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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1083
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Right at that moment, a servant rolled in with refreshments for them.

Melon’s sweet tooth didn’t let him wait. He cooled his portion a bit and sipped away. Finding it perfect,

he looked over at Rodney, who hadn’t even started. Melon asked, “Too hot for you? Want me to cool it


Trying to reach Rodney’s bowl, Melon made a move to get up. But his little legs betrayed him, and he

landed with a thud on the floor.

Rodney, surprised, was on his feet in a flash, pulling Melon up.

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Though pain flashed across Melon’s face, he managed to hold back the tears, trying to act tough. It

was a sight that would make anyone’s heart skip a beat.

He blinked away the wetness in his eyes and tried to reassure Rodney.

“I’m fine. Truly.”

Seeing this little trooper’s spirit, Rodney carefully set him back on the chair. Noticing Melon’s lost smile

and tear-streaked face, he paused.

“Remember asking me about my missing smile?”

Melon looked up, curious. And there it was. Rodney was smiling, albeit with a tooth missing. His usual

strictness vanished.

He meant to cheer up Melon with that smile, but instead, the boy’s eyes brimmed again. Reaching out,

Melon said, “If fixing that tooth costs too much, I’ll give you my savings when I’m home.”

That simple, innocent offer melted Rodney’s heart. The stern man was no more. He began to speak

softly, trying to soothe the child.

From the entrance, Ariana’s voice rang out.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y


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When Melon heard Ariana’s voice, he jumped up and scampered towards her, shouting, “Mommy!”

Rodney watched Ariana walk in. Taking a good look at her, he observed.

“Your boy sure has your Looks.”

Ariana, a bit bemused by the obvious statement, held her tongue.

With a gentle smile, she said, “Everyone says he’s got my eyes.”

She then noticed Melon’s reddened eyes, a look of concern crossing her face. Tenderly touching his

face, she asked, “Honey, why the tears? Were you upset?”

Trying to be brave, Melon replied, “I took a little tumble earlier.

But I’m okay. Mr. Chadwick helped.”

Ariana gave Rodney a grateful nod, to which he just shrugged, then asked, “I know you’re friends with

Mitchell, but how come we’ve never met?”

Catching the underlying curiosity in Rodney’s tone, Ariana kept her cool.