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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1120
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“Don’t touch.. my husband’s on his way,” she protested, her words slurring together incoherently.

A surge of frustration and protectiveness coursed through Holden, causing him to hold her more firmly

against him. He said sternly, “Stay still, or I might drop you!”

At his authoritative tone, Ariana quieted, her body becoming pliant in his arms.

Holden carried her outside, the refreshing night air enveloping them as they left the stifling bar.

However, no sooner had they stepped out than he heard soft sobs coming from the woman nestled in

his embrace.

Reaching his car and placing her in the passenger seat, Holden glanced down in surprise, gently

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brushing aside her disheveled hair to reveal tear tracks staining Ariana’s delicate cheeks.

Despite his intentions, his heart ached at the sight. He wiped away a stray tear with his thumb and

inquired tenderly, “What’s troubling you? Why are you crying?”

Pouting, Ariana whimpered, “You. you raised your voice at me.

Taken aback, Holden took a moment to reflect on his harshness.

As her sniffles persisted, he conceded with an apologetic tone, “You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have

done that.”

At his sincere apology, Ariana’s tears momentarily ceased, and she looked up at Holden with watery

eyes. But a moment later, fresh tears welled up, and she cried out joyfully, wrapping her arms around

his neck.


“Theodore! You’ve finally returned for me!”

Before Holden could react, Ariana buried her face against his chest, her warm tears soaking his shirt.

“I missed you so much,” she sobbed.

“Why did you leave me all alone?”

Listening to her drunken lament over this Theodore ignited a flame of jealousy in Holden, though he

knew he had no right. Still, he couldn’t suppress the bitter envy bubbling up within him.

This surge of irrational jealousy only served to infuriate Holden further. Gently forcing Ariana to meet

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his gaze, he asserted firmly, “I am not Theodore. Look closely.”

Blinking blearily up at him, Ariana persisted, “But you are Theodore!

You look just the same as you did five years ago!”

Realizing she was too drunk to recognize him, Holden reiterated firmly, “No, you’re confused. I am not


Staring intently into his face, Ariana furrowed her brow in puzzlement.

“If you’re not Theodore, then who are you?” she asked confusedly.

Holden paused, then replied with measured words, “I am Holden Fredrick.”

“Holden?” Ariana repeated the name.

She tilted her head, furrowing her brow as if decoding his words.