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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Another New Surprise For Everyone

Of course, the two attending physicians would not reject such a small request.

After all, it was normal for interns to observe the surgery on the spot.

However, Tony, his son, and Abigail were scheming to take credit.

As long as Abigail entered the operating theater, when Samuel came out after the surgery, Abigail could say that

an emergency had happened, and that it was fortunate that she used her professional knowledge to help Samuel’s

surgery go smoothly.

They didn’t dare to say anything even if they were to snatch the credit in front of the attending doctors.

That was the importance of power. Who would dare to offend his daughter-in-law after all.

As long as the doctors did not say anything, he could publicize the ordeal in the Parks family. Everyone had to agree

with this.

This was also a good way to add points to Alexander.

Abigail promised repeatedly. “Uncle, don’t worry. I will definitely pay attention.”

Tony looked at Abigail’s obedient and humble appearance in front of him. The more he looked at the girl, the more

pleased he felt. He said, “You and Alexander have already registered your marriage. Don’t call me uncle anymore.

Call me dad.”

“Okay, dad.” Abigail was overjoyed and immediately looked at Alexander with a smile.

Tony then pushed open the door of the ward.

The moment he opened the door, he saw Samuel sitting on the bed.

There was originally a pool of blood on the bed.

Gilderoy had been by Samuel’s side for a long time and was also a wonderful person. He had already turned the

blanket over just now.

In any case, the blankets were all white. It was impossible to tell which side was which.

What everyone saw now was a clean blanket.

The corner of Samuel’s lips that had blood had been wiped clean. He had spat out the pent-up blood. Now, he felt

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energized instead.

He looked at Tony and said sternly, “Surgery? I only slept for a while and you want to operate on me. Do you want

me dead that bad?”

Julian was overjoyed to see Samuel awake.

So this was what she meant by only 40 percent confidence. She was indeed an extremely humble person.

He originally thought that even if her medical skills were good, she would still need many treatments to wake

Samuel up. During this treatment process, he needed to provide her with a place, opportunity, and cover.

Unexpectedly, he only bought her half an hour and she already woke Samuel up.

Actually, he had already thought it through. Even if his grandfather did not wake up, since he had decided to let her

treat Samuel, it was impossible for him to agree to the surgery.

The agreement to let Samuel undergo surgery tomorrow was just a stalling tactic.

“Dad, are you awake? Are you dizzy? Is it difficult to breathe?” Tony asked.

Regardless of whether it was Abigail or the two attending physicians, their statements were the same. They said

that Samuel’s heart and head had been severely injured due to having been agitated, and he had a clot to deal


Even if he managed to wake up after a few days, as long as the clot was still there, he would still feel

uncomfortable. Therefore, the best way was to perform a heart bypass surgery first.

The doctors were still emphasizing that heart bypass surgery nowadays was very fast and had a high success rate.

There were almost no mistakes to be had.

A few stents could also help Samuel live a few more years.

Of course, Tony was willing.

No matter how unrestrained Samuel was, no matter how dissatisfied he was with Samuel, he did not want his father

to die.

Because once Samuel died, his two other uncles would not stop.

Although he was the direct descendant, strictly speaking, only Julian was the most legitimate among potential heirs.

Although he was a true direct descendant, his reputation was not good because he married Alexander’s mother

back then. He would definitely be blamed by his uncles for what happened.

On the other hand, his businesses had been developing overseas for so many years, so he had almost nothing to do

with the development of the Parks family in the country.

If he didn’t even know the Parks family’s business, then he had no way of managing it.

Although Alexander was quite capable and was now the general manager of a branch company, it was not easy for

him to remove the label of an illegitimate child.

If Tony wanted Alexander to inherit Parks Group, he had to meet two conditions. First, his personal ability had o be

stronger than his current state. His presence had to overshadow the families of Samuel’s other brothers.

Second, he had to convince Samuel to choose between Alexander and Julian.

All these years, although he often quarreled with Samuel, with his quarrels, he did get more benefits. At least,

Samuel did not give him the cold shoulder like how it was when Alexander first entered the family.

Samuel was indeed more biased towards Julian, but he was tolerant enough with Alexander nonetheless. Samuel

looked at Tony with a cold smile. “I’m very dizzy and it’s very difficult for me to breathe. I can only breathe out but

not in. Are you satisfied now?”

Upon hearing Samuel’s question, Tony immediately said, “Dad, I’m just concerned about you. No matter how things

are between us, I still want you to live a long life. Think about it again. Did I say anything that made no sense?”

“Get out, get out!” Samuel’s emotions rose again.

Alexander was so frightened that he immediately pulled Tony. “Dad, dad, stop talking. Don’t provoke grandpa.”

It would be bad if it caused another incident.

Tony let out a long sigh and said, “Rest well. I’ll get the doctors to examine you again later.”

“Get lost!” Samuel shouted again.

“Grandpa, we’ll go back first. Have a good rest.” Alexander said and immediately pulled Tony away.

After pulling his father out, he lowered his voice and said, “Dad, grandpa is awake now. He should be fine for the

time being.”

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Tony looked cold as he frowned.

If there was nothing serious with his father, Abigail would not be able to take credit for anything.

Alexander knew what his father was thinking. He immediately pulled his father away and the three of them. got into

the elevator. Alexander then said, “Dad, given grandpa’s age, it’s inevitable that there are various problems with his

body. When he gets discharged from the hospital, Abigail will come and take care of grandpa, It’ll work out all the


Glancing at Abigail, Tony frowned again.

Although Abigail was slightly famous in Horington, Dr. Suller was a professional after all. She couldn’t compare to

Dr. Suller and if even Dr. Suller could not get it done well, then Abigail certainly could not.

Alexander saw through his father’s thoughts at a glance. He smiled and said, “I heard that Master Quigley’s disciple,

Jonathan Woods, has returned. Now, all the hospitals are fighting for him…”

Tony interrupted, “How can Master Quigley’s disciple be willing to lower himself to be the Parks family’s private


Alexander smiled and said, “Such a top talent naturally can’t be anyone’s private doctor. What I mean is that

when the time comes, we’ll reach out to him and let him treat grandpa. Abigail only needs to praise his prescription


Tony’s eyes immediately lit up. “That’s a good idea.”

When Samuel’s body recovered, he would have to give Tony face all the same.

If Annalise the bumpkin made a fool of herself, although Tony would also be embarrassed, Samuel would also

become more biased towards Alexander. It could be considered a blessing in disguise.

As he thought about it, his brows uncontrollably relaxed.

In the ward, Annalise said, “The effect of traditional medicine is relatively slow. It might take months for grandpa’s

body to completely recover. Moreover, he has to continue acupuncture and taking medicine.” Everyone’s eyes lit

up when they heard that Samuel could completely recover. Only Annalise remained calm. Gilderoy asked with a

trembling voice, “Mrs. Parks, do you mean that Master’s coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and long-

term cough can be cured?”