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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

“You’re off work and I’m just about to hit the hay. We’ve had a rough day, and you’re still

bugging unt

Clara suddenly heard Alex’s voice from the other end, “Mr. Milburn, done with your

chitchat? I want ice cream!”

“Alright! Gotta cut this short. I’m off to get Alex some goodies!

“Don’t spoil him too much! Don’t get him everything he asks for, youll spoil him rotten!

Before Clara could finish, Elio had already hung up

She looked at her phone screen and laughed.

Deep down. Clara knew Alex was just putting on a show to put her at easel

That kid always looking carefree and indifferent on the outside, but he’s actually very


Tucking her phone away. Clara walked back to Emmett

He asked. “Who was that?”

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“Just a friend”

“A guy?”

Clara glanced at him, then to avoid any suspicions she replied, “A female friend”

Emmett didn’t ask any more, ‘Let’s head back to the office.”


Aiden searched high and low to no avail and finally had to head back to school.

His disappearance had caused a major panic among the teachers at school. They were all

about to go out and search for him!

“Aiden, where have you been!”

“I just had to take care of something!”

The teachers looked like they were about to cry. “Do you know how worried we were! We

almost notified the Melendez family!”

“You didn’t, did you?”

“Not yet!” They were also afraid to alert the Melendez family.

Aiden finally breathed a sigh of relief, “Don’t worry, I’m fine! There’s no need to tell my


He walked back to his seat, feeling a little down, his mind full of thoughts about Alex.

He had no idea what had happened to Alex He just up and left so suddenly!

His mom had planned to settle down here with Alex, why did they suddenly leave?

While he was deep in thought, his phone buzzed!

A text message!

Aiden quickly opened it, it was from an unknown number, but as soon as he read the tone

of the message, he knew it was from Alex!

[Aiden, I’m leaving for a while! I’ll come to find you when I get back! Don’t fight with me

over mom during this time!]

Aiden sighed

Even at a time like this, he was still thinking about fighting over their mom!

His immediate response was, [Mom didn’t go with you?]

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[Yeah, she said she had some stuff to do, she’ll come and get me later! Don’t show up

when I leave! I’ve thought about it for a long time and I don’t want to share my mom with

anyone! You have everything in the Melendez family, but all I have is mom! Bro, leave me

someone, will ya!]

Looking at the occasional mistakes in the message, Aiden knew it was something Alex

would do!


To be honest, Aiden could understand Alex’s feelings!

To others, he undoubtedly was a child born into a wealthy family, and the Melendez family

was a large clan.

But they didn’t know that he toe, was yearning for a mother’s love.

On the way back to the office. Elio sent her some photos, but Clara didn’t dare to look at

them until she was sure that Emmett had gone into the meeting room.

The kid in the photos looked happy enough But Clara could tell from his expression that he

was pretending to be happy

At that moment,/Clara’s eyes filled with tears.