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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 Mismatch

At that moment, disdain washed over Alexander. Despite how he felt, he raised his brows and smiled

before answering, “He’s the general manager at the headquarters.”

He was utterly displeased when he said that. “Julian only became the general manager of the

headquarters. because Grandpa thinks he’s the rightful heir. It’s okay, though. Nothing is certain yet.

We’ll see who’s the one ending up at the top in due time. Although Grandpa is supporting Julian, he’s

getting old now. I bet he doesn’t have much time left on earth. On the other hand, not only do I have

Dad’s support, but I also have a lot of supporters in the Parks family. Judging by the current situation,

Julian made a grave mistake when he married a country bumpkin like Annalise impulsively, just to regain

his pride,” he thought.

At the same time, Abigail was thinking to herself, “Still, Julian is much more incredible.” Despite her

thoughts, she smiled and said in awe, “Alexander, you’re so impressive!”

“Do you really think so?” Alexander blinked his alluring eyes and smiled at Abigail.

“Of course!” Abigail answered in a sincere manner.

“Abigail, I’ve actually fallen for you ever since the first time I met you. Will you marry me?” Alexander

gazed at her affectionately.

The sudden confession of love made Abigail overjoyed. Her lips curled up subconsciously.

“Did the third son of the Parks family of Jadeborough just propose to me? He’s the manager of a branch

office in Parks Group! Indeed, he’s so much better than Benjamin,” Abigail pondered.

However, if she were to take her pick, she was more interested in marrying Julian. “Although Alexander

is handsome and capable, he’s still no match for Julian. Julian’s charm and elegance are to die for! Plus,

his cool and indifferent demeanor makes me just want to conquer him and make him fall for me. Also,

Julian had chosen to be with a girl like Annalise. How can I possibly let Annalise marry someone greater

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than the man I’m marrying? Hence, by hook or by crook, I have to snatch Julian away from her. However,

I can’t afford to reject Alexander now because he can serve as a backup, and frankly, he’s a superb

backup option. Just in case I can’t be with Julian in the end, I can always marry Alexander because, after

all, he’s into me,” she thought.

With those thoughts in her mind, she acted surprised and glanced at Alexander affectionately. “Me? Is

that okay? But you’re from the Parks family. Unlike you, I’m a nobody.”

“Abigail, you’re an amazing woman. You’re so amazing that I’d push myself even harder in the future

because otherwise, I might think that I’m not good enough for you,” replied Alexander.

Abigail bit her lower lip and uttered shyly, “I’m not as amazing as you think I am, am I?”

“You are!”

“You’re so kind, Alexander. How about this? Come and have dinner at my house tomorrow so that you

can tell my parents about it,” suggested Abigail.

“Are you saying that you’ve agreed?” Alexander was shocked.

Still behaving shyly, Abigail suggested, “Yes. Since this is a matter of importance, perhaps you should

bring Old Mr. Parks along with you. Oh, wait. Old Mr. Parks has already gone back to Jadeborough,

hasn’t he? How about you get your brother to come over instead?”

“Okay!” Alexander agreed.

Right then, Abigail’s eyes sparkled with delight when she achieved her goal.

The next day, Alexander asked Julian to accompany him for dinner at the Barton residence.

Julian agreed without hesitation and said, “Sure.” He thought, “That’ll work! I’ll invite Annalise to a movie

after dinner. Also, I can tell her that I’ve already gone through all the materials, and she can now regain

the shares her mother left for her. After that, she’ll become the chairman of Moonlight Group straight


Alexander didn’t expect that Julian would agree to it. He flashed a half-smile and asked, “Why did you

agree so willingly?”

“That doesn’t concern you. It’s just that there’s someone I’d like to see in the Barton family!”

In response, Alexander just slightly raised his brows without getting mad.

That night, the brothers didn’t set out together.

Julian only headed toward the Barton residence at around five in the evening.

As for Alexander, he left at three in the afternoon. Before he set out for the Barton residence, he went to

the airport to fetch someone first.

Tony Parks, their father, had arrived that day.

Since Julian wasn’t close with Tony, he never bothered about Tony’s whereabouts. At the same time,

Tony never contacted Julian too.

At six in the evening, Julian saw Tony and Kent talking about the marriage between both families the

moment he set foot in the living room of the Barton residence.

When Julian arrived, he heard Tony saying, “My dad has told me about the marriages between our

families, and I’m very glad about it. Although I have no objections regarding the marriage between

Alexander and Abigail, I don’t approve of the marriage between Annalise and Julian.”

“Is your approval relevant?” Julian’s expression was grim. “Since when did he have a say in my personal

matters? He has never cared about me ever since I turned seven. Grandpa was the one who raised me.

What makes him think he has the right to meddle with my life now?” he wondered.

“I’m your father!” Tony thundered and thought, “What a bastard! Not only does he disrespect me at

home, but he’s also disrespecting me in front of others.”

“I don’t have a father!” Julian retorted coldly.


Right then, Kent stepped in and urged, “Julian, mind your attitude when you speak to an elder. Stop

talking, okay?”

Julian kept his mouth shut after that. He then ignored Tony and sat on the couch quietly as he waited for

Annalise to come downstairs.

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Tony was still infuriated. While sitting on the couch, his chest was heaving with anger.

Soon after that, a series of footsteps were heard coming from the stairs. When Tony turned toward the

sound, he saw a woman walking down the stairs.

Annalise had already heard them talking when she was still upstairs. Right then, she knew Julian’s father

had arrived.

Although she didn’t know Tony’s personality, she went down prepared.

Before she went down the stairs, she’d already put on some makeup, curled her hair, and put on a white


Tony was amazed when he saw how pretty Annalise looked.

However, his expression darkened when he remembered that Annalise had grown up in a village. “She’d

never been to school, and she doesn’t even understand the words written in menus!” he exclaimed

inwardly. He then asserted his dominance by putting on a straight face and saying, “You’re Annalise,

aren’t you? Did you register your marriage with Julian?”

“Hello. Yes, I have!” Annalise showed no signs of haughtiness or humility in her attitude.

Since she didn’t know what Julian’s relationship with his father was like, she wouldn’t address Tony as

“Dad” if Julian didn’t tell her to do so. “After all, we’re just putting on a show, and Julian’s the one in

charge. I’ll just do whatever he says,” she thought.

“Do you think you’re good enough for him? You should take a look at yourself in the mirror! You’re just an

illiterate country bumpkin, and you wish to climb up the social ladder?” Tony’s words were incredibly blunt

and straightforward.

Annalise instinctively furrowed her brows and wondered, “Is this how rich families in Jadeborough

behave? So what if I grew up in the countryside? I don’t owe him anything!”

She then formed a comeback in her head and wanted to retaliate.

Julian suddenly chimed in, “Who are you to say if she’s good enough for me or not? Instead of asking

her to look in the mirror, you should learn to know your place. Also, you don’t have to worry if she’s

illiterate. All I want in a wife is kindness. What’s the point in having a heartless wife who knows how to

read? I think a kind, illiterate wife is at least a hundred times better.”