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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 483
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When they got into the car, Lee Xander decided to drive. Henry and the rest took another car to the hospital. Julian

allowed Annalise to lie on his lap for support. At the same time, he called Jonathan Woods. Jonathan was overjoyed

to know that Annalise was in labor. Over the phone, he said, “She’s finally giving birth. I’ve been looking forward to

it for a long time.” “John, Annie’s waters broke. I’m afraid that her life might be in danger.” When Julian heard John

laugh, he felt extremely anxious. Jonathan comforted Julian. “I’m here for you. Send her to the hospital. I’ll rush

over now.” Jonathan had already started making his way to the park when he first answered Jonathan’s call. He had

to watch over Annalise’s child personally. Jonathan had already decided on the gynecology and obstetrics team he

wanted for Annalise. In a while, he would get someone to check on Annalise’s condition and whether she was suited

for a natural delivery. He would wait outside the whole time. If anything happened, he could attend to her

immediately. If Annalise was not suitable for a natural delivery, then Jonathan would personally be the lead surgeon

in her surgery. After arriving at the hospital, the doctors from the gynecology and obstetrics team immediately

examined Annalise. Annalise was now in urgent labor. Most people experienced contractions that gradually

increased in frequency. It was normal for them to experience one contraction every half an hour. Annalise had just

arrived at the hospital, but her contractions were already very frequent. During the monitoring period, Julian stayed

by the bed and held Annalise’s hand. Julian’s heart ached when he saw Annalise grit her teeth in pain and the

perspiration beads that had gathered on her forehead. He reached out to touch her forehead and wiped away her

perspiration. “It hurts a lot, doesn’t it?” he asked her softly. Annalise smiled and shook her head. “It doesn’t hurt.”

Truthfully, it was very painful. This was the worst pain she had ever experienced. But she did not want Julian or her

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parents to worry. “Take her to the delivery room!” the chief gynecologist said. The team immediately pushed her

bed into the delivery room. Julian wanted to go in after her, but Annalise wouldn’t let him. Annalise panicked. “Dad,

I don’t want him to come in. Stop him.” Lee Xander stopped him. Julian’s eyes turned red. “Dad, I want to go in and

take a look.” Lee Xander advised him, “Julian, don’t go in. It’d be really stressful for Anna if you go in, and that’s not

conducive for her delivery.” This sentence made Julian stop in his tracks. He stood in the corridor, his eyes fixed on

the delivery room. He kept raising his hand to look at the time. He paced back and forth along the corridor. When

Jonathan arrived, he rushed over and asked, “How is she?” “Anna is in the delivery room,” Lee Xander said. Seeing

that everyone was nervous, Jonathan said, “Don’t be nervous. Everything will go smoothly. Even if it doesn’t go

smoothly, I’m here.” Old Mr. Parks had also arrived. He walked very quickly. Gilderoy was afraid that he would fall,

so he quickly supported him. “How is Anna? How long has she been in there?” Old Mr. Parks asked nervously. “She’s

been in there for a while,” Alexander said. At this moment, Julian did not have the capacity to care about anything

else. His eyes were fixed on the delivery room. He kept glancing over at the doors. He despised the fact that time

passed too slowly. Immediately after, screams were heard from inside the delivery room. He grabbed Jonathan’s

hand. “What’s wrong with Annalise? Why is she in so much pain? Is she in danger?” Julian thought to himself, “Even

when Annalise was in pain from the contractions. earlier, she didn’t scream like that. She must be in excruciating

agony now.” “This is normal. It will be over soon,” Jonathan comforted Julian. Truthfully, his heart was aching too.

Although he had never experienced how painful it was to give birth, he was still a doctor. He had enough awareness

about how painful labor was. Annalise was just like his biological sister. “Don’t worry!” Trevor patted Julian’s

shoulder. He was consoling Julian. At the same time, he was consoling himself. He was so nervous. He had even

been praying silently the entire time. Heather stood at the end of the corridor and pressed his palms together

towards the sky while gazing out of the window. He kept muttering, “May Annalise’s labor go smoothly…” After

some time, everyone heard the loud wail of a baby coming from the delivery room “The baby!” Jonathan was

overjoyed. Natural deliveries were much less harmful to the body than through Caesarean sections. Natural birth

was akin to the process of a melon ripening and coming out. The process was very painful, but afterwards, the

mother just needed to relax and focus on recuperating well. A cesarean section involved the forceful removal of

the baby. The abdominal cavity and uterus would be completely cut open. This kind of injury was irreversible. “Is

she done? Can I go in now?” Julian’s vision was blurry. This process was too torturous. Just now, his mind was filled

with bad thoughts that he could not get rid of. He could not afford to lose Annalise. Soon, a nurse came out with the

child in her arms and said, “Congratulations, it’s a girl.” “Good, good, I’m happy that it’s a girl.” Old Mr. Parks was so

excited that tears streamed down his face. Lee Xander immediately looked at Julian. Lee Xander’s face fell when he

noticed the lack of expression on Julian’s face. Was Julian despising Annalise for having a daughter? “How is my

wife? Is she doing well? Can I go in and see her?” Julian asked anxiously. “She’s fine,” said the nurse. “That’s good,

that’s good,” Julian muttered. He kept his eyes fixated on the doors of the delivery room expectantly. Not long after,

they pushed Annalise out in her bed. When Julian saw Annalise, he immediately rushed over and leaned down to

kiss her forehead. His tears landed on her face. He said in a nasal voice, “Honey, you’ve worked hard. I love you!”

Annalise’s face was sweaty and pale, but after giving birth, she felt relaxed. She smiled slightly. “Yes, you should

take a look at our child.” Julian held onto the bed and followed Annalise into the ward. He could not bear to leave

her for even a moment. Lee Xander had mixed feelings about that. He had hoped that Julian would treat Anna well,

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but Julian’s neglect of his own daughter made him overthink. When they arrived at the ward, Jonathan instructed

them to let Annalise sleep. Julian immediately touched Annalise’s face. “Honey, you’ve worked hard. You should

take a nap.” “Okay.” Annalise was indeed too tired. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. When Julian saw that

Annalise had fallen asleep, he looked at her gently before looking around for their child. The child was already

swadled in a blanket and was currently in Heather’s arms. Heather really wanted to kiss the child, but the nurse had

just told them not to do that. The child was still an infant and had poor immunity. Heather resisted the urge to kiss

her. She held the child in her arms and looked down at her. The more she looked at her, the happier she became.

She said to Lee Xander, “Annalise was also like this when she was young. She was so obedient. She slept the

moment she was born. She didn’t cry or make a fuss.” “She’s too obedient, too cute, and too likable.” Lee Xander

looked at his precious. granddaughter, his heart filled with happiness. He had missed the birth of Annalise, and he

was not really involved in her childhood. But now that his granddaughter was born, he felt like his life was finally

complete again. When Julian saw the child in his mother-in-law’s arms, he immediately leaned over to take a look.

He looked at his daughter and smiled like a fool. “Mom, the baby is so small. Can I carry her?” Lee Xander saw the

burning light in Julian’s eyes. It reflected the fanatical love of a father for his daughter. His eyes immediately

moistened. He had indeed been a little petty earlier. He had misunderstood Julian by suspecting him of being sexist.

Only now did he realize that Julian’s top priority was Annalise’s well-being, so she was the first person that he

checked on. As Annalise’s father, he felt at ease and knew that his daughter would be well taken care of for the rest

of her life.

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