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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 462
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When he saw Mina’s name, Preston’s expression immediately changed. It was filled with warmth and gentleness

that even he himself did not know about. The corners of his lips could not help but curl up. His tone when he picked

up the phone was exceptionally warm. “Hello?” He even wondered why Mina would call him. What could it be? He

racked his brains but couldn’t think of anything. “Mr. Blake, are you free? I’d like to invite you out for a meal.” Mina

was a straightforward person and directly spoke of her request. “I’m free!” Preston’s grin grew even wider. His

smile was exactly identical to when he was still a fool. He couldn’t even tell what he was happy about. Regardless of

the reason, he could not help but smile. “That’s great. Can we meet at six in the evening?” Mina asked. “Sure!”

Preston’s smile widened. He even began to wonder if this girl was trying to attract him. As soon as this thought

flashed through his mind, he became a little excited. He wondered to himself. If Mina really was trying to woo him,

should he immediately agree? Or should he pretend to be cold and tease her? At the thought of this possibility, his

smile grew even more foolish. “Is Joyson Restaurant good for you?” Mina continued to ask. Preston’s tone became

even gentler. “Sure. You decide.” My oh my. His tone and expression were as if he was in love. The servant, Lotus,

was stunned. Seeing as Preston was still smiling foolishly even after hanging up the phone, Lotus did not wish to

disturb him. She continued to crack open crayfish by herself. Preston quickly put on his gloves and came over to

continue deshelling. As he removed their heads, he said, “Yup, it’s going much faster than before. “Sure enough,

practice makes perfect. “Hiss, if you pinch me again, I’ll cook you all in the pot!” Ten minutes later, they finally

removed the heads of over six kilograms of crayfish. Lotus turned on the tap and started to wash the crayfish. She

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began to demonstrate. “Young master, look, like this. Their tails have three sections. Grab the middle end, twist it,

and then gently pull out the vein. “After we’ve pulled them out, we’ll start scrubbing. We have to scrub their entire

bodies clean, especially their abdomen since it’s so dirty. Look, there’s a lot of dirt when we scrub them.” As Lotus

continued to teach, she finally finished dealing with a crayfish. Preston also began to clean them. After scrubbing a

pile of crustaceans, he saw that there was still more than half of the crayfish in the pool. He said, “Lotus, get Jada

and the others to help scrub these later. Can you teach me how to prepare two different flavors first?” He was in a

hurry. He still had to take a shower and get his hair done before going to the Joyson Restaurant. “Sure.” Lotus

understood that the young master was in a hurry, so she immediately agreed. To be honest, she was also happy to

get the others to come and scrub the crayfish. After all, a master should do what masters do, and these were all

things that servants should do instead. Lotus wiped her hands and began to teach Preston how to cook the crayfish.

She first introduced various seasonings to Preston. As if afraid that Preston would not know what each seasoning

was for, she explained them to him patiently. As it turned out, Preston truly did not know what those seasonings

were for. After Lotus explained everything, she pointed at the condiments and asked Preston, “Young master, what

is this?” She was pointing at a piece of star anise. “Pepper,” Preston answered confidently. Lotus said helplessly,

“Young master, let me repeat myself.” She repeated her introduction and tested Preston once more. Preston

pointed at the various seasonings. “Star anise, pepper…” However, his answers were a mess. He also knew that his

answers were a mess. After thinking for a while, he said, “It’s fine, Lotus. Don’t worry about this part. I’ll use my

phone to record it later.” These things were really much more troublesome than his work. Fortunately, with how

advanced information and technology were right now, all he had to do when the time came was to use his phone to

search and he would know what was what. What he had to do now was to learn the steps of cooking crayfish. Lotus

replied, “Fine, let’s make a garlic dish. Now, I’ll heat up the oil. While waiting for the oil to heat up, I can prepare the

garlic or any other seasonings.” As Lotus spoke, she heated up the oil and even told Preston to add more oil. Lotus

explained step-by-step how to cook the crayfish. She heated the oil, fried the crayfish, fished them out, reheated

the oil, stir-fried some spices, and placed the crayfish… Preston watched from the side. Although he was clearly

watching every step very seriously, after watching it, he only had one impression in mind. He was confused. It was

as if he had watched it, but also as if he had not seen anything. “Young master, cooking crayfish is that simple.

Look, this pot is almost ready to be served,” Lotus said after it was cooked. Preston felt his head hurt. This was

simple? The only thing he remembered right now was how to add the oil and fry the crayfish. Lotus asked, “Young

master, do you want to give it a try?” “Yes.” He had to try it! In any case, with Lotus watching over him and

reminding him what to do, he should be able to do it in a few more tries. “Okay, I’ll add in the oil first,” Lotus said.

“I’ll do it,” Preston volunteered. He had to try this himself to deepen his memory. After pouring the oil, Lotus said,

“When the oil is 80% hot, we’ll add the crayfish.” Preston fell silent. 80% hot? He asked, “Lotus, how do you know

how hot the oil is?” Lotus reached out her hand above the oil and felt . it. Recalling how Preston had been pinched

by the crayfish just now, she immediately retracted her hand and said, “Young Master, don’t reach out to touch it

no matter what. We’ll just look at the reaction of the oil. If it feels a little smoky, it’s done.” “Okay.” Preston stared at

the pot. After a while, Lotus reminded him, “It’s smoking. You can put the crayfish in now.” Lotus handed the plate

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of crayfish she had prepared to Preston. Thinking of how it was his first time learning how to cook, she instructed,

“Let me put it in. Oil splashes easily.” “It’s fine. I’ll just stay a little further away,” Preston said. “Alright, then stay

further away. Extend your hand and don’t drop it from too high. It’s not safe. If the oil jumps onto your body, you’ll

get burnt,” Lotus reminded. She was afraid that Mr. Blake would burn himself and wanted to do it herself. “Okay,”

Preston replied. He was holding a plate of crayfish and was about to pour them in. However, when he saw the oil,

he got a little scared, so he drew his hand back. Seeing that the oil’s temperature was even higher, Lotus reminded

him, “Young master, put in the crayfish.” “Okay.” Preston was about to put the crayfish in, but when he was in front

of the pot, he chickened out and retracted his hand. “Young master, hurry up and put in the crayfish,” Lotus urged.

If he didn’t put them in now, the pot would catch fire. With Lotus’s urging, Preston immediately poured the plate of

crayfish down. Once he poured it in, he jumped away. The oil’s temperature was too high. As soon as the crayfish

fell in, the pot caught fire with a poof, and the flames surged high. “Fuck!” Preston could not help but curse. Was

the chef such a high-risk job? Lotus was so frightened that she immediately looked around for the lid. Fortunately,

although Preston’s culinary skills weren’t good, he still had some common sense. He quickly picked up the pot lid

beside him and covered the pot. “Phew…” Lotus breathed a sigh of relief. Then, curiosity killed the cat. Preston had

clearly already covered the pot with the lid, but he couldn’t help but open it a little to check if the fire was really

extinguished. In the end, flames came out of the opening. Fortunately, he was quick-witted and quickly jumped half

a step away. Otherwise, his hair would probably have caught fire and turned him bald.

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