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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 476
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“I’ll choose the one that’s suitable,” Annalise said. Mina did not speak for a long time. Annalise thought something

was wrong with the signal on the other end, so she shouted, “Mina?” Mina replied, “But the one in your heart is the

person you like! Once you try interacting with a suitable person who likes you, you will realize that even though

everything about him is perfect and flawless, you don’t feel happy. You’ll feel as if life has become dull and

meaningless. Staying together with him makes the days feel longer, and you’ll start treating him out of habit. “But

when you’re with the person you like, just looking at him makes you feel blissful even when you’re not doing

anything.” Annalise suddenly understood. She guessed that the person Mina liked was Preston. She did not know

him very well. However, since Lianne was upright and a person of integrity, Preston should not fall too far behind.

He was also in charge of Blake Corporation currently. In terms of identity, he was compatible with Mina. She said,

“Mina if you really like someone and there’s nothing wrong with them, why don’t you fight for it? Who knows if they

would also be suitable for you? Wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds?” “But he doesn’t like me!” Mina replied.

“Have you confessed?” Annalise asked. “No.” Mina frowned. That’s right. She did not confess. However, she

stripped herself while she was drunk and embarrassed herself. Preston would definitely despise her. “Haha, you

haven’t even confessed. How do you know that he doesn’t like you? You’re talking about Preston Blake, right?”

Annalise couldn’t help but laugh. Her disciple was so silly that it was adorable. “Yeah,” Mina replied. She could not

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hold it in anymore. She had kept it to herself the whole month and was about to lose her mind. She tried going on a

date with the young master of the Leon family, but she did not want to go out with him again after going for a

horse ride with him once. Every time she was with the young master of the Leon family, she did not feel happy at

all. Annalise smiled and said, “When you weren’t here, Preston came to look for you a few times.” Previously, she

did not notice anything. Now that she thought about it, Preston clearly liked Mina and secretly asked around about

her. “Really? When?” Mina became excited. She looked just like a vegetable that had dried up for a few days in the

fields that instantly came back to life after rainfall, full of vitality. Annalise said, “When you weren’t around, he came

by a few times. Always secretly asking about your whereabouts and when you were coming back.” “Really? Don’t

lie to me, Annalise!” Mina said excitedly. “When have I ever lied to you?” Annalise returned her question with a

smile. Mina was in a particularly good mood. “That’s right. You’ve never lied to me, Did he despise me when he

mentioned me?” Annalise smiled. “Why would he despise you? You’re amazing.” “Annalise, I love you. I won’t talk to

you anymore. Hurry and get the contract for me. I’ll find you in a few days to play.” Mina made a kissing sound and

hung up excitedly. Annalise could not help but laugh while looking at the phone that was hung up. How was Mina

looking for her? It seems more like looking for Preston. Another three days passed. It was the ninth of June. There

were only twenty-one days to the competition. Julian’s clothing sales performance once again crushed Alexander’s.

Alexander’s assistant immediately sent the report to Duncan’s assistant, Matt Barnett, before rushing into Matt’s

office. He spoke anxiously, “Matt, Julian has shown their power. We were crushed by them again.” “What’s the

hurry? Let me take a look at the data.” Matt looked at the data calmly and said lightly, “It’s just 30 million more, and

you’re already afraid?” Worry filled Arno’s face. “Matt, I’m not afraid of the 30 million. I’m afraid that they will

continue to receive orders streaming in.” Matt made a call to their team of hackers and instructed, “Have Julian

Parks’ performance data been intercepted? Who are they composed of?” “Ten minutes!” The hacker replied. Matt

hung up the phone and asked Arno to calm down. Ten minutes later… Matt received the data sent by the hacker

team. Matt let Arno look at the data with him. Arno’s expression worsened. “I knew Xander Group and Blake

Corporation would help.” Matt said disdainfully, “Parks Group is nothing in our eyes. We don’t even care about East

Arising International Group. What’s a mere Xander Group and Blake Corporation?” Arno frowned. “But our

performance has been overtaken again!” Matt said, “We were overtaken because they had someone new to assist

them besides Xander Group and Blake Corporation.” “There’s a new assistance?” Arno looked anxious and began to

mutter, “Blake Corporation, Xander Group, and East Arising International Group already gave Julian a huge

advantage. Now there’s new assistance. Matt, can we do it or not?” In Matt’s heart, Nevada Corporation was a god-

like existence. He was furious at being doubted. He turned to look at Arno. “Are you going to make Alexander

accept defeat now and admit that he’s weaker than Julian?” Arno touched his nose awkwardly and explained,

“That’s not what I meant. I’m just worried. I’ve been by Mr. Parks’ side all these years, accompanying him on the

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journey here. He was always belittled and shamed as an illegitimate child, suppressed by Julian. I really want to see

him win.” Arno’s eyes were filled with heartache. Seeing that Arno was doing this for Alexander, Matt calmed down

and said, “Don’t worry, we are determined to succeed over Parks Group!” If he did not take down Parks Group, how

could he take over Chanaea’s market? If he did not take down Parks Group, how could he destroy East Arising

International Group? It was just that this new assistance was a little surprising and tricky. It was unexpectedly the

largest fashion corporation in the world, Weis Corporation. Weis Corporation has always been focused on clothing.

Although their total output was not even in the top thirty of the top hundred internationally, they were the number

one clothing company in the industry. Their clothing releases would always explode in popularity every year and be

held in high regard by everyone globally. As far as he knew, Weis Corporation had been developing overseas. They

were used to competing independently and disliked working with others. How did Julian contact them? When Arno

heard his words, he tried to curry favor with Matt. “With your words, I’m relieved. There are only twenty-one days

left. I’m already suffering from insomnia every night now. I only hope that there will be a positive outcome.”

“Right,” Matt replied. He then called someone to investigate Weis Corporation, to investigate the reason behind

Weis Corporation and Julian’s cooperation. Arno saw Matt making arrangements. He immediately said, “I’m going

to work too. I still have a lot of things to deal with.” Matt nodded, and Arno immediately went off to work. Duncan

walked in and asked Matt, “Weis Corporation is also involved?” “Yes,” Matt replied. “Investigate it!” Duncan said in a

low voice. Matt nodded solemnly. “Got it, it has been arranged.”

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