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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1206
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As the intensity of their moment neared its peak, Zayden noticed Sadie’s distress.

Without hesitation, he pulled away and searched for her medicine.

Taking the medicine, Sadie’s condition began to stabilize; she leaned back against the headboard, trying to

regulate her breathing.

Zayden, now seated next to her, lit a cigarette.

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As the smoke curled upwards, he glanced at her with frustration.

“That heart issue of yours sure knows how to ruin a moment,” he remarked.

With every ounce of strength she could muster, Sadie shot him a weary look but didn’t have the energy to retort.

She had faced three heart transplants and facial surgery; her body had endured more than most.

After finishing his cigarette, Zayden nonchalantly handed Sadie a small device.

“Put this in Holden's study when you can,” he instructed.

He then put on his clothes, leaving Sadie without a backward glance.

Sadie eyed the device for a moment, then set it aside, sinking into the soft embrace of the bed.

She wasn't as rattled as one might expect.

Instead, her thoughts drifted back to the recent events, a sense of wonder taking over.

For Sadie, this had been her introduction to true intimacy, and the reality of it was more wonderful than she had

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Back when she was Helen, she had been steadfast, believing only Theodore was worthy of her affection.

Yet, he had never looked her way with that kind of interest.

Now, reborn as Sadie and despite being Holden's fiancée, he still seemed indifferent to her.

This newfound experience with Zayden was like discovering a hidden room in a familiar house, full of unexpected


But she knew well that sharing a bed with Zayden didn’t translate to affection for him. If anything, her yearning

for Holden beceven more palpable.