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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 472
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“Yes, Julian has a lot of capital. My grandfather has given him a lot of money to try his hand at starting a business

since he was in college,” Alexander said indignantly. He would have been indignant and jealous if it had been in the

past. Now, it was reverence from the bottom of his heart. He was his big brother, Julian. The person who had been

cold since he was a child but cared about him silently. “Alexander, don’t follow me. I will never have anything to do

with you,” said Julian without meaning it. He told him sternly, “Alexander, finish your homework carefully. Don’t let

the teacher call Grandpa. Be strict with yourself, and don’t cause trouble for Grandpa.” He told him coldly, “If you

play with people’s feelings like Tony, you’ll get out of the Parks residence forever.” On the day he learned his SAT

score, Julian told him, “Go to Grandpa and ask for some money to start your own business. Don’t say that Grandpa

favors. one over the other.” On the day he wanted to marry Abigail, Julian said, “You’re not allowed to marry her.

Her character is bad!” All of those made Alexander feel that Julian did not like him and always targeted him in the

past. Therefore, he tried hard and wanted to compete with Julian. Only now did he realize that Julian had never

treated him as an opponent. On the contrary, Julian had hoped that he could grow up with integrity. He had always

cared for him and guided him in his own way. Other than his cold personality, the most important thing was that he

probably felt that being warm to him would let down his deceased mother. “Alexander, what are you thinking

about?” Duncan looked at Alexander with a playful gaze. He liked to see Alexander’s shocked, angry, and jealous

eyes. “I’m thinking I’ve always underestimated Julian,” Alexander said faintly. Duncan raised his eyebrows. “So have

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I. But it doesn’t matter. Now, we both know Julian’s strength and trump card.” “Yes,” Alexander said with a nod. He

looked up at Duncan again and asked, “Mr. Smith, what model do you want to use when you said we would

cooperate?” There was a hint of impatience in his tone. He did it on purpose. He wanted to give Duncan the illusion

that he desperately wanted to crush Julian. As expected, Duncan was happy to see him anxious. He smiled and said,

“I’ll help you ascend to the throne of the President of the Parks Group. You will give me the resources of the Parks

Group in the future, and I will use them to crush East Arising International Group.” “No problem!” Alexander

immediately agreed. Then he said with concern, “I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to take down the Parks Group.”

“Doesn’t your performance comes close? My Nevada Corporation will help you again,” Duncan said confidently.

“Initially, I didn’t include the East arising International Group, and my performance is not that far off. Now that the

East Arising International Group was included, I’m afraid it’s far from it,” said Alexander, looking stressed. Duncan

said with a laugh, “So you need my Nevada Corporation! The Nevada Corporation is the same as the East Arising

International Group. They both are international leaders. The Nevada Corporation even is ahead of the East Arising

International Group. With your talent and the capital of my Nevada Corporation, you don’t have to worry that you

can’t take down a mere Parks Group.” Alexander sneered inside. How arrogant! A mere Parks Group? A piece of

trash from the small Jenocia came to Chanaea’s territory to look down on Chanaea’s number one company. How

ridiculous it was. Relying on Amigenn as a backup, a small nation like Jenocia came to Chanaea to cause trouble.

How could he live up to his arrogance if he didn’t pay the price? Alexander sneered inside but did not show it on his

face. He said, “Julian is not a simple person and has a lot of friends around him to help him. In addition, his wife is

the daughter of the Xander Group.” He wanted to tell Duncan that Julian was powerful. If Duncan wanted to crush

him, he had to take out his entire Nevada Corporation. Duncan had an expression of determination to succeed.

“Don’t worry. With the power of the Nevada Corporation, I will definitely put you in the position of President of the

Parks Group.” Alexander’s eyes flashed with excitement. “If I get the Parks Group as I wish, I will definitely follow

your orders in the future. If you ask me to go east, I will not go west.” “You’re too kind. We’re mutually beneficial

and win-win cooperation. I’ll help you become the President of the Parks Group. Together, we’ll crush the East

Arising International Group and monopolize the international market.” Duncan liked Alexander’s respectful attitude.

Such a person was easy to control. “Thank you, Mr. Smith. Here’s to you!” Alexander respectfully raised his glass

and toasted Duncan. “Come, it’s win-win cooperation.!” Duncan politely clinked his glass with Alexander’s. The

dishes were served, and the two chatted as they ate. Alexander showed all his industries to Duncan with the utmost

sincerity, including a listed company under his name. Duncan was even more relieved to see Alexander being so

honest. On the other side. Julian’s Whatsapp rang. He received a photo from Henry. Alexander and Duncan ate at

the revolving restaurant. At the sight of the photo, Julian’s face sank. He didn’t care about Alexander competing

with him. Alexander was secretly supported by Layla and Tony, but he also didn’t care. Alexander had won Albert’s

support, but he still didn’t care. However, Alexander had actually gotten together with a person like Duncan. He

could not be blamed for letting Alexander leave with nothing. The Parks family had a large business. He had never

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thought of destroying anyone in the Parks family. Albert had asked him to postpone it several times and tried to pull

tricks behind his back many times to pull him down from the altar. He still did not destroy the second branch. He

only asked them to withdraw from Parks Group Holdings and enjoy the dividend yearly. The Parks family’s business

was highly profitable, and he wanted all people in the Parks family to be protected by the Parks Group. Including

Alexander. Even though he was Layla’s son, Julian still cared that he was Grandpa’s biological grandson. Besides,

Julian believed that he understood Alexander. Although he was Layla’s son and proud and arrogant, he was raised

by Grandpa and was good by nature. Unexpectedly, he actually degenerated into collaborating with Jenocia people

for the sake of competition. Henry called and said, “Julian, that baster Duncan had booked the entire restaurant

today. I asked the waiter to keep an eye out and put a bug under their table. Do you want to hear the content?”

“Yes, I’ll take it,” Julian replied. He still had hope in his heart that Alexander would not make a mistake. boh, he

received an audio message on his phone. The conversation between Alexander and Duncan came from it. The

more he listened, the darker Julian’s face became. As expected, Alexander gave up his bottom line for the benefits.

“What’s wrong?” Annalise asked when she saw that Julian did not look well. Julian looked at Annalise gently and

asked, “Annie, do you think a person who is not bad by nature will change his original intention for benefits?” “Yes!”

Annalise said. “The benefit is a knife in the head. Many people will be tempted by benefits.” “Would a pure-hearted

person forget the national humiliation for the sake of benefits?” Julian asked again. He desperately wanted Annalise

to tell him no.

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