“Call me if you need anything.”

Yuliana merely hummed faintly in response. After watching Christopher walk out of the room, she finally

wiped herself with the hot towel. However, there was an area that was slightly raw that it even stung when the

towel touched the area.

At that point, the room, including the sheets and quilts, was covered with traces of intimacy.

Thus, as soon as Yuliana was done cleaning, she dared not stay for another second and immediately got out of bed.

Yuliana was a little dumbfounded when she saw the mess on the bed, but she quickly grabbed a clean set of sheets

and changed everything. Then, she opened the window to ventilate the room.

After ventilating the room, Yuliana brought the dirty sheets with her out of the room and threw them directly into

the washing machine. She then tossed a few laundry capsules into it and finally let out a sigh of relief when she

heard the sound of the washing machine running.

Yuliana did not see Christopher in the living room when she came out of the room earlier, so she glanced over at

the small balcony used to dry laundry. As expected, he was there with his back facing the room, probably smoking.

Yuliana remembered a dirty joke she saw online in the past, saying how a smoke after sex gives a feeling like none


With that thought, Yuliana could not help but think men were such fascinating creatures sometimes.

After all, Christopher was like a blazing ball of fire wanting to light Yuliana up in flames just moments ago. Yet, he

was like the morning mist in the cold autumn now, seemingly cold and distant, as if he was free of any desire.

It was getting late after everything that had happened. Yuliana did not have the time to study men anymore, so she

quickly took two potatoes and two eggs from the refrigerator and put them in a steamer. Then, she warmed two

glasses of fresh milk.

Once that was done, Yuliana went to the bathroom to wash up.

By the time Yuliana finished washing up, Christopher was already done with his cigarette and got inside. His eyes

subconsciously swept over Yuliana’s legs when he saw her.

Yuliana did not like to wear long-sleeved clothes or long pants when she slept. Instead, she always wore loose-fitted

shorts and a camisole. It was almost November at the time, and it was quite cold in the morning. She had yet to

change, so she only put on a medium-length cardigan she wore at home.

Because of that, the ambiguous red mark on Yuliana’s fair skin was very obvious.

Christopher’s Adam’s apple rolled with restraint at the sight of that.

Naturally, Yuliana knew what Christopher was looking at. She glared at him angrily without a word, turned around,

and went into the room to change.

Yuliana took out a khaki knitted top from the wardrobe with a slightly higher collar. Then, she took a pair of loose-

fitted, soft, and comfortable long pants. She put on the pants first and took off the camisole to put on her bra when

the door opened.

Yuliana tilted her head to look and panicked. She was so flustered that she could not clasp the bra behind her even

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after several tries.

“Get out!” Yuliana said angrily as she quickly turned around.

Yuliana had porcelain skin with a slim back and straight shoulders. It seemed as though her shoulder blades would

give rise to a pair of beautiful wings.

Meanwhile, Christopher stopped at the door for two seconds before he walked over to Yuliana and asked in a low

voice, “Do you want me to help you?”

Even though Christopher asked, he already went ahead and held onto Yuliana’s hand behind her as soon as he

spoke and led her hand to clasp the bra just like that.

The whole thing only lasted a few seconds, but Yuliana could feel as though she might stop breathing as it felt like

an eternity.

After putting on her bra, Yuliana immediately picked up the knitted top next to her and put it on. Then, she turned

around to look at Christopher and said angrily, “Who asked you to come in?”

Christopher raised his eyebrows and took two steps forward.

At the sight of Christopher’s gaze, Yuliana subconsciously stepped back until her back was against the

wardrobe with nowhere else to go.

Staring at Yuliana’s flustered expression, Christopher put one hand beside her face and suddenly smiled. “Yuliana,

you always pretend like you’re a ferocious tiger, but in reality, you are only a little kitten on the inside, right?”

Yuliana was embarrassed as she retorted, “You’re the little kitten.”

Christopher smiled and said, “Sure. I’m the little kitten. You’re the ferocious tiger.”

As soon as Christopher finished his sentence, the little kitten picked up the ferocious tiger and placed her on the

bed. The ferocious tiger was about to bite when she heard the little kitten ask, “Is there any cream for scratches at


Yuliana was stunned and replied, “Yes. It’s in the first aid kit in the cabinet outside.”

Christopher went to get the first aid kit and went through it for a bit before he found a tube of cream. Then he

looked at Yuliana with a smirk and asked, “Do you want the little kitten to help you take off your clothes? Or is the

ferocious tiger going to do it herself?”

Yuliana looked like a cooked shrimp, she turned completely red.