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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 465
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Mina Simmons stared at Preston Blake and pouted with dissatisfaction. “Who’s drunk? I’m not drunk!” she

protested. “Come on. I’ll send you home now,” Preston said immediately, knowing she was drunk. He felt regretful.

If he had known that Mina had such a low tolerance for alcohol, he would not have let her drink in the first place.

“I’m not drunk, for crying out loud. Eat more, Preston. You didn’t eat the last time. Hurry up and eat more now,”

Mina urged good-naturedly. “I’m quite full,” Preston replied. He quickly pressed the service bell for the bill. Mina

stopped him immediately. “It’s my treat. I don’t want you to pay. Scan the QR code now. Where’s the QR code?

Scan it for me,” Mina demanded; she was persistent. The waiter looked at Preston awkwardly. Preston held Mina to

stabilize her while coaxing her. “Stop fooling around, Mina. It’s my treat today. You can buy me dinner some other

time.” “No can do. Ms. Tuffin said that the two most important things in life are, to be honest, and to behave

accordingly.” Mina swayed as she spoke. Her eyelids and head felt heavy, and her feet were light and shaky. She

then took out her cell phone and wanted to pay. However, her cell phone slipped off her hand. Preston almost

toppled Mina off when he reached out to catch her cell phone. He quickly straightened up and got hold of her. Then

Preston put Mina’s cell phone in his pocket and swiftly paid the bill with his cell phone. Meanwhile, he called for a

designated driver while holding Mina “Earthquake! Run quickly!” Mina shouted suddenly, feeling the surroundings

spinning. Even the crystal chandelier shook uncontrollably. She grabbed Preston tightly and wanted to run. Then she

pounced forward. Preston immediately grabbed her arm tightly, fearful that she might fall. However, he lost his

balance, and both fell to the ground. Mina got up and exclaimed, “This earthquake is terrible!” She stood up and

steadied herself. Before she could raise her leg, her body began to sway again. Preston quickly got up and steadied

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her. Feeling helpless, he wrapped Mina’s arm around his shoulder for support. Unfortunately, Preston was much

taller than Mina. Therefore, he had to bend slightly to support her, making him look like a hunchback. It was also

awkward for him to walk that way. “Earthquake, run for your life!” Mina continued to mumble. Preston decided that

the awkward position was not ideal. He would easily fall again. He removed Mina’s hand around his shoulder and

hugged her tightly from behind, pulling her into his arms to prevent them both from falling forward again. Preston

finally managed to walk Mina to the parking lot. Suddenly, she began to make a gagging noise. Preston immediately

helped her to the curb and patted her back gently. “Do you want to throw up? You’ll feel better if you empty your

stomach,” he said with concern. “No, I don’t want to throw up. I don’t feel good. Ugh!” Mina started to retch again.

Preston was helpless at this point. He held Mina up so she could throw up, but he was worried that the cold wind

might get to her if she stood still for too long. “If you’re not going to throw up, let’s get in the car now,” said

Preston. Mina did not speak. Her eyes were half-closed, and her body swayed uncontrollably. Preston half supported

and half carried Mina to the car. Not long after, the designated driver arrived in a small electric scooter. Upon

confirmation of booking, the designated driver settled in the driver’s seat and asked Preston where he wanted to

go. Preston tilted his head and asked, “Mina, where do you live?” Mina had already fallen asleep against the car

door. Preston thought for a moment. Mina had spent most of her life overseas since she was young. It seemed that

all her relatives were overseas as well. Therefore, she stayed with Annalise during her treatment. Preston did not

want Annalise to worry about Mina being drunk, knowing that Annalise was pregnant. He decided to take Mina to

the Blake Residence. Mina would be safe at the Blake Residence. It would not matter if she vomited or became

unruly from drinking. Mina continued to lean against the car door and was fast asleep. Preston was worried that she

would hurt herself while nodding off. He swiftly pulled her over and let her lean on his shoulder. He also covered

