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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 456
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“No, I can’t take it,” Lianne firmly objected. Preston was shocked. Katherine was also shocked. Katherine did not

expect Trevor to really plan to give everything to Lina. Katherine looked at Trevor and said, “Then write the

agreement now!” If Trevor was only saying that, it was not the real deal. It wouldn’t be real unless Trevor was really

willing to write the agreement. “Okay.” Trevor smiled. Trevor’s smile was very touching, especially clean and pure.

Trevor was genuinely happy. Trevor immediately turned to Preston for help. “Preston, can I borrow your Laptop?”

“Of course.” Preston ran quickly and immediately went to the study to take out his laptop. Trevor took the computer

and began drafting the agreement. Without any negotiation, Trevor quickly drafted an agreement to give all the

assets under his name to Lianne from today onwards. Katherine kept looking at Trevor’s typing. When Katherine

saw Trevor’s focused and honest expression without a trace of the scheme, she was conquered. Katherine decided

to take another gamble. If Lina was still not happy in the future even if Trevor did all this, Katherine would have

nothing to say. Katherine would encourage Lina to donate. everything and not leave anything for the scumbag

Katherine thought for a moment and asked Trevor, “If you give everything to Lina, won’t you lose everything in the

future if you break up because of disagreement?” Trevor said frankly, “I’ve already died once. To me, living and

feelings are the most important things. Before I found my sister and parents, it was Julian who saved me. I feel that

having a brother like him is the happiness of my life. “Later, with my parents and sister, I felt even happier. “Now

that I have Lina, I’ll be satisfied even if I’m poor for the rest of my life.” Katherine was touched and asked again,

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“Will your father agree that you give Lina all the shares that he will give you in the future?” Lee immediately said,

“What I give Kalyan belongs to him. We won’t interfere with my son’s decision. Kalyan’s words just now actually

touched my heart. I was the same back then. Without Heather, I’m no different from a dead person. For me, the

most important thing is for a family to be complete. The most important thing is for the people I love to live well.”

Katherine was touched again. She thought for a moment and said, “What if Lina gives birth to a daughter?” Lee

said, “Godmother, don’t worry about this. We’ll respect the wishes of the kids. It’s up to them whether or not to

have children as long as they are happy. We’re more than happy to have a granddaughter. Look at Lina and Anna.

Aren’t they both perfect?” “That’s right. They’re all good girls.” Katherine was emotional. Trevor’s agreement had

been drawn up. He did give everything to Lina. Katherine said, “Trevor, there’s no need for this agreement. It’s fine

as long as you and Lina are happy and well. When Lina gets married in the future, the Blake family or the Cook

family will prepare a generous wedding gift for her. I hope that the two of you will always be equal, respectful, and

loving. I hope that you stay true to the mission no matter what.” Upon hearing that grandma had changed her

mind, Trevor was overjoyed. Trevor immediately promised, “Grandma, don’t worry. I will always be the same and

treat Lina well like now. I will protect her, love her, and cherish her.” Trevor walked over excitedly and held Lianne’s

hand, interlocking their fingers. Previously, when Grandma objected, Trevor was extremely anxious. Trevor had

already made a long-term plan. Trevor would come over every day to behave well. He would try his best to

convince Katherine. Lianne was touched and happy to see her grandmother relenting. Joy was almost overflowing

from Lianna’s eyes. However, Trevor suddenly held her hand. Lianne was afraid that her grandma would feel

uncomfortable again, so she immediately pulled her hand out and hid it behind her back. Lianne’s shyness made

grandma’s eyes turn red. Katherine said, “It’s good that you guys are fine. It’s better than anything.” When Madam

Blake saw that Katherine had agreed, Madam Blake immediately instructed the servant happily, “Quick, go prepare

the dishes. Let’s celebrate at home in the afternoon. We won’t go out to celebrate. It only feels at home when we

are at home.” Katherine’s eyes were still red. She said, “Yes, let’s celebrate at home.” Katherine reached out to

hold Heather’s hand and said, “Heather, I will let your family take care of Lina from now on.” Heather said

solemnly, “Godmother, don’t worry. I will definitely treat Lina well.” Heather’s life was saved by her godmother.

Heather always thought that there were not many chances to repay Katherine in this life. The only way to repay

Katherine was to invite Katherine to live with them. However, Katherine refused. Katherine said that she was used

to wandering outside. When Preston settled down in the position of the president of the Blake Corporation,

Katherine would continue to live her old life. Katherine would go wherever she felt like. Now that Kalyan and Lina

liked each other, Heather would definitely take good care of Lina when they became a family in the future “Alright,

I’m relieved to have you take care of Lina. After Lina and Trevor are engaged, I’ll leave Jadeborough. I’ll come back

for their wedding int the future,” Katherine said as she patted the back of Heather’s hand. “Godmother, please live

with us from now on. Don’t run around anymore.” Heather held Katherine’s hand and said sincerely, “From now on,

I’ll accompany you to the church and say prayers every Sunday.” Katherine patted the back of Heather’s hand and

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smiled. “No need. I’m still used to having the world as my home.” Trevor and Lianne also advised, “Grandma, come

live with us.” Trevor said, “Lina and I will buy a villa in the same villa area as Anna. We will all live closer. We will

have independent space and can visit each other more.” Katherine liked Trevor. Trevor was different from Jared.

Trevor wasn’t as fancy as Jared. Trevor was simple and honest. Trevor was really willing to give Lina all his assets.

Katherine hoped that Trevor could remain as pure as he was now. Lianne also advised, “That’s right, grandma.

You’re already old. If you live with us in the future, it’ll be easier for us to take care of you.” Katherine was a little

tempted. How could katherine not yearn to live with her family? However, Katherine’s husband, son, and daughter

had all died. All these years, Katherine had been praying for them out in the world, hoping that they would be in

peace on the other side. Katherine also hoped that Preston and Lina could be safe and sound. Now that Preston

had secured his position in the Blake Corporation and Lina was about to get engaged, Katherine suddenly wanted to

settle down. But Katherine was indeed afraid of disturbing them. Lee also said, “Godmother, live with us. Lina and

Trevor will live their own lives, and we’ll live next door. Everyone will live close together and look after each other.”

Madam Blake also advised, “Kathy, stay.” Katherine thought for a moment and said, “Lina and Trevor should get

engaged first. After they get engaged, I’ll see what to do.” If Katherine settled down, she would also buy a smaller

house with an independent yard. Katherine would grow vegetables and flowers. Occasionally, Katherine would go to

visit Lina, Preston, and Heather. Katherine’s life would be stable.

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