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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 484
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When Old Mr. Xander and Sybil learned that Annalise had given birth, they immediately rushed to the hospital. Old

Mr. Xander could not stop praising the baby when he saw her. He felt so touched at the sight of the baby that his

eyes grew moist. There were some things that Old Mr. Xander still felt sad thinking about even though they

belonged to the past. But the sight of new life made that sense of sadness fade. With a new life, there was beauty

and hope all over again. Tony Parks had also arrived. During this period of time, he saw that his two sons’

relationship had improved. He also wanted to take this opportunity to repair his relationship with them. However,

Julian ignored him. When Julian saw Tony, his face turned cold. “Come, let me hug you,” Tony said. Julian took the

child away. In the afternoon. Julian took the baby to her swimming session, and Tony followed after him. As they

stood outside watching the baby swim, Tony asked Julian, “Why?” Julian looked up at him with an indifferent

expression. “What?” “You’ve reconciled with Alexander. Why are you still treating me like this?” Tony asked. Julian

said calmly, “Alexander is an illegitimate child, but that was not his decision! On the other hand, you were the one

who decided every step that you took. All of the harm was caused by you. What right do you have to be forgiven?

With that, Julian turned to the other side of the glass window to watch his baby swim. His expression was gentle,

and his eyes were filled with fatherly love. Tony sighed. He knew that he would never be able to reconcile with his

son in this lifetime. Mina said that she would be back in a few days. However, it had been more than two months

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and she had yet to return. At first, she did not come back because she was helping Annalise to improve their

performance. On June 30th, the dust finally settled. She booked a plane ticket to return home, but something

suddenly happened to her family’s company. The biggest client had terminated their contract with the company,

and the company’s sales were suddenly reduced by a quarter. Her parents looked grim. This was the first time she

had seen her parents look so grave. She knew that they had encountered a real problem. Later, Leon arrived. Leon

said that his family could help Weis Corporation overcome their difficulties. He had only one request, and that was

to marry Mina. Mina saw the worry on her parents’ faces. She thought for a moment and wanted to agree.

However, her parents rejected Leon’s proposal. Leon gave them three days to consider this. After Leon left, Mina’s

parents decided to sell their shares in the company and return home for their retirement. The owners of an

internationally huge company had reached the point of selling their shares. Mina instantly understood the situation.

This was Leon’s family’s way of putting pressure on her family. It was said that even a powerful dragon could not

suppress the local snake. Leon and his family were the local snake. Her impression of Leon immediately plummeted

to rock bottom. On June 28th, Mina had made it clear to Leon that there was already someone that she loved. She

expressed her plans to return home for that person. At that time, Leon had given her his blessings and said that he

wanted her to be happy. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he had turned the tables around completely. Mina’s

parents decided to sell the company. Of course, Mina did not agree with their decision. Her mother said to her,

“Mina, I want you to be happy. If you like Leon, of course we would support your decision to marry him. But the fact

is that you’re not in love with. him.” As a mother, she understood her daughter. Her father said to her, “Mina,

money that is obtained through sacrificing your happiness means nothing to us.” Mina cried when she heard those

words. Later, she cried and called Annalise for help, asking her what to do. Annalise immediately turned to Julian.

Julian sent Henry and Alexander over to help resolve the problems that Weis Corporation was facing and to help

plug the hole that had been caused by the withdrawal of their biggest client. Mina decided to put aside her personal

problems and learn from Henry for two months. After the situation improved, she felt more at ease to return home.

During this period of time, she had not contacted Preston Blake once. She did not ask her for his help either. Her

mother said, “Child, at all times, you have to be an independent person. That way, when you pursue your love, you

can truly be equal.” Her father said to her, “Child, be brave when you return home. Come back to us if you get hurt.

Daddy and mommy will always love you.” Mina had returned home with courage. As soon as she landed, she called

Annalise. Knowing that Annalise had given birth, she was pleasantly surprised and immediately took a taxi to the

hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, she saw Annalise lying on the bed. She immediately rushed over and

kissed Annalise’s forehead. Her tears fell. “Annalise, you’ve worked hard.” “Silly girl.” Annalise patted her head

dotingly. Mina hugged Annalise again. Then, she turned around and saw Preston and Lianne. Preston had come

over to see Annalise. He was carrying a bouquet of carnations. When he saw Mina, the flowers in his hand fell to the

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ground. He had completely lost his composure and could not believe his eyes. He looked at Mina with a burning

gaze. He could not believe that Mina had actually returned. He had thought that he might never see her again.

Before he could react, Mina suddenly rushed over and wrapped his arms around his neck. Preston’s eyes widened

in shock. His mind was buzzing, and for a moment he did not know what was happening. Acting on his instinct that

stemmed from his heart’s deepest desire, he hugged Mina tightly. His voice trembled slightly from excitement.

“Mina, you’re back.” “Yes.” Mina felt Preston’s hug. She immediately felt sad and her eyes turned red. She said,

“I’ve gone through a lot in the past few months.” “What happened?” Preston became nervous. “My dad’s company

almost went bankrupt.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Preston asked. “How is everything now? Do you need money?” “I

need money. Will you help me?” “Of course. I’m willing to give you everything I have.” “What does that mean?”

Mina looked up at Preston. “I like you! I love you!” Preston said. “Ahem…” Lianne could not help but cough

awkwardly to warn the young couple that all eyes were on their public display of affection. “Annalise,

congratulations. Julian, congratulations!” Preston said, and then left with Mina. He had so much to tell her. Before

Mina was pulled away, she looked back and saw that Annalise had already sat up. She smiled at Mina and waved at

her encouragingly. Mina smiled and followed Preston. It turned out that he really liked her. In the ward, Henry

moved to Sybil’s side and quietly reached out. Then, he grabbed her hand and held it. The corners of Sybil’s lips

curled up. She deliberately withdrew her hand, but Henry held on tightly. Trevor also held Lianne’s hand. Annalise

looked at this scene and smiled at Julian. Julian carried their child over and sat on the edge of the bed. He leaned

over and kissed Annalise’s face gently.

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