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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9 Ungrateful

Alexander was aware that Abigail possessed not only exceptional medical aptitude but also a great deal

of practical experience. Consequently, this was a good time for Abigail to demonstrate her skills.

When Abigail learned that there was sputum lodged in Samuel’s throat, she saw it as a rare opportunity

to present herself.

“God has provided me with the perfect occasion to demonstrate my skill,” she mused.

She immediately hurled the bag she was holding on the couch and exclaimed, “Straws. Prepare straws!”

A hotel was not a hospital. Therefore, Abigail could only use a straw to replace a suction tube for

phlegm. Immediately, Alexander contacted the front desk and requested that they send straws. He also

urged them to hurry, emphasizing that it was a matter of life and death.

The staff delivered the straws in less than a minute.

They brought a huge bag of straws out of concern that it would not be enough..

Abigail grabbed a straw, propped one knee on the couch, and inserted the straw into Samuel’s throat to

suck the phlegm out, attempting to clear his airway.

Samuel’s face turned red due to severe suffocation. His eyes rolled back as well, looking as though he

was going to lose consciousness.

Abigail tried sucking softly a few times, but Samuel’s face was still purple despite her attempts.

Alexander grew anxious. “How is it? Can you handle it?”

“Don’t worry. It is not a big deal,” Abigail responded confidently.

She was a bit hesitant when she performed the suction just now. After all, she was a little disgusted as

Samuel was an old man.

However, in order to gain the Parks family’s favor, she went all out.

She sucked hard and cleared out a bit of phlegm.

Samuel suddenly coughed heavily.

“Grandpa, are you okay?” Julian and Alexander asked in unison.

Samuel did not speak. He raised his head once more and let out another suffocated groan. His face

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flushed red again.

It was evident that the phlegm was not completely removed, and it blocked his airway once again when

he took a deep breath.

“Ms. Barton, please save him!” Alexander could tell that Abigail was initially quite hesitant, but now, she

had decided to give her all.

“Don’t worry!” Abigail flashed Alexander a broad smile and then glanced at Julian.

Just as she was about to suck the phlegm again, there were footsteps at the door. Annalise had arrived.

“Oh, Anna, you’re done with your work?” Kent beamed.

He didn’t tell Annalise about the gathering at Hamilton Hotel, yet she still came. “Julian must have

informed her,” he thought.

However, regardless of how upset he was, he could not show it in front of the Parks family.

Abigail was suctioning phlegm for Samuel. She exerted some force and sucked out another mouthful.

Samuel coughed violently, but the phlegm was still obstructing his airway. Feeling uncomfortable, he

slapped his own chest laboriously.

He couldn’t describe how agonizing it felt when he could neither cough up the phlegm nor swallow it. He

felt like he was at death’s door as he couldn’t breathe properly.

“Old Mr. Parks, please bear with me. You’ll be fine soon. Abigail tried again.

Samuel’s body had already begun to twitch slightly.

Annalise realized at once that something was wrong with Samuel. She rushed over, removed the straw,

and then shoved Samuel to lie on his side on the couch..

Then, she reached out and forcefully knocked on Samuel’s spine.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

She slammed her fist on Samuel’s back as hard as she could, and she exerted so much force that even

a crisp thumping sound could be heard when her fist struck the old man’s bones.

“What are you doing?” Alexander’s face darkened.

Annalise ignored him and cupped her palm, giving Samuel’s back a few powerful slaps.

Her strikes seemed random and arbitrary, but she was clearing the old man’s airway from the bottom of

his spine to the top.

Samuel let out a heavy cough before breaking out in a violent coughing fit.

His suffocated, reddened complexion slowly returned to normal.

Relieved, he took several deep breaths when he could finally breathe again. Patting his chest, he felt a

lot better.

He immediately thanked Abigail, “Thank you, Ms. Barton!”

Then, he gave Annalise a solemn look and said gravely, “My bones are all shattered by your strikes. You

didn’t have to do that.”

Annalise was rendered speechless.

“This old man is quite ungrateful. Oh, forget it. I’ll just let him be. Most elderly people have strange

tempers. One of my mentors, Dariel, also has quite a strange temper. Sometimes he’ll feel like beating

me up for no reason at all,” mused Annalise, thinking of one of her mentors, Dariel Randall.

Abigail was thrilled when Samuel admonished Annalise and thanked her. She immediately smiled

humbly. and replied politely, “Don’t mention it, Old Mr. Parks. It’s nothing, really.”

She thought to herself, “Old Mr. Parks’ attitude toward Annalise was absolutely awful, and he looks at her

with contempt. He must have done some investigations about us. I knew it! Such a prominent family like

the Parks family would never let an uneducated country bumpkin like Annalise become part of their

family. So. what if they obtained their marriage certificates? When the time comes, they will still have to

divorce. She is not worthy of taking the betrothal gift worth 300 million dollars.”

The more she thought about it, the happier she got, and she could no longer conceal her smile.

Samuel got up to greet Kent. “Mr. Barton, I’m sorry that you had to see that. Unfortunately, I am old, and

I’m no longer healthy.”

He had turned 79 years old and was indeed old.

“Not at all, Old Mr. Parks. You are still healthy and young at heart.” Kent chuckled, complimenting


“Haha, thank you, Mr. Barton. I do hope I can live a few more years. After all, I haven’t had great-

grandchildren. yet.”

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“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Everyone, please take a seat. Julian, you’ll be in charge of ordering the dishes,” instructed Samuel.

“Okay, Grandpa!” Julian answered.

Abigail went to the restroom to gargle her mouth. When she arrived at the restroom, she dry-heaved

multiple times but deemed her effort worthwhile, thinking of how she had gotten Samuel’s favor.

Samuel also went to change his clothes and tidy himself up.

Everyone sat down to chat, and Samuel inquired about Annalise’s condition.

Kent put on a troubled smile and replied, “Old Mr. Parks, although this niece of mine grew up in the

countryside and didn’t attend school, she is intelligent and very kind.”

Although he appeared to be praising her, he was actually belittling her. Everyone understood what he

meant. He implied that her rural upbringing rendered her ignorant and devoid of insight. She was nothing

but at simple country bumpkin and possessed no other fine traits.

Annalise didn’t know what to say. “Wow. Thank you very much for that,” she mused sarcastically.

Thankfully, she was not actually married to Julian, and their marriage was merely based on mutual

benefit. Otherwise, Kent, Abigail, and Bethany would be the death of her.

Samuel’s eyebrows were knitted tightly, and he could not conceal his somber expression. “I can’t believe

there are still girls who are uneducated in this era.”

Hearing Samuel’s sigh, Kent and Bethany exchanged a glance filled with joy.

Abigail was also delighted.

Annalise pursed her lips and murmured in her heart, “The wealthy truly do not understand the suffering

of the poor. Many people in the world struggle and give their all just to survive. How would they still be

able to study?”

His remarks reminded Annalise of the host of a famous television program. The host had gone to

interview some children who stayed in remote rural areas and asked them, “Do you guys eat corn and

potatoes every day? Why don’t you guys eat any meat?” It was such a hilarious question.

“What are you thinking?” Julian leaned over and questioned Annalise.

He had been quietly observing Annalise for some time, and he could not help but laugh at the way she

pursed her lips into a pout.

“How in the world can someone be so genuine and adorable at the same time?” he thought to himself.