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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 481
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When there were only five minutes left on the clock, Julian’s results had surpassed Alexander by 620 million dollars.

Albert clutched his chest even more tightly. There was such a big difference. There was no chance that Alexander

could win now. Albert felt so nervous and uncomfortable. From his pocket, he took out a fast-acting pill for his heart

with trembling hands. Meanwhile, Duncan stood behind Matt, staring fixatedly at the screen. When there were

three minutes left, Julian remained in the lead by 660 million dollars. At the two minutes mark, Alexander closed the

gap a little, but the difference was still 520 million dollars. “Hurry up, hurry up!” Duncan gritted his teeth and urged

Matt. If he failed, it just meant that he was too incompetent for getting defeated by Julian. Duncan had even

mobilized the funds that he had not used for the past ten years, as well as his trump card. Still, Julian had crushed

him. How could he withstand this loss? Matt spoke frantically into his earpiece, “Quick, faster, faster!” There was a

minute left on the clock. Alexander’s numbers had risen a little more, but he was still 420 million dollars away.

During the last 40 seconds, the gap had widened again. Julian was in the lead by 500 million dollars. Duncan was so

furious he wanted to smash the computer. Matt broke out in a cold sweat. He felt that he would be punished for

this. He was so frightened that he continued to give orders, urging everyone to quickly improve their performance.

On the computer screen, the numbers. suddenly disappeared. “What’s going on?” Duncan saw the black screen

and frowned deeply. Immediately after, the interface of Donkey Swoop appeared on the computer screen. “Who

did this?” Duncan was furious. Then, a cursor appeared. The cursor moved around swiftly, playing the game. In the

game, the missions were completed quickly. Then, a line of words appeared on the screen, “So easy!!!” Upon

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seeing those words, Duncan was furious. Someone was blatantly mocking him. The theme song of Donkey Swoop

was playing. The sound of a donkey braying could also be heard. Then, the mission cubes appeared. Cubes of the

same nature needed to be matched in order for them to be eliminated and for the player to win. Duncan looked at

the game interface angrily and gritted his teeth. He thought to himself, “Didn’t the hacker say that it was so easy?”

Immediately after, a few more words appeared on the screen, “Cheat mode. activated!” Then, a cursor swept

across the screen, and like magic, all the cubes that needed to be matched were done so neatly. They were

perfectly aligned. The cursor continued moving rapidly. Cubes of the same nature were quickly eliminated. In just

thirty seconds, the game was over. A donkey jumped out. There was a system notification that read,” Welcome to

Donkey Village.” When Duncan saw this, he suddenly felt like a donkey. He felt so humiliated. He immediately raised

his watch to look at the time. At that moment, the clock struck 12PM. “Shit!” Duncan cursed again and was about to

reach out to exit the game when it was automatically exited. The screen displayed the results of Alexander and

Julian’s contest. Julian had won Alexander with a lead of 306 million dollars. Immediately after, the image on the

screen changed again. It was a surveillance footage in Parks Group. On the screen, Alexander extended his hand to

Julian. “Julian, congratulations!” “Thank you!” Julian shook Alexander’s hand. The two brothers looked at each other

and smiled. Albert was furious. “Alexander Parks, you’re really something. Hmph!” He was so angry that turned

around and left. His three grandsons immediately followed behind him. Julian said behind Albert, “Albert, remember

our agreement. From now on, you will withdraw completely from Parks Group and only be entitled to the annual

dividends.” “Hmph!” Albert snorted again and walked away quickly. Old Mr. Parks looked gratified and said, “Julian,

you have to continue managing Parks Group well, like before.” “I will, Grandpa!” Old Mr. Parks added, “Alexander,

you have to work hard too.” Alexander said, “Don’t worry, Grandpa. I’ll take instructions from Julian from now on.”

“Alright, alright.” Old Mr. Parks was filled with joy. He was so excited that tears streamed down his face. Duncan

couldn’t believe his eyes. He could not believe that he was seeing Alexander and Julian behaving so amicably with

each other. Matt was also watching the livestream. He said, “Mr. Smith, it’s impossible for Alexander to genuinely

be on good terms with Julian. He just lost the competition. He has no choice. He can only act that way.” Upon

hearing Matt’s words, Duncan’s complexion improved. After all, if Alexander was genuinely on good terms with

Julian, it could mean that the two brothers had colluded to dupe him. And that would mean that Duncan was the

biggest donkey of all. Just then, Matt’s phone rang again. His subordinates reported that something had happened

again. Several of their related companies were also exposed for having financial problems. Matt immediately

reported this to Duncan. Duncan’s expression was cold. “Didn’t we already activate our contacts in the regulatory

commission and tax authorities? Didn’t they say that these these problems can be resolved?” “No, they can’t be

resolved. This matter has blown up,” Matt said. At that moment, Duncan’s phone rang. A call from the judiciary

informed him that he was under investigation. After Duncan hung up, Matt asked nervously, “Mr. Smith, what’s

wrong?” “The judiciary is looking for me.” Duncan’s eyes narrowed. “I have to go to their headquarters now. Get a

plane ticket for me immediately.” Their headquarters was located in Amigenn. Duncan needed to go back

immediately and meet the people who could protect him first. “Yes, I’ll arrange it immediately.” Matt immediately

booked the flight tickets. He did not have the bandwidth to concern himself with other problems now. After making

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the necessary arrangements, they hurriedly packed their luggages. As soon as they left Maple Hotel, they saw Julian

and Alexander walking out of Parks Group. They were smiling and chatting happily. Their gazes met. Alexander

looked at Duncan with a smile and said, “Thank you for helping me improve my performance during this period.”

When Duncan saw Alexander’s expression, he sensed that something was wrong. Julian said, “Thank you, Mr. Smith,

for giving me your trump card. Initially, I thought that Nevada Corporation would be East Arising International

Group’s biggest rival. Now, it seems that your company isn’t that powerful after all.” Alexander said, “Julian, let’s go

celebrate.” “Yes.” Julian nodded. At this point, the situation had become obvious. He had been played by Alexander.

“Haha!” Duncan could not help but sneer. He scolded Alexander, “You’re a piece of trash with no guts. Serves you

right that you’ll always have to live in someone else’s shadow.” Alexander smiled calmly at Duncan. His expression

was calm and there was no trace of indignance. He said frankly, “I’m indeed an illegitimate child. This will never

change. I’m also my elder brother’s half-brother. This will also never change. We can’t choose how we were born,

but we can choose what kind of person we want to be. We can choose to be kind or resort to underhanded

methods. We can understand the people who choose to resort to underhanded methods, but we will never let them

prosper. We will pick up our brooms and sweep these people as far as we can. “Those who forget history are

doomed to repeat it. And we will always remember.”. Alexander was full of passion. He felt that his soul had been

cleansed at this moment. He had done what he really wanted to do. He suddenly felt that his life had become


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