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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1160
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“I stumbled upon this while cleaning today. You remember gifting it to me for my birthday five years

back, right?”

Holden eyed the bracelet, taking it off of her and examining it carefully, seemingly lost in thought.

Sadie’s heart raced as Holden’s unflinching gaze bored into her. She hadn’t banked on him examining

the bracelet so closely.

In an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, she chuckled, a tad too breezily.

“Funny, I was heartbroken thinking I’d lost this gift from you. Finding it again feels Like, I don’t know,

destiny or something?”

She fell silent, noticing that Holden’s attention was solely on the bracelet. It was as if her words had

fallen on deaf ears. The drawn-out silence made her more anxious, but at last, Holden broke it with his

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“This design? It’s from a collection that was out about three years ago. How did five years suddenly

shrink to three?” Holden said, his voice light but his gaze piercing. Without waiting for Sadie to respond,

he handed the bracelet back, pressing it into her trembling hand.


“If you aim to deceive me, you’ll need a better act than that,” Holden added.

Sadie’s heart raced.

She had chosen that bracelet from a nondescript brand that had gone bankrupt and vanished from the

market the previous year.

She had assumed it would be safe, thinking Holden wouldn’t recognize or care to investigate such an

obscure item. But to her dismay, he did.

All her rehearsed explanations dissolved. She was caught off guard, unable to form a coherent


Holden looked at her, his expression chilly.

“Has life been too easy for you of late, making you careless? Or do you simply enjoy parading your

schemes before me?”

Sadie’s palms grew clammy. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his piercing gaze and fought to

maintain her composure.

“What are you insinuating?”

Holden didn’t bother to engage further.

“I have little patience for deceit. Reflect on your actions.”

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With that, he turned sharply and left the room, leaving a shaken Sadie grappling with her mounting


Sadie paced, replaying his enigmatic words. What had he discovered?

Torn with uncertainty, she made her way to her own room, craving its solace.

But once there, she felt no relief. An unsettling feeling gnawed at her. She needed to speak to Zayden.

After a few rings, Zayden’s nonchalant voice came through the phone.

“yihat’s up?”

In a rush, Sadie said, “Holden’s onto something. I need your help now more than ever. I’ll do whatever

it takes!”