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Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100 I Love You

Below the post, there were all kinds of comments. Most of them were positive. They praised Annalise and Julian

were a match made in heaven.

They praised Annalise’s saying her clothes were really beautiful. Be it the sweater or down jacket, she looked lively

and playful.

They praised Julian saying he was even more good-looking than some celebrities.

Many people commented asking for the link to buy the same design that Annalise was wearing. They suggested

that in the future when a new design comes out, there was no need to hire models or celebrities, as long as

Annalise looked good wearing them, they would buy it..

There were also some toxic people who said that Annalise should be more than grateful that she was so lucky she

married Julian and that matter how loving they were now, they would be divorced sooner or later.

Julian’s face darkened when he saw these comments.

He replied directly with his own account [Is your life miserable? Go out in the sun more! We will always love each

other! Also, I’m blessed and thankful she married me.]

In the past, he had never cared about what Internet trolls said. In his opinion, only weak people cared about what

others thought. Powerful people had no time to care about these miserable trolls.

However, now that he saw them say that Annalise should be grateful for marrying him, he was in an extremely bad


“What do they know?”

“Do they know my wife is a doctor?”

“Do they know my wife is the proudest disciple of the international medical expert, Joseph Quigley?”

“Do they know just being the disciple of Joseph Quigley alone is something most people can’t ever dream to

achieve in their lifetime?”

“Do they know that my wife knows calligraphy?”

“Do they know that she is an expert in painting appraisal?

“They don’t know anything yet they’re judging, what a bunch of miserable trolls.”

Annalise saw that Julian had a disturbed look and thought that he had encountered troubles at work.

She subconsciously leaned over to take a look.

Then she saw Julian typing. [Didn’t your mother teach you not to judge?]

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“Pfft.” Annalise burst out laughing.

Julian looked up in surprise. “What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing?” Annalise asked with a smile.

“Nothing. I’m just looking at the pictures we took.” Julian immediately scrolled up and only looked at the pictures

without looking at the comments below.

Annalise looked at Julian as if she could see through everything. Therefore, her eyes were filled with gentleness.

The more she interacted with him, the more she liked him.

He was delicate, gentle, protective, domineering, and far-sighted.

Julian replying to the comments was very childish, but it was this childish act he did that touched Annalise’s heart.

It made her feel like she was surrounded by warmth.

It gave her a serise of security.

Annalise’s gentle gaze was too much for Julian to handle, he looked into her eyes.

When their eyes met, it felt like forever.

The atmosphere became gentle and ambiguous.

The temperature in the room seemed to be constantly rising. It was so quiet that they could hear their own


Suddenly, Julian felt his body heat up. He leaned forward and kissed Annalise’s lips.

Her lips were cool and soft.

She took the initiative and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She liked him, so she decided to follow her heart.

Sensing Annalise’s response, Julian became even more excited.

His kiss also became more passionate. He started with a light touch that gradually became romatic and daring.

Their breathing became abnormal.

Excitement, sweetness, love… It was as if they had finally become a real couple at this moment.

Julian let go of Annalise’s lips. His fingers gently caressed her cheek. His eyes were affectionate and gentle as he

looked at her. His lips curled into a doting smile.

“Wifey” he called out to her softly.

Annalise heartbeat accelerated crazily when he said that word.

At this moment, this word was not synonymous with a wife’s identity, Julian was calling out to the person he


Julian saw the gentleness in Annalise’s eyes and smiled gently again. He said softly, “I like you, more than just like. I

will like you like this for the rest of my life. I will pamper you, protect you, respect you, and trust you. My wife, I love


This was the first time he said the word “love” to her, and the first time he ever said it to a girl.

He had always been strict with himself on this matter because the word “love” represented a lifetime of

responsibility and protection.

It meant he would never let her starve, freeze, or suffer for the rest of her life.

Annalise looked at Julian’s serious expression and was so touched that her eyes were a little moist. She

automatically leaned forward and kissed his lips.

She liked him too, but she was not sure if she loved him, so she did not dare to say that she loved him too.

When Annalise kissed Julian, his eyes were filled with passion, and he instantly took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

He kissed Annalise until she almost couldn’t breathe. Only then did Julian let go of her satisfyingly.

He had a feeling he was going to get laid tonight.

He was going to become a real man!

Just thinking about it made him excited.

“I’m going to take a shower!” Julian said immediately.

His words were suggestive, but it was subtle.

“Okay,” Annalise Barton replied gently.

Julian was even more excited. “Did that mean that she agreed?” He wondered.

As he thought about it, he quickly took a shower.

Annalise also had mixed feelings. They were husband and wife. Was he up to no good in the current atmosphere?

If he was really thinking about that matter, should she agree?

Would it be too soon to agree?

Would it be too pretentious to disagree?

After all, she liked him too. Most importantly, they were legally married.

“Ah, it’s a little annoying.” She picked up a pillow and threw it. Then she decided not to think about it and

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went to take a shower first.

Just as she was about to go, her phone rang.

She received a Whatsapp message from Abigail.

“What’s wrong with him?” She guessed that Abigail must have posted photos of the event to show off.

She reached out and tapped on the picture.

Suddenly, she froze.

In the picture, Julian and Lianne were standing at the corner of the stairs, very close to each other.

There was a light in Julian’s eyes. It was completely different from the distant and unapproachable aura he usually

had with outsiders.

Lianne’s eyes were also filled with excitement as she looked at Julian with deep and hopeful eyes.

Such a distance and gaze made them look like a couple who had reunited after a long time.

Annalise grabbed her chest.

“Why do I feel so suffocated and hurt?”

“Why do I feel like I can’t breathe?”

She had only just met Julian not long ago.

She only kinda liked him and had yet to fall in love with him.

But why was it so painful?

Countless scenes of their interactions suddenly flashed through her mind.

On the day she was most disappointed, Julian suddenly barged into her world and said to her, “Are you interested in

getting married?”

She thought he was crazy, but he convinced her.

The reason was clearly inappropriate, but somehow, she agreed to his suggestion.

After that, he protected her like her guardian.

Although she could solve all her problems without him, she felt very happy with him helping her.

He had explained to her that he and Lianne were just business partners.

But why did she feel so uncomfortable when she saw this photo?

This was because the way they looked at each other in the photos was completely different from the way they

looked at each other in reality.

“Are they really just business partners?”

[Anna, are you surprised? Shocked? They made up again. What are you going to do? Hehe.] Abigail sent a
