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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

“Taylor… Taylor, no, it’s not what you think. Let me explain!” Clara suddenly furrowed her

brows, gripping Emmett’s sleeve lightly, and then her eyes flew open!

This man’s eyes… they were so similar to that pair she saw that night!

“Who are you?”

Years of caution drove Clara to throw a punch his way before even getting an answer

Emmett took the punch, frozen in place.

Who would have thought that he, the CEO of Melendez Company and the only heir of the

Melendez family, would get punched by a woman he’d never met before!

“Sir, are you alright?” Matt hurried over, pushing Clara aside and checking Emmett’s

condition, “This woman is ungrateful! Our boss saved her and she dares to hit

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Realizing that she’d punched the wrong person, Clara hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry, it

was unintentional! I’ll take responsibility if you’re hurt!”

“Can you really afford to? This gentleman is the CEO of Melendez! Can you compensate

for any work he might miss because of this?”

The CEO of Melendez?! Clara’s eyes widened in shock. That meant… he was the big boss

of her new company. The one who would be signing her paycheck!

“Matt” Emmett spoke in low voice, “Leave us.”

“…Yes, sir.”

Though reluctant, Matt didn’t dare to defy Emmett’s order! He wondered what got into

Emmett today!

It was surprising enough that he helped this woman, and now he was taking a beating

from her without retaliation!

After Matt left, only Clara and Emmett remained in the room. Feeling the awkward

atmosphere, Clara hurriedly apologized again, “I’m sorry, Mr. Melendez! I really didn’t

expect this. I was beaten up by a bunch of debt collectors, and when I opened my eyes

and saw you, I thought you were…

“Debt collectors?” Emmett arched an eyebrow, intrigued.

“Yeah, they’re after my father’s gambling debt. They couldn’t find him, so they came after

me.” Clara bit her lip, feeling a bit embarrassed, “It’s my first day at Melendez, and I was

supposed to deliver some documents to the head office….

“You know Taylor Emmett interrupted her, making a statement.

He wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but he wanted to see her reaction.

Just as he expected, a flicker of panic in her eyes confirmed that the man she had been

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blabbering about was Taylor, the CEO of AW Company.

“I… I don’t know who he is!”

Emmett kept his eyes on her, not missing a single change in her gaze, “You’re Taylor’s


“No, I’m really not!” Clara quickly waved her hands. She was in no position to have any

connection with Taylor! Taylor was now a high–flying CEO, a top bachelor amongst the

elite, while she was just a humble single mother struggling to make ends meet!

“Then have you seen me before?” Emmett found himself slightly hopeful.

Could she be that woman from that night? He didn’t see her face that night, but he

remembered her eyes, clear as glass, unforgettable!

“No.” Clara shook her head firmly, ‘Mr. Melendez, I’m really just a newly hired secretary at

the Melendez Company! I’m here to deliver documents. If you don’t believe me, I can

show you!”