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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chatper 416
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Chapter 416

No one knew how long it had been.

What they did know was that every bottle on the table was now empty!

Elio swayed as he rose from the couch, and his arm outstretched towards the bartender,

“More booze, and make it quick!”

“Elio, our boss already said, you can’t have another drop. Let me help you to a room so

you can rest?”

“Why can’t I have more? You think I can’t foot the bill, is that it?”

Elio was unsteady on his feet. He stumbled a few steps, crashing into a pillar. A nearby

waiter quickly rushed to his aid.

“Of course not, Elio. We all know you’re good for the money. We just don’t want you

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waking up to a nasty hangover tomorrow. Come, let’s get you to bed.”

“I don’t want to sleep; get off me!”

The bartenders exchanged a glance before one of them said, “Take Elio to a room, and

bring him some iced water and aspirin.”

As Elio was being led away, he kept on ranting, “I want a drink. Don’t touch me! I can

afford it. Don’t you hear me? I can buy anything I want, women included! What’s the big


“Clara, if he ever mistreats you, don’t expect me to step in! You chose to go back to him!”

“And Emmett, you… you’re a damn jerk, picking on Clara! I’ll kill you!”

The waiters, hearing Emmett’s name, were anxious to avoid any trouble. They wished they

could just silence Elio before he caused a scene.

If anyone in the bar knew Emmett, it could spell trouble.

If news or rumors about Emmett spread from this bar, they would be in deep water!

They finally managed to get Elio into a room. He fished out his phone and handed it to one

of the waiters, “Call Clara. Have her pick me up.”

“Oh, you’re leaving? Alright, I’ll do that now!”

The waiter quickly dialed Clara’s number, but there was no answer.

“Elio, are you sure this is the right number? I’ve tried three times already, and there’s no


“Keep trying, keep trying. Use your own phone if you have to!” Elio suddenly felt a pang in

his stomach.

His instincts drove him towards the bathroom, but before he could reach it, he threw up on

the floor.

One of the waiters quickly grabbed some paper towels and rushed over, “Elio, here, clean

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up first. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“I feel sick; do you get it? Sick!”

After throwing up, Elio suddenly slumped backward, as if all his strength had left him!

If the room hadn’t been carpeted, he might have hit the floor hard.

The waiter with the phone sighed and continued dialing the number.

After several attempts, someone finally picked up, but it was a man’s voice.

“Hello! Are you a friend of Mr. Elio’s?” the waiter asked hastily.

“Who’s this?” The deep voice carried a natural authority that made the waiter inexplicably


But he hadn’t done anything wrong, so why did he feel this way?

“Um… I’m a bartender at the club. He’s had too much to drink and kept insisting that we

call this number. If it’s not too much trouble, could you come and pick him up?”