Mina with a blanket to keep her warm. She behaved well along the way and did not make a sound. The car finally

arrived at the Blake Residence. Preston carried Mina into the house wrapped in a blanket. It was early in the night

and Madam Blake was still up. The old lady thought she was hallucinating when she saw her grandson carrying a

woman back. When she ascertained that it was indeed a woman, she asked sternly, “What is this, Preston?” Madam

Blake was eager to have great-grandchildren and hoped Preston would marry and start a family soon. However, it

did not mean that he was allowed to mess around. “Grandma, I’ll tell you later. Lucy, please prepare some tea for

her hangover,” said Preston hurriedly before he carried Mina to the guest room. Mina did not look chubby, but she

was a sturdy young woman and weighed at least 110 pounds. “Yes, sir,” Lucy immediately went to prepare the tea.

Meanwhile, Preston carried Mina into the guest room. He removed Mina’s shoes and covered her with a blanket,

hoping she would feel better after drinking the tea. In any case, she should be fine tomorrow morning. Soon after

Preston covered Mina with a blanket, the latter sat up abruptly and threw up all over him. Preston was taken aback

and was speechless. Lotus, a servant at the Blake Residence, heard the commotion and rushed in immediately. She

saw Preston covered in filth. She wanted to laugh, but she held it in. Preston was glad to see Lotus and said

immediately, “Lotus, help me clean up the mess and take care of my friend. I’m going to take a shower now.”

“Okay, sir,” Lotus replied. Preston endured the odor on him and returned to his bedroom instantly to take a shower.

He was still worried about Mina after emerging from his shower. He went to the guest room to check on her. Lotus

had already cleaned up the mess and put on new bed linen. She also opened the window and sprayed the room

with air freshener. Mina was asleep quietly as if she was not the one who had vomited and caused the mess earlier.

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Preston was relieved to see her sound asleep. “It’s all right, sir. She’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep,” said Lotus.

“Mhmm,” Preston replied. He instructed Lotus to stay put in the guest room for a while. Lotus happily compiled.

Preston then went to the living room to look for Madam Blake to tell her that Mina was drunk. They were just

ordinary friends. “Mhmm, tell Lotus to take good care of her,” said Madam Blake when she found out that it was

Mina Simmons. “Don’t worry, Grandma. It’s getting late. You should go to bed, too,” Preston said. “Okay,” Madam

Blake got up and went to bed. Preston also sent Lucy to bed after she prepared the tea for Mina’s hangover. Then

he sent Lotus to bed too knowing that she had to prepare breakfast for the family early in the morning. Preston

brought the tea to the guest room. He planned to keep watch for part of the night and would feed Mina the tea if

she woke up feeling unwell. However, if she stayed asleep until midnight, she might not wake up till the following

morning. In that case, he could also sleep in peace. Preston settled on the sofa and took out his cell phone to play

games. He continued to play until midnight and lay down on the sofa when he was tired. He felt sleepy soon after

and started to doze off. Suddenly, he heard Mina grunting. “Hmm, uh…” Preston got up immediately to check on

her. “I feel terrible …” Mina muttered. “What’s wrong? Do you feel like throwing up?” Preston rushed over to her

bedside. Mina did not move again and went back to sleep. Preston frowned and worried that she would throw up

again. He stood by the bed and looked at her. Preston’s knitted brows soon relaxed; his lips curled into a smile. Mina

was quite when she was asleep. Her face was fair and delicate. Preston had thought Mina was ostentatious when

they first met. He realized she was simple and forthright after knowing her for a while. “Water, I want some water!”

Mina shouted with her eyes closed. “Okay, right away.” Preston immediately poured some warm water for her. He

thought of giving her half a cup of warm water and tea for her hangover. However, Preston saw Mina removing her

clothes when he returned with the warm water. “I’m so hot!” she shouted.

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