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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

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So, he swallowed his objections, picked up the children, cast one last backward glance, and made his escape.

However, on the cusp of losing his captives, the trafficker was spurred to action, his eyes blazing in fury.

With a growl, he brutally shoved Ariana out of the way.

Ariana stumbled slightly, and he took the opportunity to thrust his knife into her shoulder.

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Then, he kicked her aside before sprinting after Remy and the children.

Pain instantly seared through Ariana’s shoulder, but she gritted her teeth and endured it, paying no heed to the warm blossom of blood seeping from the wound.

She whirled toward the trafficker, staunch in holding his attention and diverting him from reaching Remy and the children.

Her efforts weren't in vain as the trafficker spotted her intervening again and lost sight of the children.

He closed in on Ariana.

This prompted panic to rise in Ariana’s chest, and she immediately turned tail and ran, the trafficker giving chase not far behind.

Ariana’s heartbeat was loud in her ears, her feet pounding against the hard concrete as she ran for her life.

She ran for as long as she could, eventually finding refuge in an abandoned courtyard.

Her head was spinning, her vision blurred.

Her entire body felt as though it were about to give out at any second.

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Exhausted and overwhelmed, she leaned against a derelict wall and slowly sank to the ground, gasping for breath. x] With one hand clutching her wounded shoulder, she trembled all over, trepidation making her palms clammy, and she silently prayed she had escaped to safety.

Moving on adrenaline, Ariana attempted to retrieve her phone from her pocket. But it took her a while because her hands were slicked with blood and shaking violently. But then, she discovered her phone was turned off, likely due to the lack of charge from her earlier excursion.

With a defeated sigh, she could do nothing but huddle against the cracking wall and wait for rescue. She could feel her strength wane, and her consciousness began to fade, her body gradually turning cold.

Ariana had the dreadful inkling creep into her mind that she might not make it out alive. Her only wish was that Remy made it out with Melon safe and sound. If this was truly the last tshe could have seen him, she hoped there would be someone to take care of Melon.

Minutes dragged on like years as Ariana lay there, unaware of how much thad passed. Darkness grasped at the edges of her vision as she lost feeling in her cold limbs.

Amid her weakened stupor, she suddenly felt a pair of warm hands lifting her. Ariana responded instinctively, faintly turning her head and trying to make out who it was in her blurred vision. She caught the faint outline of a man that seemed to resemble Theodore.

Her heart skipped a beat. And in that fleeting moment, her eyes welled with tears as she whispered, “Theodore, have you finally cto rescue me?”